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107. Establishing a new "normal"

106. The talk...

105. A new addition

104. Dragging his heels

103. Tick Tock

102. Table for one?

101. Low blow

100. Can't sit around all day

99. Tick tick tick

98. End of a long day

97. Why pick door one, two or thre

96. Passions raise, as do tempers

95. The stone picked...

94. Last class of the day...

93. Multiple classmates with multi

92. A biology lesson

91. Running into a classmate

90. Lunch Break

89. Gym Class

88. Getting ready for gym class

Chick for a Dick: Catching Up

on 2016-11-06 03:00:38

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"What do you remember?" Jon asked, taking a bite of his sandwich. Jon had stayed in front of the fireplace for some time, letting Karyn sleep. After she had woken up, they continued to talk. He had to admit, as fun as Karyn was when she believed she had always been a penis, Jon was definitely glad to have his best friend back.

He had moved to his bed and was now sitting cross legged, Karyn's limp body was rotated to look up at him as she reclined with her back on his legs. "What do you mean?" she asked.

Jon wiped his mouth and set down the plate of food Lisa had brought him. He had offered some to Karyn, but she reminded him she hadn't needed to eat, or even breath, for the past week. She had felt it was probably best to not hold on to "unnecessary human habits and needs" if she wasn't going to be able to be changed back. "If I'm a penis, I may as well get used to being a penis," she had said.

"Ok, so I have noticed that there are actually a few different realities that have been made since we started wishing."

"Ut oh. That doesn't sound good."

Jon shrugged. "We haven't created some sort of messed up world where humans are slaves to cats or anything fucked up like that."

"I don't know... have you seen how many people obsess about cats on the internet?" Karyn said with a playful grin.

"Har har," Jon said sarcastically. "But, seriously, there are three different realities that I've noticed."

"Ok," Karyn said, getting serious. "What have you seen?" Jon held up his index finger. "The first was our original reality. You were human, I wasn't rich and didn't have this huge house."

"You weren't rich?" Karyn asked in surprise. Jon looked down at her confused. "No, I wished I had a massive fortune to pay for everything after I found out what a house this big was costing me." Karyn though a moment. "Was I in your pants?"

"I think you were asleep." Karyn scoffed and rolled her eyes. "There you go. I didn't hear the wish. To me, you've always been insanely wealthy. Wow... it's always really weird knowing that something you believe to be absolutely true isn't real."

"Sorry," Jon said quietly. Karyn laugh up at him. "Jon, that doesn't even come close to 'find out you're not really a penis' on the shock-o-meter. Besides, I'm willing to bet the money hasn't changed you that much. I would have never have been friends with someone because he was rich."

Jon let out a relieved sigh. "Thanks, Karyn. But, yeah, there was a much different reality from now. Then, there was the wish that made you my dick. We'll come back to that. After that, for a week, was a reality where not only did you not know you were a penis, but I also, sort of, made a couple additional wishes."

Karyn stared at him, a slightly displeased look on her face. "Which were?" Jon grimaced. "I wished all girls were almost uncontrollably attracted to me and wished you were into girls."

There was a pause of silence, then Karyn burst out laughing. Jon had no idea what to say, and simply sat by and waiting for her to calm down. "Oh, Jon, you are such a typical guy," she laughed. "And, well, being friends for so long, I probably should have told you this before, but I was a bit bi."


"I said 'a bit bi.' Now, after knowing how much fun sex with women is, I'm practically a lesbian."

Jon scoffed. "Anyways, that's how it was for a week. Now, the all-girls-attracted-to-me wish is gone. Instead, I am only attractive to girls who would have been interested before. And I think this is probably the reality where we had accidentally wished you into my penis. Or at least close enough."

"Ok," Karyn said with a nod, following along. "So," Jon continued, "which do you remember? I remember the original reality and the week with you believing you were a penis. I do not know everything that's happened in a reality where I have you for a penis, but I was not super attractive too. Take this past Saturday, for example. I remember us have sex with a bunch of girls at once. In this version of reality, I came up here with only Erin and we talked all night before deciding we would date."

Karyn nodded again and let out a slow exhale, gathering her thoughts. "While I was under the influence of your wish, I had an entire lifetime of memories from just being a penis. I still have those, but now I also have my memories of our lives before the wish that changed me. Or at least the memories of you being rich and everything. But, what I remember from when I thought I was a penis was the reality where you had a massive orgy at your party."

Jon watched as Karyn's body lifted up off his legs as she grew harder. "Good memories?" he asked teasingly. Karyn stuck her tongue out at her. "You made me enjoy it. Besides, I think your wish for me to be more attracted to girls definitely worked. I was practically insatiable."

Karyn looked up at him, a mischievous grin on her face. "So, Erin, huh? The one with the long legs and the great ass?" Jon rolled his eyes. "No, no, she's cute. So you guys are dating now?" Jon groaned. "I don't know. Apparently. In this version of reality, yeah."

"You like her?" Karyn teased.

"I barely know her! Only she remembers the long conversation we had that led to us dating. Besides, I always wanted to date-"

He stopped and looked down at Karyn, her expression unsure.

"I wanted to date you. That's what I was going to wish before you twisted my dick. I was going to wish that you liked me more than a friend," he confessed.

The room returned to an awkward silence. Jon looked away, while Karyn continued to stare at him. "I know," she finally said in a quiet voice. "I always knew. And your wish wouldn't have really changed anything. I do like you. I already did. But I was afraid. You're my best friend. What if it didn't work? What if something happened? What if we drifted apart?"

She chuckled. "Well, I guess something did happen. But now we can never be apart even if we wanted to. But, Jon, you can't really date me now."

Jon let out a sign and nodded.

"But I am still your friend. Hell, we're closer now that ever. And now, you finding someone also means me finding someone, too. You'll still be getting intimate with me, instead the way you get intimate will be different."

Jon scoffed and looked down at her. "I care about you," he said. Karyn nodded. "I know you do. I can see it in the way you've treated me. The way you've always treated me. And I care about you, too. So don't be upset, Jon. I can accept what's happened. You need to, also."

Jon nodded, and turned his gaze away. As he did, he caught the sight of the clock on his mantle. "Holy shit! Is that the time?!" Karyn rotated and looked at the clock. "Whoa, quarter to midnight. We've been talking for quite a bit."

"What do you want to do about tomorrow?" Jon asked. Karyn looked at him quizzically. "What do you mean?"

"Like... should we skip class?" Karyn looked down at herself, sighed, and looked back at him. "This is our lives now, Jon. We can't run away from it. Besides, you're practically guaranteed to graduate valedictorian as long as you don't screw yourself over. I'll be fine, and so will you. You should probably get some sleep."

Jon nodded and looked around at his bed. "Listen, I, uh, haven't really been sleeping alone..." Karyn nodded. "Yeah, Nadia and Lisa."

"Yeah," Jon said, remembering Nadia. "Would you like me to have them sleep in a guest room?" Karyn shook her head. "No, it's ok. They need to be with you too. We'll just act like I've always been this way for the time being." Jon nodded in agreement. "Lisa."

As earlier, a couple moments passed and Lisa stepped into the room. "Hello, Master. I wiped down the car you were driving in the rain to prevent it from getting spots and cleaned up the kitchen from your dinner. May I be of service?"

"No, it's time for bed. Let's settle in." Lisa smiled widely and immediately began removing her uniform. Soon, she stood naked before him. She walked to the bed and picked up his plate. As she bent over and placed it on a table, Jon could see that she no longer had the butt plug she had turned Nadia into inserted in her ass. "Lisa... where's Nadia?"

"I turned her into the towel I used to wipe down your SUV with then put her in the wash. She's line drying right now. But don't worry: I cleaner her off between when she was a butt plug and the towel," she said cheerfully.

Jon and Karyn stared at her. "Wow," Karyn finally managed. "That's a bit kinkier than usual for you." Jon realized that Karyn had not heard him instruct Lisa to use Nadia as her personal plaything, but he was just starting to feel like things were getting back to normal that he didn't want to bring it up. Lisa only smiled and giggled before moving forward and climbing into the bed.

"Are you sure there isn't anything else I can help you with, Master?" She reached down and wrapped her practiced hand around Karyn, earning a grunt of approval from the penis-girl. Jon felt her go hard and looked down at her. She looked up at him, holding his gaze, before slowly nodding.

"Sure," Jon said, already breathing heavier. "But make sure I am awake early enough for school." Lisa said nothing, but Jon knew his instruction would be followed. The well-endowed blonde moved between his legs, licking Karyn's entire length until she was fully erect. Then, Lisa moved up slowly lowered her pussy onto Karyn, he lower lips wrapping around and engulfing her. It was the last of Karyn Jon would see until morning. Soon, Lisa had Karyn's entire length inside of her and was rocking in a steady pace and sending waves of pleasure through all three of their bodies.

"Fuck, yes, Master! Fuck my tight little cunt!"

Lisa continued to ride Jon hard until he couldn't hold out anymore. He grunted as he shot his load into Lisa's quivering sex. He was panting hard and covered in sweat, but he felt so damn good. Much better than masturbating, he thought. If Karyn had heard him say it, she would have agreed. She was in heaven. She was in a tight, wet pussy, soaking in the afterglow of cumming, and best of all, Jon accepted that she loved it.

Moments later, all three were asleep, Jon on his back, Lisa on top of him, and Karyn still inside of her.

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