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109. Jon continues to get ready

108. Morning comes fast

107. Establishing a new "normal"

106. The talk...

105. A new addition

104. Dragging his heels

103. Tick Tock

102. Table for one?

101. Low blow

100. Can't sit around all day

99. Tick tick tick

98. End of a long day

97. Why pick door one, two or thre

96. Passions raise, as do tempers

95. The stone picked...

94. Last class of the day...

93. Multiple classmates with multi

92. A biology lesson

91. Running into a classmate

90. Lunch Break

Chich for a Dick: The Morning Continues

on 2016-11-06 03:11:43

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"All done, Master. You are now completely cleaned up for the day."

Jon opened his eyes let out a content sigh, feeling completely rejuvenated and ready for the day. He stood up and felt the curtains of water run off his body and stretched. "Thank you, Lisa. That was perfect." Pride filled Lisa's eyes. "You are welcome, Master. I am glad you enjoyed it." With that, Lisa also stood up, quickly leaving the tub to fetch Jon's bathrobe.

As Lisa draped the robe over him, Jon looked down at the pink dildo she had turned Nadia into. "Was she, you know, awake while you were using her?"

"Of course, Master," Lisa replied in a chipper tone. "No matter how I change her, she is always aware of what's going on around her, although she doesn't always know what I've changed about her. Like her bimbo transformation. She's unaware that I lowered her intelligence and altered her personality, believing I changed just her body. It always gives me a little more of a thrill," she said with a giggle.

Jon smiled and nodded, knowing exactly what she meant. "In that case, why don't you become a bimbo too without realizing it and go make breakfast?" Lisa's jaw dropped as her hair and eyelashes lengthened and gained volume, her breasts expanded to ridiculously large J-cups while taking on an artificial appearance while her hips and ass also expanded. Finally, her lips plumped up as a thick layer of makeup coveted her face. "Like, what was I saying, Master?"

Jon suppressed a laugh. "You were saying that you had fun in the bath." Lisa gasped, as if suddenly remembering. "I totally did! Your cock is so yummy, Master. And that dildo was almost as good as when you fuck me. I wish Nadia was here to join in."

"Um, Lisa, you turned Nadia into the dildo."

Lisa gasped again. "That's right, I did! That's so fucking hot!" She bent down and picked up the pink toy. "I hope you had fun too, you sexy bitch," Lisa giggled.

Jon could have watched this all day, but he knew that even with waking up as early as he had, he would have to leave before he knew it. Besides, nature was calling...

"Lisa, how about you lay out some clothes for me, make Nadia human again, and the two of you make some breakfast?"

"Oh, that sounds totally like a good idea, Master! I know how to make all kinds of yummy things for you!" With that, Lisa ran out of the bathroom, still nude and holding the pink dildo. I hope she doesn't burn down the kitchen , Jon thought to himself.

Jon stepped over to the toilet and took Karyn's limp body into his hand. "Karyn. Hey, Karyn." Slowly, the penis-girl opened her eyes and looked up at him. "Hey. Good morning," she said drowsily, wiggling in his hand as she stretched.

"Hope you didn't mind being woken up earlier." She shook her head with a dreamy smile on his face. "Nope. That was fantastic. To be honest, I was a little afraid that you were going to stop waking me up like that. I always liked it when you let me get woken up with surprise sex. It was always better than waking up to-"

Karyn suddenly stopped and looked around, seeing that they were standing in front of the toilet. "Oh." Jon winced. "I'm sorry, Karyn, but I have to go. Do you want me to try to wish-"

"No!" Karyn cut him off. "It's alright. I don't want you to do something that could make things go haywire. I just meant that it was always weird to wake up when you were already halfway through pissing. It's okay. Now, line me up and keep my hair back."

Jon could only shrug and aim Karyn down towards the bowl as she opened her mouth. A few moments later, Karyn was spitting out the last of the urine. "Do you want mouthwash or something?" Jon offered. Karyn winced. "I have this terrible feeling that if I did it would feel like you poured mouthwash down your urethra, and I don't think either of us wants to feel that. Besides, I don't even notice a taste."

Jon felt a phantom sting as he imagined the sensation and dropped the issue as he headed back to his bedroom. Seeing the clothes on his bed, Karyn smile. "So you are going to school?" Jon picked up and unfolded the shirt Lisa had left out for him.

"I told you I was," he said, slipping the shirt over his head. "Good. I'd hate to see you screw up your grades," Karyn said between his legs. Jon hopped Karyn didn't see the grin on his face. The only reason he was the top of his class was because of the stone, but he didn't feel like getting into that with her right now. Instead, he slowly reached for the next article of clothing: his underwear.

Knowing what Jon was thinking, Karyn quickly spoke up. "Don't worry about it, Jon. I'm used to that too. Besides, I know you'll take good care of me and let me out once you get home." Karyn's words comforted him, and Jon again felt how relieved he was that she didn't hate him for what had happened. He stepped into the underwear and pulled it up, taking a moment to look at Karyn. "See you in gym class," he said as he released the waistband and enclosed Karyn. Jon quickly slipped on his pants and socks before tying on his shoes.

Jon turned towards the door, but hesitated. He looked back, towards the door leading to his study. Jon crossed the room and opened the door, quickly glancing at Cathy, Vicki and Erica. Erica smiled at Jon and gave him a wink while pivoting slightly on her base, causing all twenty of her breasts to sway in an attempt to entice him into having a seat. Jon politely smiled back, but said nothing as he turned to his true focus.

Jon stepped up to the painting on the wall and moved it to the side, revealing his wall safe. Within moments, Jon had spun the combination into the tumbler and opened the heavy door to reveal the stone. Jon starred at it, the desire to use it growing stronger. As he began to reach for it, he hesitated.

Karyn had admitted that she had made a wish sometime last week to encourage Jon to use the stone more. Was his desire now a result of that wish? Karyn said he was also really upset about what had happened because of the stone. But why should he be? Sure, he was upset that Karyn was trapped as his dick, but she had admitted that she actually enjoyed a great deal of her current life. And so did a lot of other girls he had me. Besides, he had also made sure several girls had gotten their comeuppance for their past transgressions.

However, as much as Jon tried to justify it, he knew the real reason he wanted the stone: he just wanted to have fun with it.

Jon shook his head, trying to put the thoughts from his mind. The stone was very powerful and he should be more careful with it. Shouldn't he?

Jon closed the safe and returned the painting, already feeling disappointed that he didn't just take the stone with him. He didn't want to admit it, but he knew that he was going to end up giving in to his compulsions and end up using it again sooner than later. For the time being, however, his willpower had won out.

Trying to put the stone out of his mind, Jon focused his attention elsewhere. Like wondering what the bimbos had made him for breakfast.

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