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126. Jon wakes up

125. Jon keeps his promise

124. Fixing the mess

123. Jon is caught

122. Six people, two bodies, one de

121. After class

120. Desperate times call for...

119. Look who's back

118. Jon's favorite class

117. Someone's plotting...

116. Jon helps out

115. Table for Two

114. Not all it's cracked up to be

113. Gym just got more interesting

112. Teacher from Hell

111. Off to Class

110. The most important meal of the

109. Jon continues to get ready

108. Morning comes fast

107. Establishing a new "normal"

Chick for a Dick: Dazed and Confused

on 2017-06-11 20:43:13

2970 hits, 144 views, 3 upvotes.

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Jon woke up groggily, feeling displaced and unsure of his surroundings. It took him several moments to realize he was in his transformed room. However, something was off. The light from the skylight above him was dim and purple. The dusk sky was casting the room in an unfamiliar light. What time is it? How long have I been out? Jon was still trying to shake the cobwebs from his head when something warm and wet pressed against his abdomen. He jolted slightly before a soft voice hushed him and an even softer hand caressed his face.

"It's all right, Master. It's only me," Lisa said tenderly. "I was trying not to wake any of you up. We all made quite the mess." Jon looked over and saw that Lisa was back to her normal size and kneeling next to the bed, gently blotting his lower body with a damp washcloth. As his consciousness returned, Jon could smell the pungent odor of cum in the air. Jon replayed the encounter in his mind, the incredible pleasure he had felt. It was the most intense sexual experience he had ever had, and he hadn't even penetrated a girl.

Lisa finished cleaning up around Jon's crotch and pulled the washcloth back, giving him an unobstructed view of his lower body. Karyn was deep asleep, her form flaccid and laying towards his stomach. Laying on top of her was the slumbering Nadia. Her form retained its recent transformations with eighteen arms sprouting out of her sides and shoulders, many of them wrapped around Karyn in a cuddling embrace. Her lower body was still in its cockring configuration, although the circle her legs had become now hung loosely around Karyn's hilt since the penis-girl was no longer erect. Despite the bizarreness of the situation, they looked adorable.

Sensing his feelings, Lisa smiled and gave a soft giggle. "I was the first to wake up and they just looked too cute to disturb, so I decided I would let everyone sleep while I tidied us all up." Jon nodded groggily and brought his hand up to rub the sleep from his eyes. He heard Lisa giggle again as she stood up. He could sense that she was leaning in a placed an affectionate kiss on his cheek. Although, that wasn't all he felt. A noticeable bulge had pressed against him when Lisa leaned in. His eyes shot open and went to her crotch where he was disconcerted to find Lisa was still sporting the large dick Karyn had instructed her to grow. It dangled flaccidly between her legs.

Now that Lisa had returned to her normal size, Jon could properly understand how big it was. It was huge! Jon had seen several penis transformations since unleashing the power of the stone, but the only penises he had seen which were bigger were his and Liz's. Even then, his was the miniature body of a girl and Liz's belonged on a stallion. The 9" cock Lisa had was the biggest human dick Jon had ever seen. "Um... Lisa... why do you still have that?" Jon asked as he pointed to her crotch.

Lisa giggle and thrust her hips forward before looking down, struggling to see it past her enormous breasts. "Sorry, Master. I know you do not have any interest in penises, but it was so much fun I had wanted to keep it a little longer. May I, Master? Look!"

She gently lifted up her balls to show her vagina hidden behind them. "I grew my pussy back. I thought that maybe you could fuck me while I fucked Nadia. Or you could fuck me while she sucked me off. Oh! Or you could fuck me and I could have her turn her mouth into a pussy. You seem to like that so I would like to try-"


She stopped mid-sentence and composed herself. She cupped her hands daintily in front of her and curtsied. This caused her now hard member to bob perversely, but Lisa seemed oblivious to it. She was simply happy to await her master's orders. At his crotch, Nadia stirred slightly, a few of her arms stretching slightly before she turned her head and nuzzled closer to Karyn. The penis-girl, however, was completely oblivious to the world around her.

Jon let out a sigh as he looked at Lisa. The thought of having a penis other than his involved in his sex life weirded him out. Even the thought that Karyn, his dick, had been fucked by the monster now hanging between Lisa's legs was extremely unsettling. What was even more confusing was that he knew just how good it had felt as Karyn was getting fucked. Jon shook his head, nowhere near awake enough to consider the topic or its implications.

"Lisa, for now, no penis. You can do what you want with Nadia when you two have your time together. Just don't make a mess and let me be the only one with a dick when I'm around, ok?"

Lisa's expression shifted into a pout, but she nodded obediently. "Oh poo. As you desire, Master." Jon looked down and watched as the penis began shrink as it softened. After it was completely flaccid, it continued to shrink and take on a pink color until it was completely retracted into Lisa's body and merged into her clit.

"Sorry. I'm not trying to spoil your fun, I'm just... not ready for that," Jon offered. Lisa's smile returned and she again leaned in, this time kissing him fully on the mouth. "Master, your pleasure is my pleasure. I want you to enjoy yourself with me. I didn't even think about having a cock until Karyn had me grow it. Besides, I will just wait to play while you're at school tomorrow."

Jon chuckled and kissed her again. However, just as he was beginning to think about another round of fun, his stomach let out an audible growl. Jon pulled back and looked at the gorgeous girl before him, feeling a terrible indecision within him.

Food or fuck?

Lisa sensed the conflict within him and patiently awaited his command. Jon looked into her blue eyes, then down to her generous breasts. "I am here to serve," she whispered seductively, sensing his indecision. Another gurgle and the stab of hunger won over his lust. Jon sighed and sat up, Lisa instinctually moving to stand at attention before him. "Lisa, can you take Nadia and go make me some dinner?"

Lisa smiled and bowed her head. "Of course, Master." She then turned and reached down towards the two transformed girls at his crotch. Lisa hooked her index finger between Nadia and Karyn then placed her thumb on Nadia's back, pinching her between her fingers. She gently pulled back, peeling Nadia off of Karyn. As she did, several of her arms reached out, trying to hold on to her soft, warm companion. Lisa gave a swift pull up and slid Nadia's leg ring off of Karyn. The motion caused Karyn to lift up before flopping limply back onto Jon's stomach. She stirred briefly before contently falling back asleep.

"I can tell you are craving pizza, Master. We will prepare it for you immediately," Lisa announced, still holding the tiny Nadia between her fingers. Jon watched as nine sets of arms stretched out as she tried to wake up. One set of arms seemed to come to life faster than the others and reached down, massaging the sensitive interior of Nadia's ring. Lisa paid her companion's actions, and her own nudity, no mind. She simply skipping out of the room, excited to serve her master.

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