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113. Gym just got more interesting

112. Teacher from Hell

111. Off to Class

110. The most important meal of the

109. Jon continues to get ready

108. Morning comes fast

107. Establishing a new "normal"

106. The talk...

105. A new addition

104. Dragging his heels

103. Tick Tock

102. Table for one?

101. Low blow

100. Can't sit around all day

99. Tick tick tick

98. End of a long day

97. Why pick door one, two or thre

96. Passions raise, as do tempers

95. The stone picked...

94. Last class of the day...

Chick for a Dick: Locker Room Fun

on 2017-02-24 05:35:31

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Walking down the hallway, Jon felt a little nervous. This would be the first time since Karyn had regained her true memories that he would gave to change in front of people. Well, there had been Lisa and Nadia, but he felt like they hadn't really counted. After all, they were infatuated with him. The guys from gym class however, were definitely not.

Jon was far from being a star athlete. The only thing that had made gym tolerable was all of the attention he got from girls and the adoration he got from the guys because of it. Now, however, things were more or less back to normal. Sure he was rich, but that hadn't earned him and fans. Plus, he didn't know if he would be mocked for having a weird penis. And then there was Karyn. How would she feel if she was not only stuck as his penis, but mocked for it as well. What if, now that her original sexuality was back, she ended becoming erect looking at all of the other guys?

Jon looked up and realized he had been standing in front of the locker room door. "Well, let's get this over with," he grumbled to himself. Jon swung the door open and stepped inside. Jon's eyes went wide as he looked around the room. "Oh... right..." he muttered as he proceeded to his locker.

The muffled sound of steel slamming against steel woke Karyn. She blinked several times, wishing she still had arms to wipe the sleep from her eyes. While it was as dark as ever inside Jon's pants, Karyn had a pretty good idea where they were. The sound of another locker slamming and echoing voices confirmed that they were in the locker room.

Karyn let out a sigh, admitting to herself that she didn't actually want Jon to take her out. While this would be one of the few opportunities she had to get out of his pants and see the outside world, she was actually really comfortable at the moment. She didn't want to be pulled out and shoved into a new pair of underwear. She didn't want to be bounced around as Jon exercised. And she definitely didn't want to be stuck dealing with his sweat.

Karyn sighed again. She hadn't lied to Jon when he figured out that she actually enjoyed being his penis, but these were the times that made it difficult. While Jon treated her well and tried to make the situation as tolerable as possible, times like this still made it quite clear that she was now just a piece of anatomy; and that as Jon lived his day to day life, she would have to make the best of being dragged along for the ride.

Karyn felt the familiar fumbling on the outside of her fabric surroundings as Jon pulled down his pants zipper. A moment later, the material parted and light started to bleed through the weave of the underwear's material. Karyn shifted slightly as she knew Jon was stepping out of his pants. Karyn squinted her eyes as the waistband above her was pulled open and lighted flooded her world.

Jon looked down at Karyn blinking her eyes as they adjusted to the light. "Hey, do you remember Monday?" he asked. Karyn stopped blinking and looked up at him. There was a tone to his voice. "Yeah..." she responded cautiously.

"Tell me what you recall."

"Well, we fucked Jaci after school in her apartment." Jon noticed her throb briefly at the memory. "And after that?"

"We got back to your place, took a bath went to bed." Jon shook his head. "Nope, there was something else." Karyn turned red. "Listen, Jon, you were asleep and I thought I was just a penis and I really wanted to get off-"

"Wait, what are you talking about?" Karyn eyed him suspiciously. "What are you talking about?" Jon smirked. "Do you remember your great idea for a wish?" Karyn thought for a moment, then nodded. "Yeah, I wanted you to wish- oh..."

"Exactly," Jon said as he turned around. The men's locker room was now double in size. This was because it was no longer the men's locker room. It was simple the locker room. All around, guys and girls were in various state of undress as they got ready for gym class. They were completely oblivious to the notion that men and women should have separate locker rooms. However, why they all believed this was standard practice, it was obvious that many of the students from both genders were enjoying the view.

"You wish is granted," Jon decreed in a mock-genie tone. Karyn scoffed but didn't take her eyes off of the various nude forms around the room. After a few moments, Jon turned back towards his locker. He could have sworn he actually heard Karyn let out a small whine as he did.

"Could you imagine if we were still super desirable like we were last week?" Jon asked off handedly as he slipped on a t-shirt. He felt a twitch in his crotch and looked down to see Karyn had hardened slightly, but she said nothing. "I guess that's a 'yes.' And while we're talking about before, what were you talking about with Monday?"

Karyn's face turned bright red and her length hardened more. "Um... after you passed out after your bath, Lisa and Nadia kind of... gave me a blowjob." Jon immediately knew that isn't what actually happened. Nadia hadn't been transformed yet by Monday, but he had no doubt that Lisa had pleasured Karyn while he was asleep.

Jon bent over and put on a pair of socks. "So? It's not like they haven't done that plenty of times before." Karyn tilted her head and shrugged her armless shoulders. "Yeah, but that isn't how a good penis is supposed to act."

"'A good penis?'" Jon repeated. Karyn rolled her eyes and looked away in embarrassment. "When I thought I was only your dick, I had this innate impulse of what a 'good penis' should be. When the girls went down on me without your official say so, it felt like I was pushing the envelope. But then, after I remember the real me, I didn't want to bring it up because I wouldn't have been able to hide that I liked it. I wasn't sure how you were going to react to that. And then... well... it's still a little conflicting due to my remaining memories of just being a penis."

"And what else is a 'good penis' suppose to do?" Jon teased. Karyn looked up towards him, saw something past his shoulder, and smiled wickedly. "Remind a certain dumbass that he's running late." Jon's eyes went wide as he turned and saw the clock Karyn had just looked at. He was the only one left in the locker room.

"Shit!" Jon hissed as he grabbed his underwear and shorts. Karyn was still laughing at him as he stuffed her back into his pants and rushed for the door.

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