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114. Not all it's cracked up to be

113. Gym just got more interesting

112. Teacher from Hell

111. Off to Class

110. The most important meal of the

109. Jon continues to get ready

108. Morning comes fast

107. Establishing a new "normal"

106. The talk...

105. A new addition

104. Dragging his heels

103. Tick Tock

102. Table for one?

101. Low blow

100. Can't sit around all day

99. Tick tick tick

98. End of a long day

97. Why pick door one, two or thre

96. Passions raise, as do tempers

95. The stone picked...

Chick for a Dick: Locker Room Trouble

on 2017-02-24 05:37:25

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Jon entered back into the locker room with the rest of his classmates, boys and girls. Individual conversations bounced off of the tile walls and floor and merged together to become a consistent background murmur heard throughout the room. A few clever students went into the large shower room and turned on taps before going to their lockers to strip off their damp workout clothes, giving the water ample time to warm up.

As Jon approached his locker, he could not help but overhear Liz groan a few lockers down. "Fuck, I need to piss!" she declared, kicking off her shoes while she stripped off her t-shirt and sports bra, her ample breasts spilling out and exposed to the room. "If you want to leave your clothes, I'll put them away and meet you in the shower," Amy offered tenderly. Liz smiled and hooked her thumbs around the waistband of her yoga pants and dropped them, exposing the the thick sheath and large balls of her horse dick. Liz gave her girlfriend a quick kiss on the cheek and headed for the nearest stall. The door closed and a few moments later it sounded like a garden hose was being sprayed into the toilet bowl.

Jon peeled off his own sweat drenched shirt and pulled down his pants. Karyn gasped and took in a deep breath. While the locker room air was not particularly fresh, it was still better than being trapped in used gym shorts. "Mr. DeWind had us running sprints," Jon explained apologetically to the sweat covered girl dangling between his legs. "Please tell me you're not skipping a shower today," Karyn said sternly. Jon nodded, already pulling out his soap and shampoo and closing his locker with a metallic slam.

Jon stepped into the shower room. It was a large rectangle with shower heads coming out of the wall in even spacing. Additionally , there were three circular stations in the row down the center of the room with more shower heads. Jon was shocked at the large amount of shower stations before realizing that a locker room designed for an entire class worth of students would need to have additional showing space. He stepped to an open space at one of the shower rings in the middle of the room. Jon was relieved that he did not have to shower anywhere near Harley, whose long steer horns were waving about wildly as she cleaned herself.

Jon heard the flush of a toilet and saw Liz's stall door swing open. Her dick was hanging limply out of its sheath, its flat head dangling near her knees. She stepped out and headed straight for the shower next to Amy. Amy smiled at the sight of her naked lover and handed her a bottle of body soap. Liz took it, returning the smile. Amy's smile became playful as she turned around and presented her back to Liz. She rubbed her hands down her body, spreading the bubbly lather before bending over and rubbing her legs. This meant that she was now bent over, presenting her ass to Liz. Liz grunted slightly and Jon noticed her cock was beginning to harden.

Suddenly, Liz's eyes went wide and she began to look around the room. Jon averted his gaze just in time to avoid being noticed. Apparently, while it was not uncommon for boys and girls to change and shower together at school, Liz was still embarrassed to get a hard-on in front of the entire gym class. Liz gave one more lustful look at Amy's ass before she turned her shower head from warm to cold. A shiver visibly passed through her and she stomped her right foot as the cool water blasted her skin. As she lathered up, her cock slowly retreat back into its sheath while she gave Amy a look that was both annoyed and lustful at the same time. Jon smirked to himself and began to lather up the shampoo in his hair.

Liz, however, was not the only one beginning to get an erection. As Karyn dangled between Jon's legs, the warm shower water caressing her length, she could not help but gaze upon the naked bodies surrounding her. If Karyn still needed to breathe, she knew she would be panting heavily. Pure lust was consuming her. Even though she knew they weren't real, Karyn still had memories of the reality where she had been nothing more than Jon's dick. In that reality, Jon had fucked nearly each girl in his gym class at one point or another. And now, all of those memories flashed through her mind as she took in the sight of each of there naked bodies.

But it wasn't just the girls that were catching her attention. Since Karyn's previously sexually preferences had been reawaken, her bisexuality meant the guys were turning her on as well. Whereas the past week she had merely been comparing her phalical body to the dicks the other guys were packing with pride, she was now looking at the collection of cocks around her in a much different light. Karyn imagined herself rubbing against them, her tits rubbing against their [ridges] as she greedily licked dickheads as big as her own head now was. However, she had nearly blown her load the moment she saw the massive length Liz was packing. Karyn wondered why Jon had not taken her when he was still undesirable to women, not realizing that it was not normal for a girl to be sporting a stallion's dick.

Karyn did not dwell on this, however, as her attention shifted back to the other girls. Even though she was bi, she had always been more attracted to pussy than dick. And after the last week, Karyn was even more interested in girls after learning how amazing it felt to be fucking one with her penis-body. Her lustful leer danced from one coed to another. Her eyes settled on Marci. She was a short girl with noticeable hips and B-cup breasts giving her a modest figure. But what Karyn focused on the most was her lips. As she focused on those pink, plump, luscious lips, Karyn's artificial memories played in her mind, reliving how Marci was an absolute artist at giving blowjobs. As Karyn started at her, Marci smiled at the boy next to her. Watching those amazing lips spread into such a gorgeous smile was making Karyn's lust only reach higher levels.

"Oh, fuck, I wish she could blow us in here," Karyn whined to herself.


The next instant, Marci was gone, the shower tap she had been using was turned off and unoccupied. However, nobody, not even Karyn, realized she had ceased to exist, Jon's previous wish that only he recognize girls changed by such errant wishes was still in full effect. Karyn's attention had instead shifted from the now non-existent girl to a new focus.

Next to Jon at the neighboring shower head was Sydney. Karyn looked up at the seemingly giant girl next to her and looked over her body. She had a round face with a button nose and freckles, giving her a cute girl-next-door quality. While she didn't have much of a chest, her hips were round and sensual. She was a perfect combination of naughty and nice. Karyn held back a moan.

"I wish I could watch her play with herself."


Standing next to Sydney now stood Sydney. Not a twin, not another girl who looked like her, but another Sydney. This wasn't a mere copy, though. Everyone knew that both Sydneys were the same girl. It was one consciousness controlled two bodies. Nobody thought this was weird, least of all Karyn, who didn't care how such a thing was possible, only what Sydney was doing.

The Sydney who had existed before the wish continued to wash herself while the other her began to lather up and wash her, their, back. As the newer Sydney moved her hands lower, Sydney-1 spread her legs slightly and looked around. Sydney-2 joined, two sets of eyes scanned the room. Believing nobody was watching, Sydney-2 proceeded to grope Sydney-1's ass before moving her right hand around and delicately tracing her fingers over the wet outer lips of Sydney-1's pussy. While their actions were hardly noticed by the rest of the class, Karyn was transfixed as she watched Sydney discreetly playing with herself.

"Geez, Jon. See something you like?"

Karyn felt a chill run through her entire body and realized she was fully erect. Jon, however, was just rinsing the heavy foam from his shampoo off and had not noticed Karyn's state. As his vision cleared, Jon looked around the shower and saw practically everyone was staring at him. A couple were pointing, a few seemed interested, but most were snickering. None more than Kim, one of Sarah's old flunkies.

She had full C-cup breast, a trim waist and bleach blonde hair. Kim was the quintessential preppy girl. She always talked about the country club her parents were members of, drove a brand new convertible, and was obsessed with clothes. Jon was pretty sure he had never seen her wear a single article of clothing more than once. Even though she hung out with the cheerleaders, she was not one herself. School rumor was she had once made the statement that cheerleading was "beneath her" which had resulted in a massive fight between her and Sarah. One massive shopping spree for Sarah later (on Kim's parents' credit card) and all ways forgive. Even though Sarah only existed in this reality as Zoe's vagina, it appeared Kim was still as cruel as ever. The catty little monster was taking great pleasure from making sure everyone noticed that Jon had popped a boner in the shower.

Jon's hands instinctually went down to cover himself. However, this did very little to hide the enormous proportions Karyn had wished for herself. Kim, meanwhile, gave a sound of disgust and wrinkled up her nose at him. "What a pig. And which one of us were you looking at, you perv?" Jon looked around again, many of the girls' amused looks becoming accusatory. Not knowing what else to do, Jon turned and began to walk towards a bathroom stall.

"Gross, Jon. Going to go give 'Little Jon' a hand?" Jon heard Kim and several others, most likely the cheerleaders, laughing behind him.

"Pig?! Pervert?! Little Jon?!" Karyn raged. Jon placed the tip of his index finger over her mouth, silencing her. "Karyn, please, calm down," he said in an even tone. Karyn looked at him with annoyance in her eyes and gave a little huff as Jon removed his finger. "I'm sorry, but she is such an asshole. She's always treated us like shit."

"I know. And she'll get what's coming to her someday. But now, what the hell happened?" Jon asked [morosely]. "I'm sorry," she apologized again. "I couldn't help it. Everyone was there, and naked, and rubbing themselves, and... it was just too much," she said, her voice filled with shame.

Jon sighed. "It's alright. Coming into a locker room like this was bound to be... distracting." Karyn forced a sour grin and nodded. "Ok, let's take a moment, think about baseball or something, get you soft, and get on with the day."

"Couldn't you... you know?"

Jon shook his head. "First, I'm not going to jack off in the locker room bathroom. Especially not when that's what half of the shower is waiting for me to do! Second, we don't even have enough time to finish the shower let alone jerk off."

Karyn pouted. "Please, Jon! I'm sorry! If you don't, I'll get blue balls and that fucking hurts."

"Tell me about it. I'm going to be experiencing it right with you," he said grimly. A moment of silence passed and Jon sighed. "I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you. Are you clean enough to get by in my pants for the rest of the day?"

Karyn huffed and looked up at his face. When she looked at him, she noticed his concern. She had been ogling the entire gym class, gotten him embarrassed by Kim, yelled at him and he was still trying to do what he could for her. She sighed. "Yeah, I'll be fine. The water was enough to take care of the worst of it. Just don't leave me cooped up when you get home. Also, I get to decide what we do with Nadia and Lisa tonight."

Jon chuckled. "I haven't heard you complaining about what we've been doing with them already."

"Hush you," she said playfully. "You said you'd make it up to me. And I think a half day of being stuck half washed after gym class and a case of blue balls more than calls for getting to pick the fun we're going to have when we get home."

Jon laughed, but nodded. "Ok, it's a deal. But, while were here, I'm going to take a piss before getting dressed." Karyn said nothing, but instead rotated her body and faced towards the bowl.

A few moments later, Jon stepped out of the stall and moved to a sink to wash his hands. Jon turned around to face the blow dryer, and jumped in surprise. Instead of the normal blow dryer, it was Marci mounted to the wall. More specifically, Marci's bust. Her breasts, armless shoulders, neck and head were now the same white porcelain the hair dryer had been, except for her left nipple which was now chrome.

"Hi!" she said enthusiastically. "Need to dry your hands? Just press the button!" She cocked her left shoulder, causing the boob with the chrome nipple to bounce. Jon hesitated, but reached up and pinched the nipple. Marci moaned just before her mouth opened wide and a blast of warm air engulfed his hands. Jon stood there, staring dumbfounded at the transformed girl who he had just had class with. A minute later, the air died down and Marci closed her mouth but Jon continued to stare at her. "Are your hands dry, or would you like another blow?" she asked seductively. Jon shook his head slightly, both at her offer and the ridiculousness of the situation and started back towards his locker.

As Jon passed by the shower room, he took one last opportunity to look at all of the wet, naked girls. Sure, he could use his powers to make them all naked whenever he wanted, there was something thrilling about the scene all the same. Jon smiled, pleased with Karyn's wish.

Jon returned to his locker and began pulling out his fresh clothes. He heard a humph behind him and saw Kim walking past him, giving him a particular dirty look as she moved towards the door. Jon returned the look and watcher her as she followed Sydney out of the locker room.

Wait, Sydney? Wasn't she still in the shower? No way she got out of the shower and dressed so quickly...

Jon shook his head and picked up his underwear. As he began to slip them on, he could already feel the dull aching in his balls from being so aroused without getting any relief. Just as he was about to cover her, Karyn quickly spoke up.

"Hey, Jon?"


There was a longing expression on her face she looked into his eyes. Almost as if she had read his mind, she said "I think I preferred it when all of the girls wanted your dick."

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