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110. The most important meal of the

109. Jon continues to get ready

108. Morning comes fast

107. Establishing a new "normal"

106. The talk...

105. A new addition

104. Dragging his heels

103. Tick Tock

102. Table for one?

101. Low blow

100. Can't sit around all day

99. Tick tick tick

98. End of a long day

97. Why pick door one, two or thre

96. Passions raise, as do tempers

95. The stone picked...

94. Last class of the day...

93. Multiple classmates with multi

92. A biology lesson

91. Running into a classmate

Chick for a Dick: Breakfast

on 2016-11-06 03:22:03

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Jon heard the giggling before he even reached the door. "That dildo transformation was totally hot," he heard Lisa say. "I'm getting wet just thinking about it."

"I know, right? It was totally awesome. And it was all pink! I fucking love pink!" he heard Lisa say. "I totally love pink too!" Lisa then shouted.

What the hell is that bimbo going on about? Jon wonder as he opened the door.

Since getting the stone, Jon had come across several instances where he was shocked by the changes he encountered. While the sight that met him as he stepped into the kitchen was far from the weirdest, it still gave him pause. There were two Lisas standing in the kitchen. One was next to the stove frying a pan of eggs while the other was filling a glass with orange juice at the table which had a place already set for him. Both Lisas were naked and bimbofied with enhanced curves, over done hair, and excessive make up. However, the one at the table didn't have one set of breasts, she had two sets of breasts. The size of them were so huge that the front of her body was nothing but tit flesh.

"Uh, Lisa?"

"Yes, Master?" they both answered at the same time. The one at the stove laughed. "You're not Lisa! I'm totally Lisa?" The one at the table looked confused. "You're stupid! I'm totally Lisa!"

"Nu uh! When I came in here, you were like totally still a dildo and I was all like 'Master told me to make Nadia human again' and then I was like 'Master didn't say what human I should make her' and then I was like 'I'm super hot, I should make her me' but then I was like 'me with more boobs would be even hotter' so I totally told you to be me with extra boobies and then you were so than means I'm Lisa!"

The room fell into silence for several moments, the four breasted Lisa only looking even more confused. Jon couldn't blame her, even he had trouble following alone. Finally, the four breasted Lisa simply rolled her eyes and said "Whatever." Apparently, this was highly amusing as both Lisas began to giggle again. Maybe two bimbos was a bad idea, Jon thought as he sat at the table.

Jon was halfway through his breakfast when the door swung open and Zoe walked in. She was wearing a pair of jeans that looked suspiciously just like the pair she had worn the previous day, but a different shirt. It was still black, but had silver studs. It showed a little cleavage, thought not nearly as much as she had used to when she was the highly desired queen of the school. She stopped and looked at the two naked twins who were in the middle of cleaning up the pans. Zoe's eyes momentarily dropped to Nadia-Lisa's boob covered torso.

"Is that even sanitary?" Zoe asked, moving to one of the cupboards. "We're, like, totally clean and junk," the real Lisa said. Zoe groaned as she pulled out a box of cereal. "And their idiots, too? Damn, Jon. The only way this could be worse was if you brought a couple cheerleaders into the house," Zoe whined as she gathered a bowl and some milk.

Jon could not help but snicker at the irony. Zoe didn't realize that her vagina and right tit had once been two of the very cheerleaders that she despised and that only days before she had been a lesbian who had made out with practically the entire squad.

"Oh! Cheerleading would be hot!" one of the Lisas said, oblivious to Zoe's "idiot" comment. Zoe sat down at the table and flashed Jon a glance to back up her previous statement. Jon only shrugged. "They'll be done with it by the time we're home from school."

Zoe only rolled her eyes and prepared her own breakfast. The door opened again and Amanda walked in on her four dog legs and headed straight for the table. She began whine, he blue eyes staring up at Jon's plate. Zoe reached over and grabbed a piece of Jon's bacon and threw it on the floor, giving him a playful smile. Jon smiled and shook his head. Zoe always was an animal person, he mused.

The two finished their breakfast making small talk about classes and school drama until the doorbell rang. Amanda immediately got up and gave the room a clear view of her bare human pussy and asshole as she ran out of the room.

"That's Athena. We're going to walk to school unless..." she trailed off. "Unless what?" Jon asked, knowing he was being baited. "Unless we can barrow one of your cars?" Zoe said in a pleading voice.

Jon locked eyes with her, but said nothing. She waited motionless, as if afraid that moving would make him say "no." After several moments of silence, the doorbell rang again. This caused Zoe's expression to get only more pleading which finally caused Jon to relent his teasing and let out a chuckle. "Sure," he laughed. "Get Athena and meet me in the garage." Zoe smiled and darted out of the room almost as fast as Amanda.

Jon stood up and Nadia walked over and picked up the plates from the table. As he headed for the door, Jon said "Lisa, the real Lisa, in a couple hours return to your usual self. You can remember everything from when I changed you this morning. After that, you can do what you want with Nadia."

"Thanks, Master," both Lisas said. Jon only shook his head and stepped into the hall.

A few minutes later, Zoe and Athena stormed into the garage where Jon was waiting. Jon took a moment to look Athena over. She was dressed as a goth as she had always done. Her thin black shirt was pulled tightly across her chest which had two noticeable bulges under her bra. Jon knew that these were the nipples that Zoe had wished Athena's nipples into. Although these were nowhere near as noticeable as the flaccid penis which dangled from her face in place of her nose.

What Jon was not used to, however, was the very noticeable bulge in the front of her black skinny jeans. Jon blinked twice and Athena instantly stood before him and Zoe completely naked. The two dicks attached to where her nipples had been hung limply from her chest just as her flaccid penis-nose hung from her face. These were now joined by a dick hanging between her legs. It was massive, at least 8 inches and it wasn't even hard yet.

"What should we pick?" Zoe asked Athena, her eyes darting over Jon's collection. Not waiting to hear Athena's opinion on the matter, Jon quickly spoke up. "Athena, honestly, why do you have a dick now?" Athena turned to look at him while Zoe continued to look from car to car, oblivious to the conversation occurring next to her. "Because of Zoe's wish. She had wished that I would be able to give her, and the three girls attached her, everything they would physically want. Then I was first transformed, Sarah was a lesbian vagina that loved to eat pussy and get licked, so I got a tongue in my vagina. Now, Sarah is still a vagina, but she's back to liking dick. That means I now have her idea of the perfect cock hanging between my legs for her to wrap her lips around."

"Does this mean you two are still hooking up?" Jon asked. Athena frowned slightly and shook her head. "No, she and I am both straight. I do not have any attraction to her and she has none towards me, but my body still responds to being the perfect lover for her and all of the other girls that we added to her. Which is really too bad because I would love to know what getting four cocks sucked off at the same time feels like."

Jon blinked twice and returned Athena's clothing, three of her four penises bulging noticeably beneath them. "No motorcycles and no manual transmissions," he declared, knowing it would end the questioning session. Besides, he didn't want to risk anything happening to Jessie, and he didn't trust Zoe in general to drive a stick.

Soon, the pair had selected a luxury sedan and were pulling out of the garage, shouting their thanks back at him as they sped away. Jon looked over the vehicles as well, knowing that he should started heading out or else he would run the risk of being late. His eyes settled momentarily on Jessie. He knew the motorcycle-girl would love the ride, but he wanted to make Karyn's day as easy as possible. Eyeing a sleek sports car, Jon felt disappointed as he realized he couldn't drive a stick any more than Zoe could.

Jon looked back to the door that led into the house. It would be so easy to run upstairs, get the stone and wish he was a driving ace. He could use every car in the garage, then. While he was at it, he could even wish for more cars...

Jon shook his head. He had more cars than a small dealership. He didn't need anymore.

For now.

Jon smiled as he got into the SUV he'd driven the previous day. As he pulled out of the garage, he was already keeping a mental list of things he knew he would eventually use the stone for.

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