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127. An unexpected encounter

126. Jon wakes up

125. Jon keeps his promise

124. Fixing the mess

123. Jon is caught

122. Six people, two bodies, one de

121. After class

120. Desperate times call for...

119. Look who's back

118. Jon's favorite class

117. Someone's plotting...

116. Jon helps out

115. Table for Two

114. Not all it's cracked up to be

113. Gym just got more interesting

112. Teacher from Hell

111. Off to Class

110. The most important meal of the

109. Jon continues to get ready

108. Morning comes fast

Chick for a Dick: Hallway Confessions

on 2017-06-11 20:46:50

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After a stop in the bathroom, Jon went to his closet and picked out a t-shirt and jeans. He was glad that Karyn had barely even woken up during his piss before dozing back off. Their session with Lisa and Nadia had been incredible, and spending the rest of the night stuck in his pants waiting to be let back out would be anticlimactic in comparison.

It was well into night by the time Jon stepped out of his room into the dark hallway. As he did, he almost collided with a shadowy figure. Jon let out a shout and jumped back as the figure let out a scream and did the same.


"Shit, Jon! You almost gave me a heart attack!"

Jon flicked on the hallway lights and looked at his sister. "Sorry. I just didn't know you were out here." Zoe began to edge away, moving further down the hall. "No problem. It's my fault." She turned and started for the door to her room. Jon paused. His sister never backed down in an argument. Unless she was hiding something. It was one of her obvious habits. "Hold it!"

Zoe froze, not turning to face him. She was acting guilty, the same way she did when their mom caught her red handed. "Are... are you just getting home?" Zoe slowly turned around.

"Jon, I'm sorry! We lost track of time! We didn't realize how late it was! I swear, the car is fine! I even filled it up!"

Jon stood on, watching as his sister confess. He didn't really care about the car. But he was enjoying the power trip way too much to let it go. "You lost track of time?" he asked, trying to sound authoritative. "Y-yeah," she stammered.

"Where did you go?"

"Just, you know, around." She moved to stand in front of the door to her room.


"Yeah..." She scratched behind her ear. Another habit when she tried to play it cool.

"Nothing happened?"

"I told you: the car is fine."

"Nothing else happened?" Zoe squared up. "Nothing happened! Mind your own fucking business!" Now Jon was getting concerned. Zoe had snapped at him before, but never like this. "Zoe, honestly, what happens tonight?"

"I made out with Athena."


Zoe let out a sigh. "In this reality, I have never been with a girl before. It doesn't matter that Athena has four dicks on her, she's still considered a girl. I always thought I was straight, but... We were driving around, going down back roads where we could speed without getting caught and ended up in the middle of nowhere. The speed, the excitement of it... We ended up pulling over... We were laughing, fired up, energized. The next thing I knew... we were kissing."

"Who started it?"

There was a pause. "I did," came Zoe's quite voice.

"Did you know that Athena is attracted to you?"

"No. I mean, not before. As soon as I made my move, she was all over me. It's like a dam burst. And I... I enjoyed it. I don't know how long we made out. We both got to second base, but that was pretty intense, too, because once our shirts were off Tiffany and Amber gave her cock-nipples blowjobs. When her tit-dicks came, so did the other two. Her nose came all over my face and the interior of your car. She was super embarrassed and jumped out, but I chased after her and calmed her down.

"We ended up needing to use our socks to clean ourselves and your car. I couldn't help but sneak a peek at the cock between Athena's legs when she was wiping it off. Fuck, she's hung like a horse. I hoped that she would make the next move, but when she came back to the car, she was quiet and blushing deeply. That was when I realized that she had been trying to get me to look. I was so embarrassed. We drove back with the windows down to air out the car. We didn't really talk. I dropped her off and came back. I made sure your car was clean, filled it up, and put it back. I was hoping to sneak back in with you knowing."

There was a pause. Jon wasn't sure what to say, and Zoe wouldn't act unless she was asked a question or released from her trance. "How do you, you know, feel about all of this?"

"I... I don't know. I'm afraid of what people might say. I'm worried about what Athena will say. I don't even know what I am. Am I bi? A lesbian? Just curious and horny? I don't know. All I know is it felt good, and naughty, and hot, and... right."

Jon let out a sigh. It was clear that Zoe was confused. This was something that she would need time to figure out. "Hey, sorry. I'm not trying to butt in. You're my sister. Believe it or not, I just want to make sure you're ok."

Zoe, gave a weak laugh, now free of his hold over her. "Yeah, sure, Jon," she said sarcastically. Zoe was surprised to see a genuine look of sincerity on her brother's face. She took a breath and looked him in the eyes. "I'm fine," she said. Her voice quivered slightly, betraying the emotions churning within her.

Jon walked forward and gave her a gently hug. "If you need to talk, I'm here." Zoe was ridged with surprise, but relaxed after a moment and gently wrapped her arms around him. "Yeah, I know," she whispered. The two stepped apart and looked at each other for a moment before Zoe turned, opened her door, and stepped inside.

"Hey, listen Jon, thanks for," she turned around. Her face turned to confusion, then annoyance. "Thanks for just walking away," she said, rolling her eyes. Jon was about to protest when he suddenly remembered one of his first wishes: nobody in Zoe's room would notice him.

Jon laughed and was about to actually walk away when a voice called out from inside the room. "I was changed!"

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