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112. Teacher from Hell

111. Off to Class

110. The most important meal of the

109. Jon continues to get ready

108. Morning comes fast

107. Establishing a new "normal"

106. The talk...

105. A new addition

104. Dragging his heels

103. Tick Tock

102. Table for one?

101. Low blow

100. Can't sit around all day

99. Tick tick tick

98. End of a long day

97. Why pick door one, two or thre

96. Passions raise, as do tempers

95. The stone picked...

94. Last class of the day...

93. Multiple classmates with multi

Chick for a Dick: Called Out

on 2017-02-24 05:32:15
Episode last modified by Mira on 2023-04-25 14:10:31

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Jon entered Mr. Martin's class on time for the first time all week. Mr. Martin seemed to not be at all impressed with this accomplishment and only put a check next to Jon's name on the clipboard in his hands as Jon passed the teacher on the way to his desk. Jon, however, was feeling fantastic as he settled into his seat. Mr. Martin would not be giving him detention today, so that meant there would be no delays after school before he got home and got to the stone. All Jon had to do was sit through a few boring classes and then he could go home and reshape reality to his whims.

"Class," Mr. Martin said sharply just as the clock ticked over to begin the period. "Your latest book reports continue to disappoint me." He began walking through the class handing papers back to the students. As Mr. Martin approached Jon's desk, he paused and looked down at him before dropping the thick stack of papers onto his desk. Jon could have sworn he saw a look of distain on his face as he moved on.

Jon flipped over the paper, shocked at just how massive it was. He was glad he hadn't needed to actually write this monster. He turned through the pages until he reached the end. All that was written was "100/100." No comments or congratulations. Jon smiled as he realized why Mr. Martin was so upset: he didn't want to give a 100% and Jon's paper was too good to lose a single point.
Others, however, were not so lucky.

"Fifty-nine percent?!" Aubrey gasped from the seat in front of him. "Yes," Mr. Martin said smugly. "Your grammar was terrible and your plot summary looked like you read it off of Wikipedia. You did not even make it to the minimum page count."

"I wrote ten pages!"

"You wrote nine and a half pages."

"What?! Oh, that is bullshi-"

"Miss Baker! That is detention. And if you speak anymore for the rest of the day without being called on it will be another day per outburst. Unserstood?"

[Aubrey] glowered at the teach but said nothing as the rest of the class murmured among themselves over their own harsh grades. Mr. Martin seemed to enjoy the students' displeasure. "As I said, your performances have continued to disappoint me. I believe there were only two students who even passed with tolerable grades." Jon slumped in his chair. Please don't single me out, please don't single me out... Jon chanted. "Those were Grace and Jon. Jon even managed a perfect score, so even if I were to consider curved scoring, Jon has made that unnecessary." Jon's heart sank. He had just been grouped in with the teacher's pet and made public enemy number one.

If he can't mark me down, he'll use my success against me. What an asshole, Jon fumed. Even though he was planning on this being the last day he'd have to deal with Mr. Martin, maybe he should use the stone to to knock the teacher down a peg or two...

While Jon tried to hide from the daggers several of his classmates were staring at him, Grace was actually basking in their frustration. "It was nothing, really. You just need to properly proofread your material. I would be glad to help any of you get your work up to my standards. Why-"

"Grace, honestly, what would turn you on more than anything right now?" Jon suddenly interjected.

"I want to bury my face into a girl's hairy snatch while my cock-tongue fills them up. I want to taste them as they wide da had thaft thicking oud ob ma moub whal I ged fucged fwum bahand."

Just as Jon had hoped, getting Grace to share her perverted fantasy had caused her wish altered tongue to become erect. The seven inch long tongue was now standing proudly from her lips. The whole pink cock shined from the layer of spit covering it and wiggled around slightly in the open air.

"Go," Jon whispered as quietly as he could to end the trance.

"- I cab ebem doudour- Eep!" Grace had continued on with the sentence Jon had interrupted only to suddenly become aware that her tongue was hard and protruding perversely from her mouth. Trying to hide her predicament, Grace turned her head away and brought her hands up to her tongue. However, her attempts to force her tongue back into her mouth were only succeeding in making it harder as she was jacking it off. The girl's moans of frustration and pleasure merged together.

Feeling particularly wicked, Jon began to glance around the room at his female classmates and double blink. The wish that transformed Grace not only altered her tongue, but made her absolutely obsessed with giving oral sex to girls. As Grace glanced around, there was an assortment of exposed feminine slits surrounding her. Her eyes bugged out and Jon was sure that she was no long running her hands along her length with the intention of getting the penis-tongue back in her mouth.

"Miss Dawes!" Mr. Martin hissed. Grace's eyes went wide as she suddenly realized what she was doing. However, she was too late. Jon watched as her hands stopped moving just as her neck seemed to bulge slightly and the end of her tongue throbbed. Grace immediately cupped her hands over the end of her tongue as she shot out of her chair and towards the door. She flung the door open with her right hand as Jon saw white liquid beginning to leak out from between the fingers of her left hand which was still wrapped around the end of her tongue.

The class erupted into laughter as Grace's footsteps echoed down the hall to the bathroom, their grades temporary forgotten. Jon leaned back in his chair, proud of his anonymous victory. He looked around the room at all of the naked girls and shrugged. He would return their clothes once the hour wrapped up. Besides, he needed something to help pass the time and seeing Grace squirm during class, if she ever came back, would be as good a way as any he could think off.

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