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115. Table for Two

114. Not all it's cracked up to be

113. Gym just got more interesting

112. Teacher from Hell

111. Off to Class

110. The most important meal of the

109. Jon continues to get ready

108. Morning comes fast

107. Establishing a new "normal"

106. The talk...

105. A new addition

104. Dragging his heels

103. Tick Tock

102. Table for one?

101. Low blow

100. Can't sit around all day

99. Tick tick tick

98. End of a long day

97. Why pick door one, two or thre

96. Passions raise, as do tempers

Chick for a Dick: Table Talk

on 2017-03-03 21:52:34

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Jon walked down the hallway towards the cafeteria. As he approached the doors, he heard a voice call out his name from behind. He turned to see Erin running towards him. She was quite the spectacle with her head and neck sitting directly on top of her hips darting past other students as she jogged up to meet him. Jon could not help but smile at the sight. It was not her bizarre body that amused him, but the look of adoration in her eyes.

With everything that had been happening, it was nice to have a friend who genuinely liked him, even if he did barely know her.

"You completely missed me yesterday, so I figured I better tag along and make sure you don't get lost today," she teased. She bumper her hip against his, giving him a flirtatious tap. Jon smiled and held up his hands in mock surrender as he looked down at her.

"I said I was sorry! I had a lot on my mind. Besides, you make it sound like I didn't want to have lunch with a pretty girl."

"Oh, so we're resorting to flattery now?" she said as they entered the bustling cafeteria. "Well, it's working. Only next time go with 'beautiful' instead of 'pretty.' It'll get you further," he said with a wink.

"How much further?" he flirted back.

"Keep it up and maybe you'll find out."

Flashes erupted in Jon's memory of the previous reality where Erin's compressed body was riding him, Karyn sliding in and out of her wet slit. "What about if you come over on Friday and we find out then?"

Erin paused. "Listen, Jon. All joking aside, I meant what I said before. Let's just see how it goes, ok?"

The two looked at each other, a beat of silence hanging between them. "Honestly, what did you mean by that?" Jon asked, starring in to her eyes.

"During the talk we had on Sunday when we decided to date, I told you that I really liked you and was attracted to you but I wanted to take the relationship slow because I wanted to make sure that it did not end up becoming just a fling."

Jon nodded to himself. "Is there anything that I could say to you that would defuse this situation?"

Erin rocked her hips and thought a moment. "You could say that you said it because you remembered me confessing that I like getting teased in a sexual way and that you respect the boundaries that I have laid out."

"That's interesting. I seem to recall a certain someone saying that they like a little teasing whe-"

"Ok! Hold up there!" Erin interjected, a blush on her face as she looked around. Even still, Jon could see that she was smiling again. "In all seriousness," Jon continued in a solemn tone, "I do remember what you said. I want to see where this goes, too. And I respect how you feel."

Erin looked up at him and blushed deeper while swaying her hips. It took everything Jon had to contain his excitement. Holy shit, this is amazing! I have the perfect way to get out of any argument! Jon followed his new girlfriend to the lunch line, feeling rather proud of how clever he had been.

"Thanks for buying me lunch, Jon," Erin said as she sat down at an open table. Jon placed the second tray of food he was carrying down in front of her before taking his own seat.

"No problem. Do you need anything else?"

Erin shook her head. "Nope, I'm all set." She leaned forward and wrapped her lips around a french fry and dipped it into a small cup of ketchup before pulling the whole thing into her mouth. She then picked up a napkin with her teeth and placed it on her left hip, just next to her neck, then wiped her mouth off with it before leaning in for another fry.

Jon nibbled on his pizza, watching Erin. He was truly fascinated at how she had adapted to her transformation. Sensing his gaze, Erin looked up at him, her mouth wrapped around her hotdog. She quickly took her bite and chewed it down. "What?"

"Nothing," Jon said with a smile. Erin rolled her eyes and smiled. "Uh huh, sure. I bet I can guess what you were thinking." Jon grinned back at her. "Trust me, you don't."

"No reason to get defensive, Jon," she said as she wiped her mouth on her napkin again. "I know exactly how it looks. The girl your dating with her mouth wrapped around a hotdog. Of course you'd get ideas."

"Actually," Jon chimed in, "I was impressed at how adapt you are at doing things without arms."

Erin paused. "Well... yeah, but... I mean... why would I have arms?"

Jon shrugged. "A lot of people have arms," he said jokingly. Erin leaned back and looked at him. "I don't have blonde hair, either, but you're not admiring me for being brunette."

Jon signed. "Erin, honestly, what's happening here?"

"The stone alters reality so that whatever changes were made seem perfectly normal. That means that nobody, not even me, believes that I was born misshapen or with a handicap. Everyone believes that me not having an upper body is just as normal as someone having green eyes or being taller."

Jon pinched the bridge of his nose. "Is there anything that I can say to defuse this situation?"

"Nope. I'm pretty annoyed with you right now. You bringing up my lack of arms is pretty close to saying you admire a girl for being flat rather than having large boobs."

Jon sighed again. Ok, so I can't get out of every argument, he thought. I'll have to think of something...

"Sorry, what I meant came out wrong. I was just trying to say that I find your body really attractive. I can't stop admiring you." Erin looked at him incredulously. "So you aren't into girls with arms?"

"I'm dating you, aren't I?"

"Not exactly answering my question, Jon."

Jon restrained himself from rolling his eyes. "Arms are not a big deal to me," he said, not believing he was having an argument on the matter. Erin looked at him skeptically before saying, "Ok," and quietly returning to eating her fries. Jon was just about to reach for his pizza when he heard a small voice speak up. "Smooth, Jon."

He looked down to see Samantha sitting on his lunch tray, his slice of pizza in her four arms. The miniature fly-girl had already eaten more of the pizza than he had before his exchange with Erin. Jon looked at Erin, who said nothing, but was smirking at him. Jon was glad the tension had been cut, even if it had cost him his lunch. "I'm going to get a bowl of ice cream," he said, standing up. "Oh! Bring me some too! Thanks, Jon!" Samantha shouted before returning to his pizza.

Jon felt his head spinning. Two says ago he hadn't even had a girlfriend. Today, in the span of half a lunch period, he'd had two misunderstandings with her, he was getting ice cream for a nine inch tall fly-girl and his best friend was still his dick.

This reality is going to take some getting used to.

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