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111. Off to Class

110. The most important meal of the

109. Jon continues to get ready

108. Morning comes fast

107. Establishing a new "normal"

106. The talk...

105. A new addition

104. Dragging his heels

103. Tick Tock

102. Table for one?

101. Low blow

100. Can't sit around all day

99. Tick tick tick

98. End of a long day

97. Why pick door one, two or thre

96. Passions raise, as do tempers

95. The stone picked...

94. Last class of the day...

93. Multiple classmates with multi

92. A biology lesson

Chick for a Dick: Taking a Stand

on 2017-02-24 05:29:47

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As Jon walked through the school doors, he reflected on just how much his life had changed in the past few days. Monday he had arrived to cheers, being welcomed as a celebrity. Each class had held unusual excitement as he waited to see which girls what been transformed and how.

Yesterday had been the most miserable day of his life. He had felt a crushing guilt that tore him apart all day, feeling like he had betrayed and doomed his best friend.

Today, however, was a new day. While Karyn was still stuck between his legs, they had reached an understanding. She had forgiven him and they were going to try to continue on with their lives as best they could. After all, what else could they really do?

To be honest, though, as grateful as Jon was to not feel the terrible anguish he had felt the previous day, he greatly missed being the most popular, and desired, guy in school. Hell, even outside of school he was irresistible. He briefly recalled his motorcycle ride with his neighbor Emma, and the local coed college student Amber who had been enamored with him at first sight.

Granted, those encounters had ended with Emma laying a grapefruit sized egg each month instead of having a normal period and Amber had been transformed into his sister's left boob. However, Emma loved her new reproductive cycle and Amber wasn't too upset about being turned into nothing but a mouth and eyes on a breast. Jon smiled as he discreetly adjusted Karyn's hard body popping up in his pants. It had been just as exciting to see how the girls had been changed as it had been to hook up with them.

As Jon walked into his first hour class, his gaze drifted over the three transformed girls he shared this period with. Catalina was sitting at her table in the back of the room, her udder bulging under a new dress. Jill was gossiping just as much as ever, the words coming out in a series of farting noises from the butt that had replaced the lower half of her face. The final girl, Rachelle, was just beginning to raise her left arm so Bobby could have another chance of winning a sexual encounter with her from her slot machine tits.

Nobody seemed pleased with Bobby pestering Rachelle, but nobody said anything, either. Due to the wish made on Rachelle, everyone had a chance to "get lucky" with her. Jon, however, wasn't going to stand by anymore. As Bobby began to reach for Rachelle's lifted wrist, Jon grabbed his arm.

"Hey, Bobby, knock it off. Get out of here and stop annoying Rachelle. She obviously doesn't want to do anything with her."

"But-but... I-I have a chance to get lucky with her! I'll win eventually!" Bobby stammered. Jon frowned and squeezed Bobby's arm tightly while grabbing his shirt with his other hand. "If she'd have wanted you to win, you would have by now." Jon shoved Bobby back, hard, towards the door while releasing him. "You're not going to pester Rachelle anymore."

Jon realized just how quiet the room had become. Nobody, not even Jill, was making a sound. All eyes were on Jon and Bobby. Feeling everyone's gaze on him, Bobby simply sulked out of the room, rubbing the wrist Jon had held him by.

Jon slowly let out a breath he didn't realize he was hold. He looked around and saw that everyone was staring at him. Jon silently slid into his seat. "Thervthe him right! That wath awethome, Jon!" Jill farted out next to him. Jon felt himself relax slightly and felt a tap on his shoulder. Turning around, Jon faced Rachelle. Her shirt was open to expose her three breasts with the glass window instead of her nipples. "Thank you, Jon. I've been dealing with that creep for way too long." Jon smiled and nodded. "My pleasure," he said.

He was surprised when Rachelle leaned whispered in his ear "Care to try your luck some time?" Jon's eyes went wide and he looked down at her transformed chest. "I'll take that as a 'yes'," Rachelle said as she pulled back. She started to button her shirt back up as she walked back to her seat.

Jon was actually relieved when Mr. Pierce entered the room and brought the class to order. He passed up his magically completed homework and settled in for another long, boring lecture of material which he already knew.

He looked over to Jill who had opened a bottle of water and was proceeding to jam it into the butt crack on her face and into the sphincter her mouth had become before tipping her head back and taking a large gulp. Jill quickly took a small cloth and wiped away the excess water that had escaped when she had pulled out the bottle.

Jon turn his attention to Rachelle, who noticed him looking over at him and gave a wink and wiggled her shoulders causing her three boobs to sway and bounce together under her shirt before turning her attention back to the lesson. Finally, Jon turn back and looked at Catalina. For the first time since Monday, Catalina was smiling warmly at him she glanced over at Rachelle before giving an approving nod, apparently pleased with how he handled Bobby.

Jon turned to face forward. Bored with the lecture, his mind drifted to other transformed girls he'd encountered in his classes. He knew there had to be others in other classes as well that he hadn't run into yet. But he was stuck in this boring class. If only he could-

Jon grinned broadly. He'd just added another idea to his "wish list." He briefly kicked himself for not bringing the stone when he'd had the chance, but instead he simply leaned back and listened to the teacher. After all, this would be one of the last classes he'd attend with Mr. Pierce.

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