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123. Jon is caught

122. Six people, two bodies, one de

121. After class

120. Desperate times call for...

119. Look who's back

118. Jon's favorite class

117. Someone's plotting...

116. Jon helps out

115. Table for Two

114. Not all it's cracked up to be

113. Gym just got more interesting

112. Teacher from Hell

111. Off to Class

110. The most important meal of the

109. Jon continues to get ready

108. Morning comes fast

107. Establishing a new "normal"

106. The talk...

105. A new addition

104. Dragging his heels

Chick for a Dick: Red Handed

on 2017-04-01 22:50:10

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"Shit," Jon repeated, finally breaking free of his shock. He ran out of the supply closet, through the empty classroom and out into the hallway. He looked up and down the hall, listening for footsteps or crying, but he did not have any idea where Erin had gone. "Shit," he cursed one more time before turning around and going back into the chemistry classroom.

Jaqi was pacing hectically at the front of the room. Still being under the effects of Jon's nudity power, she had not had any clothes to put back on after their encounter, so she was still completely naked. She was repeatedly muttering something in Korean over and over.

"What's that?" he asked. Jaqi stopped pacing and turned to face him, visibly concerned. "She said-"

"I said 'I'm fucked'!" Jaqi shouted, cutting off Nari. "I am so absolutely, completely and irreversibly fucked!" She turned and resumed pacing. "What's the big deal?" Jacqueline chimed in. "It's not like Jon is a minor. It felt great!" Jaqi stopped and looked down at her chest. "He's still a student! I just got caught fucking a student! Of course you wouldn't think it's a big idea, all you three care about is sex. And Betty, now really isn't the time for that!"

Jon looked down and saw that Betty was trying to lick up some of the remaining drops of Jon's cum that had dripped onto her chin. She pulled her tongue back in and smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, Jaqi," she said.

"It'll be all right," Jon interjected. Jaqi looked up at him intensely. It was if she wanted to blame him, believe him and fuck him all at the same time. "It will," he said reassuringly.

"How?" she asked in an exasperated tone. "She saw us. And she didn't seem too happy about it. Who is she? Your girlfriend?" Jon tried to think of a response. Just who was Erin to him? In the reality that he knew she was just another girl who wanted to sleep with him. In this reality, they had made some sort of a connection and she genuinely cared for him. What did that mean now? Jon sighed and gave a slight shrug. "Kind of. I don't know."

"She was cute," Jacqueline chimed in. "Too bad she didn't want to join in."

"Really? Damn. I didn't even get a chance to see her," Betty pouted.

Jon rolled his eyes and blinked twice at Jaqi. Her clothes returned to her body, but they looked highly disheveled as if they had been put back on in a rush. Jon saw that her demeanor had gone from annoyed to simply worried as the interjections by her transformed body parts had never happened since they were no longer exposed. "If that's the case, I have a feeling that she is not going to be too interested in keeping what she saw a secret," Jaqi said morosely.

Jon took a deep breath. He would figure out something, but first he had to get home and get to the stone. There wasn't anything he could do at the moment without it. "Jaqi, trust me: It will be ok," he promised. Jaqi smiled slightly, still concerned but moved by his confidence.

Jon picked up his backpack and instinctively reached for his pants pocket for his car keys before remembering he was still completely naked. He hadn't even realized it. His power was working well to make him feel completely natural. Jon wondered what it would be like going outside and being exposed to anyone walking past. It wasn't like he had much of a choice. He had to or else if he brought his clothes back they would be covered with Jaqi's-

Jon paused and looked at his teacher. The only reason she had been able to get Betty's "drool" on his pants was because he had made her naked. Then he had removed his own need to wear clothing to hide the mess. But now that she wore clothing again, did that mean...

Jon looked down at himself and blinked twice. Instantly, his clothing returned. Jon thought about the fact that he had spent an entire period naked in front of his entire chemistry class and suddenly felt an overwhelming embarrassment. Yep, I'm back to normal, he thought.

He quickly inspected his clothing, especially his crotch. Like Jaqi, his clothes looked hastily thrown on. However, there was no stain on his pants. Since Jaqi had not been naked while she pressed up against his body, there was no way for his clothes to get messed up. Jon briefly wondered if he had just left Jaqi's clothes on if any of this would have happened, but at the moment it was a moot point.

Jon checked his pockets and retrieved his keys before turning and approached his teacher. She seemed nervous about being so close to him again, but her desire for him won out. He caressed her cheek and she closed her eyes and pressed into it, soaking in his touch. He gently pulled her in and kissed her tenderly on the lips.

"It will be ok," he said one more time. She kept her eyes closed and nodded slightly. "Ok," she whispered. Jon stepped away, walked through the silent classroom to the door, looked back once, and stepped out into the hall.

As Jon moved through the school, he kept trying to look for Erin; but he knew there was no way she would have stuck around. However, each intersection of hallways he came to and each classroom he passed he could not help but scan for her.

While Jon did not find her, he did find a classroom that caught his attention. Jon passed by Mr. Martin's classroom and saw Aubrey and Grace sharing detention. The teacher had a strict "no talking" policy for his detentions, so the two girls were staring daggers at each other in silence. He was still annoyed at Grace and her superior attitude and felt sorry for Aubrey being punished for standing up to the teacher. A thought came to him that would allow Aubrey to get the upper hand over Grace. He focused on Aubrey and blinked twice.

Aubrey was now completely naked like Jon and Jaqi had been earlier. Neither of the two girls, nor the teacher who was sitting at his desk at the front of the room grading papers with a grimace on his face, felt anything was out of place with Aubrey suddenly being nude.

That did not mean that her lack of clothing went unnoticed, however. Aubrey had been transformed so that her body was facing backwards from the waist down. This meant that in order for her to sit in a school desk facing the proper direction, she would have to straddle the chair with her legs while her ass faced the front of the room. This left her legs spread open as they rested on either side of the back of the chair.

Jon could she that Grace's wish-influenced infatuation with pussy was taking over. Instead of glowering non-stop at Aubrey, she was occasionally breaking her scowl to try and get a peek at Aubrey's backwards-facing crotch. Jon also noticed that Grace's jaw was beginning to go slack, an indicator that her penis-tongue was beginning to get hard.

Jon smiled and left the scene behind him. He would love to watch Grace squirm, but he had to get home. After all, he had a whole list of wished he wanted to make.

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