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108. Morning comes fast

107. Establishing a new "normal"

106. The talk...

105. A new addition

104. Dragging his heels

103. Tick Tock

102. Table for one?

101. Low blow

100. Can't sit around all day

99. Tick tick tick

98. End of a long day

97. Why pick door one, two or thre

96. Passions raise, as do tempers

95. The stone picked...

94. Last class of the day...

93. Multiple classmates with multi

92. A biology lesson

91. Running into a classmate

90. Lunch Break

89. Gym Class

Chick for a Dick: Jon's New Morning Routine

on 2016-11-06 03:07:48

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"Master... wake up, Master."

Jon groggily opened his eyes and looked up, trying to focus on the source of the voice. Even in the dark room, he could make out the form of the naked beauty standing next to the bed. As his eyes looked up and met Lisa's, a smile spread across her face. "Good morning, Master," she said affectionately. "I am sorry to wake you, but I am following your instructions to get you up in time for school."

Jon looked further up and gazed out his skylights. The sky was still mostly dark with only the earliest rays of the sun beginning to pierce the spring morning. Jon groaned. Lisa giggled, her cheerful demeanor a stark contrast to Jon's. "Now, Master, you'll want to get cleaned up after last night. Besides, you have said that you enjoy your morning routine."

Morning routine? Jon didn't know what that meant, but he knew what Lisa meant about getting cleaned up. He looked down at Karyn and saw that she was covered in the remnants of his encounter with Lisa the previous night. The day would be much more comfortable for the both of them if he took the time to get cleaned up now.

Jon grunted and stretched, trying to wake up his limbs. As he tried to sit up, Lisa dutifully helped pull him up to a sitting position before he swung his legs off the side of the bed and stood up. He shuffled his way to the bathroom while Lisa followed obediently behind.

Jon stepped into the lowly lit bathroom and beheld the amazing sight before him. Nadia was standing in his bathing pool, completely naked. However, she looked different. Her normally black hair was platinum blonde and cascaded down her back until the end of it dipped into the water at her waist. She was back to having only two breasts, but they were still much bigger than her normal B-cups. The DD boobs hanging from her small frame were not only massive, but also looked like artificial bolt-ons rather than naturally grown.

Her curves were further enhanced by the huge hips just breaking the surface of the water and the massive bubble-butt Jon could see through the clear water. The large tits and ass, along with her naturally thin waist, created an over exaggerated hourglass figure.

Breaking his gaze away from her curves, Jon could see Nadia had been changed in other ways as well. Her eyelashes were as over exaggerated as her curves, fluttering like small butterfly wings when she blinked. Her fingernails were also longer, and her lips puffier. And both had been covered with bubblegum pink nail polish and lipstick.

"Like, good morning, Master!" she said in a bubbly, vacant voice. "Do you like my new titties? Mistress Lisa said that you would love some big 'T and A' in the morning. So I totally grew them! But then she, like, said that I 'looked like such a bimbo that I should complete the package.' I don't really know what she means. I don't remember any packages showing up for you. But I hope you like them, Master!" Jon watch as she giggled enthusiastically, causing her fake boobs to bounce wildly before she reached up to cup them.

He turned to look at Lisa standing next to him, grinning widely at Nadia. She turned to meet his gaze and shrugged. "Big-tittied bimbos are hot," she said casually.

"Lisa... I don't think I ever want to sleep in again," he said. Lisa gave him a wink before leaning in and kissing him deeply, her own bountiful chest pressing against him. "Hey!" Nadia wined. "You two got to do that last night. I was stuck as a towel!"

Lisa broke the kiss and shot Nadia a wicked smile. "And my butt plug before that, but I don't recall you complaining about that. Be a good little bimbo and I'll make sure you have more fun today, understood?" One of Nadia's hands had left her breast and was currently lowering between her legs. "Like, yeah! Totally, Mistress," she said enthusiastically before letting out a hiss as she began to pleasure herself.

This time Lisa giggled as she turned to Jon. "Now, Master, we need to get you ready. Please pick which of us is to clean you, and which one will pleasure you."

Jon's eyes widen as a smile spread across his face. My new morning routine just keeps getting better and better. Jon looked at Lisa, who smiled wryly at him while cocking her hips and rocked her shoulders, causing her large breasts to sway before him. He then turned to bimbo-Nadia who licked her inflated lips at him before letting out a giggle.

Jon looked back and forth, unsure of who to pick. "Um, let's start with you both washing me... and see if I can't make time for both of you," he said. Lisa silently took Jon's hand and started to walk towards the pool where Nadia was walking forward to meeting them.

Jon moved to the edge of the pool and took Nadia's hand. It was cool to the touch, but her skin was soft as she wrapped her fingers around his hand and gently pulled him into the pool. Jon stepped in with his right leg, then his left, feeling the warm water embrace him. Nadia stepped back, pulling Jon further in. "Like, you can totally sit down, Master." Jon started to slowly lower himself into the pool but paused briefly as the water started rising towards his hips.

Karyn was still asleep, though semi-erect following the arousing wake up call from Lisa and Nadia. Jon knew he had taken many baths where he had not bothered to wake her up in the past, but that had been when she believed she was only a body part and would not take offense to being treated in such a way. But she was his friend, a person, despite her current situation. He would not treat her to a rude awakening of simply being dunked in warm bath water.

"Karyn," he said softly, brushing her crusty dangling hair away from her face. She half opened her eyes and rubbed her head against his fingers, mumbling incoherently while nuzzling him. "I'm about to lower you into water." She only responded with a slight nod before closing her eyes again. Jon let out a small chuckle then lowered himself up to his chest into the water, leaning back on the pool wall. He looked through the clear water and saw Karyn rouse slightly before falling back asleep.

Jon could see what she had meant when she said her life was simplified as a penis. She didn't have to wash herself or even be awake while being washed. Jon looked up and saw Nadia moving towards him, her expanded hips just below the surface. She had a sponge in one hand and a bottle of expensive soap in the other. As she began to lather up the brush and run it over his arms and chest, a smile came to his face. Karyn isn't the only one who doesn't clean themselves anymore, he mused to himself.

Jon heard a splash of water next to him and turned to see Lisa stepping into the pool beside him. In her hands was a very elegant, and expensive, looking straight razor. Within moments, Lisa had lathered up his face and was expertly shaving him while Nadia washed the rest of his body. Jon closed his eyes as he drank in the experience.

"Lisa, honestly, do we do this every morning?" Jon asked. The kiss of the razor on his face stopped, but Nadia continued to rub down his body. "Not always. Sometimes you sleep in as late as possible and rush to school with minimal preparation. Sometimes you wake up earlier and fuck us and then we clean you. Other times, Nadia and I pleasure ourselves as you get ready."

Jon smiled at the thought, remembering them making out the previous day after Nadia had transformed herself in front of him. "Lisa, how is it that you became like you are now from this reality's perspective?"

"In this reality, Nadia and I both volunteered for the process to become personal living sex toys. Since I remember wishing to become your personal sex toy, but I was not under the influence of your wish to be super attracted to you, I remember my transformation occurring when I came over to see Nadia and accidentally changed myself while touching the stone and wishing I could be like she is. Since Nadia did not hear my wish, she believes, like everyone except you, Karyn and me, that we volunteered for the process together. I have not told her 'the truth' because I don't want her to feel guilty over what happened to me and so that she doesn't know about the stone."

"And how does the current you feel about what's happened to you?"

"Jon, you have always been kind and respectful towards me. I care deeply for you and I am happy to be able to be with you. After seeing what Nadia was like, I was incredibly turned on by the new her and actually regretted not volunteering as well. I have gotten everything that I want."

Jon opened his eyes and looked at the two dripping wet beauties in front of him. Nadia was rubbing her enlarged tits against him even more than the sponge. "That feels good," he muttered, knowing it would release Lisa. The two girls smiled widely. "We are happy to serve you, Master," they said together.

Lisa completed shaving him and moved on to lathering up his hair. "Nadia, honestly, why did this reality's version of you volunteer to be a living sex toy?" The dark skinned girl stopped caressing him with the sponge and looked at him. Her bimbo voice was gone and she spoke as she had used to before Jon's wish the previous day.

"I volunteered because Lisa did. I couldn't be away from her." Jon eyed her, confused. "How come?"

"Because I love her."

The giant bathroom fell into silence except for the sound of churning water as the two girls continued to clean him. After a moment, Jon shook his head. "Wait, what? Can you explain that a little more?"

Nadia looked him in the eyes, her bimbo appearance a massive contrast to the seriousness he saw in her expression. "I love her. I am, was, a lesbian. I wanted to be with her. In the reality that Lisa and Karyn know, where I was transformed first, I told her my feelings. She rejected me. I was heartbroken and I volunteered to be a servant so I would not have to feel the pain of my love rejecting me. Lisa came to see me, and while expressing to you how aroused she was of my new life, she changed herself."

"In the reality that everyone else believes, including me, Lisa found out about the process and volunteered, seeing it as the ultimate sexual thrill. I had not shared my feelings with her, but I couldn't let her go. I would rather be changed and then share her than be away from her. We became a bundle package that you were lucky enough to receive."

Jon thought on this for a few moments. "So you attacked me because you love her and thought I was using her as a slave?"

"I imagined all sorts of vile and demeaning things you used her for. I thought the worst, never believing that you were treating her well, or that she enjoys it. I spoke with her at your party and believed you had... 'programed her' to say she liked her new life."

"What do you think of your new life? Of me?"

"I remember you from before I submitted myself to the process. I remember thinking that you're rich, but a loser. You would have not been my first choice to be my master. But now, I am obsessed with you. I lust for you so badly that it's like a thirst I can't quench it unless you're fucking me, approving of me."

"Wait!" Jon said quickly, holding up his hands. Both girls stopped moving. "Like, what is it, Master?" Nadia giggled in her bimbo voice. Jon silently cursed himself before asking "Nadia, honestly, am I... forcing myself on you?"

To his relief, Nadia shook her head. "No, Jon. I need you. I need the relief that you give me. Give us. But I don't love you, like Lisa does. But I love her. I would do anything to make her happy and to be with her. That includes please you and sharing her with you. I believe that I volunteered for the transformation process to be with her. If I had been given the chance, I would have asked for you to make the wish you did so that I could be with Lisa."

Jon sighed, thinking over what Nadia had said. He was glad that he wasn't forcing himself on her, but there were two things that stood out to him. "Lisa loves me?"

Nadia laughed. Not her bimbo giggle she'd had all morning, but a mocking laugh. "You really are oblivious, aren't you. Yes, she loves you. And not because you're her owner. She's fallen for you, and you don't even see it," she said with a scoff of disdain. Jon's eyes narrowed, Nadia's comments bringing him to his second issue...

"So, I'm a loser, huh?" Nadia shrugged. "Jon, except for all of your money, you're a nobody. A nice guy, sure, but a dork. I was way out of your league, so was Lisa. Just consider yourself lucky that you even get to be near me, let alone have me calling you 'Master.'"

Jon looked at Nadia with contempt. She was attractive, no doubt, but she was petty and cruel with a massive superiority complex. If Jon hadn't have made his wish yesterday, he was pretty sure he would have now.

"Lisa," he said, turning to the natural blonde on his right. "Now that I'm clean, would you mind giving me a blowjob?" Jon watched on as a large smile spread across Lisa's face while Nadia's dropped into a pout. "But, Master, like, what about me?" Jon smiled at her. "You're right, Nadia. You shouldn't be left out. Lisa, do whatever you want with Nadia."

Lisa's smile only widened as she turned her gaze to Nadia. Jon watched as Nadia blinked several times, her body swaying slightly. "Oh, Lisa," she said in a groggy voice. "What are you, like, doing to me?"

Lisa said nothing but instead shifted over, moving between Jon's legs, just next to Nadia. The bimbo brought her hands to her tits and began to moan as they grew even bigger under her palms. She never took her hands off of them even as they slid down her body and stopped on her hips, kneading them the whole time. Nadia's eyes were closed in pleasure, and she didn't notice her wet hair was quickly retracting into her head. She did notice, however, that her limbs had disappeared as her legs retracted up into her body and her arms merger with her sides, her hands melted into and absorbed by her now enormous breasts. They weren't enormous for long, though, as they, along with the rest of body, began to shrink. As she did, the bubblegum pink of her lipstick began to spread across her entire body, causing it to take on a rubbery sheen and texture. Jon saw the rest of Nadia's body contorting and shifting as she dipped beneath the soapy water.

Lisa casually reached beneath the bubbles and pulled up the bright pink dildo she had just turned her best friend into. "Just what I needed," she remarked before giving the tip a gentle kiss. She then dipped it back beneath the water, this time between her legs, and gently slide it all the way inside of her pussy until only its pink balls and base were sticking out.

Without a word, Lisa dipped beneath the surface and positioned herself in front of Karyn and opened her mouth wide. She wrapped her lips are Karyn's head and sucked her entire length into her mouth like Karyn was an oversized spaghetti noodle.

Jon shuddered in pleasure and felt Karyn harden, knowing she was definitely awake now. As Lisa began to deep throat him, she reached back and worked the pink Nadia-dildo on and out of her slit. Jon was so caught up in his own pleasure that he almost didn't see under the clear water as rows of slits began to grow on both sides of Lisa's neck. Soon, Lisa's gills were flexing and pulsing as she continued to service her master. Jon felt her stroking her tongue across Karyn's pussy and couldn't hold any long. He reached beneath the water and ran his fingers through her fine blonde hair as he blew his load down her throat.

Lisa kept Karyn in her mouth a few moments longer until she jammed Nadia into herself hard and began to twitch under the surface. As Lisa's own orgasm subsided, she pulled herself off of Karyn. Jon saw that not even a drop of cum had escaped Lisa's mouth. Her neck sealed and smoothed out as she returned to the surface. She coughed up a mouthful of water as her lungs reconnected to her throat and wiped her mouth. "How was that, Master?"

Jon leaned back and nodded, humming pleasantly. Lisa pulled the pink dildo out of her pussy and put it on the edge of the pool before grabbing the sponge. Lisa reached beneath the water and wiped down Karyn, making sure her Master was completely clean and content.

Jon looked at the discarded dildo before closing his eyes and letting out a content sigh. Lisa had been right. He did enjoy his new morning routine.

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