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124. Fixing the mess

123. Jon is caught

122. Six people, two bodies, one de

121. After class

120. Desperate times call for...

119. Look who's back

118. Jon's favorite class

117. Someone's plotting...

116. Jon helps out

115. Table for Two

114. Not all it's cracked up to be

113. Gym just got more interesting

112. Teacher from Hell

111. Off to Class

110. The most important meal of the

109. Jon continues to get ready

108. Morning comes fast

107. Establishing a new "normal"

106. The talk...

105. A new addition

Chick for a Dick: Another Round of Wished

on 2017-04-01 23:49:49

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Jon let out long exhale as he waited for the garage doors to finish opening. It had been a long day and he was glad to be back home. As he pulled into the open space for the SUV he was driving, he noticed the spot for the car Zoe and Athena had taken that morning was still unoccupied. Jon was mildly annoyed that they didn't come straight home and instead thought it was all right to go out joyriding in his car.

Jon felt a wave of calm pass over him. He now knew that this was due to Karyn's wish that things not bother him, but he also realized that he was being ridiculous. He hadn't even had that car, or any car for that matter, before five days ago. Besides, could always wish for as many more as he wanted. In the meantime, he could always use it as leverage to call in a favor with Zoe at some point. Jon finished parking the SUV and exited the vehicle. He did not even bother grabbing his backpack as any homework he may have had would already be waiting at school for him the next day.

As Jon made his way through the garage, he paused briefly in front of Jessie, the girl who was merged with a motorcycle. She still had the same content look frozen on her face from when he had last ridden her Monday night. I should take her out for another spin soon, he thought as he stepped into the house.

Just like the previous day, Amanda came running up to him, barking happily. Jon rubbed the dog-girl on her head, running his finger through her blonde hair. He gave her long dog ears a scratch before he began walking further into the house. Amanda followed happily behind him, her tail waging wildly.

As Jon approached the front of the house, a pair of voices called out to him.

"Welcome home, Master!"

He smiled as he took in the view of Lisa and Nadia. They were standing shoulder to shoulder, each with one arm around the other's waist. Both were wearing bikinis. Lisa's was sky blue while Nadia's was purple. Both were cut to show off the most amount of skin possible. The girls smiled brightly at him.

"And what did you two do today?" he teased. The girls sauntered forward and moved to either side of him before pressing their bodies up against his. "After we turned back from being bimbos, we started on our daily chores. We got done super early, so we spent a day in your spa," Lisa said cheerfully.

I have a spa? Jon wondered. Before he could ask where in the huge house it was located, Lisa continued. "While the hot tub and sauna were nice, I really wanted a massage. So I had Nadia give me one."

"Yeah! Mistress had me grow four extra arms to make sure I could rub everything at once. And then she said I wasn't rubbing everything, so she had me grow two more arms. But I couldn't control them. They just kept playing with me instead of her. Oh! That's what you meant by I wasn't rubbing everything! You meant me! You are so funny, Mistress!"

Jon looked at Lisa who gave a little shrug. "I knocked her intelligence down a little. She's not a full bimbo, but it's cute watching her try to figure things out."

Jon gave a small chuckle and kissed them both. "Ok, I am going to go upstairs and relax for a little bit, but I will call you up soon. In the meantime, could you two wax Jessie for me? I told her I would a couple days ago and kind of forgot."

"As you wish, Master," they said in unison. They stepped to face him, formally curtsied and walked past him down the hall. As they left, Amanda chased after them, apparently excited to see where they were going. "Oh! And make sure she's turned on so she can enjoy it!" he called after them.

As much as Jon wanted to spend more time with the bikini-clad beauties, he had something far more pressing on his mind.

The stone.

Jon sat on his bed with the stone in his hands. He had not even said hello to the transformed girls in his office as he quickly retrieved the stone from the hidden wall safe and hurried back to the solitude of his bedroom. Now, all of the wishes he had wanted to make throughout the day could be fulfilled. Jon started at the top of his list.

"I wish I was an expert driver and could operate and maintain any vehicle that I have."


Jon smiled. He suddenly knew how to drive a stick! Now he could drive any car in his garage.

"I wish that since I am such a high achieving student that I am allowed to roam the school and attend whatever classes I want throughout the day in any order and that I am even allowed to leave the school without getting in trouble."


His smile widened. Now he could get out of his regular, boring classes and explore the school to find more transformed party-goers. Speaking of his regular classes...

"I wish Mr. Martin would be susceptible to a wish when he bullies a student and will stay changed for a week."

Serves him right. Besides, he's getting off light. It won't be permanent, he thought. Jon's thoughts then turned to Christina, the golddigger. Jon tightened his grasp around the stone, but hesitated. He had earlier tried to wish that she would end up as another one of Heather's kids, but now he thought better of it. Heather already had enough kids to look after, and it was not fair to wish she had another one. Especially since Christina was sure to be a spoiled little brat. Besides, if he made that wish she'd get exactly what she wanted: Jon would be paying for everything she wanted. Jon huffed and loosened his grip. He'd hold off on changing Christina... for now.

That brought him to the issue of Erin. She was a nice girl, and she seemed to genuinely like him. But, he didn't even really know her. And he had to admit, he missed being able to be a player like he had been the previous week. Jon looked at the stone in his hands. He could wish to always be popular and desirable like before, but he also knew how special he had felt when he discovered that Erin liked him even without the power of the stone influencing her. If he wished to be popular again, he would never have a real relationship. Weighing his options, he came to a decision.

Jon put the stone on the bed next to him and stood up. He slid off his pants and underwear and sat back down with Karyn's limp body exposed to the empty room. "Were you awake enough to see what happened after we screwed Jaqi?"

"Sorry, not really. You know I'm pretty much always out of it after you cum. Especially after a round as intense as that. What happened?"

"Erin came in and found us."

Karyn winced. "Yikes. That's not good." She looked over and saw the stone. "Going to make a wish to fix it?" Jon nodded. "Yeah, and I wanted you to hear it. I thought about wishing that we didn't have sex with Jaqi, but then who knows what the stone would have had us doing since school ended. I don't want to create another reality where I don't remember everything that I've been doing. Instead, I'm going to with that Erin went straight home after school. Also, I'm going to wish that we're super desirable again."

"That would be awesome!" Karyn exclaimed. Caught off guard by her enthusiasm, Jon looked down at her in amusement. Karyn blushed and averted her eyes, but was still smiling. "Sorry. But it's like I said, Jon, I still remember a reality where I thought I was just a dick. And now... well, I like being used. It feels amazing. I want more of it. It was so much fun, and easier, when everyone wanted you. Me. Whatever. Besides, if I'm going to be stuck like this, I may as well enjoy it."

"Yeah, I know. It was a lot of fun. But here's the thing: I'm going to make it so that I can turn it on and off. I want to be able to go back to normal if I want. Someday I'm sure that I'll want a relationship that I know was not just because the stone made every girl desire me. But for now, I'll admit, it'll be awesome being the most wanted guy in school again."

"Or even better," Karyn interjected, "make it so that you can increase it or decrease it instead of just being on or off. It would be a lot more versatile, don't you think? Besides, even if you aren't the sole focus of every woman's burning desire, it wouldn't hurt to be always seen as at least a little more attractive that usual, wouldn't it?" she asked with a wink.

"Karyn, you're a genius."

"Tell me about it. You're probably the first guy in history who is better off thinking with his dick."

Jon scoffed and picked up the stone. He thought for a few moments and took a deep breath.

"I wish that Erin went straight home after school."


"Ok... I wish that I was able to active and deactivate my magically induced desirability like I had last week by snapping my fingers on my right hand twice and saying a number to set the intensity of how desirable I am to girls and snapping the fingers on my left hand twice to reset the level to normal. I wish that nobody would notice when I use this power."


"Sounds like everything is taken care of. So, going to try out your new super power, Attraction-Man?" Karyn teased. "Not right now. The only girls around are Lisa and Nadia and they're super hot for me no matter what. I'll test it out tomorrow at school."

"Ok, sounds like a plan. In that case, where are Nadia and Lisa? You said I could choose what we did with them after school." Jon rolled his eyes. "We just had sex with the hottest teach in school. Amazing, passionate, incredible sex. And that wasn't even an hour ago!"

Karyn grinned mischievously and shrugged her armless shoulders. "What can I say? I'm kind of getting into being your cock. Besides, a promise is a promise."

Jon scoffed. "How can I argue with that?" Karyn smiled widely and Jon placed the stone on the end table next to his bed. "They should be all rested up. They spent all day in a spa and Nadia even gave Lisa a full body massage."

"Oh," Karyn cooed, "that sounds like fun."

"Lisa. Nadia," Jon said aloud. Within moments, the door gently opened and the two girls entered. They dutiful stood before him. Both were eagerly eyeing his exposed dick.

"How may we serve you, Master?"

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