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102. Table for one?

101. Low blow

100. Can't sit around all day

99. Tick tick tick

98. End of a long day

97. Why pick door one, two or thre

96. Passions raise, as do tempers

95. The stone picked...

94. Last class of the day...

93. Multiple classmates with multi

92. A biology lesson

91. Running into a classmate

90. Lunch Break

89. Gym Class

88. Getting ready for gym class

87. Next Class

86. One down...

85. Lucky meeting you here

84. Math Class

83. Trish was the tip of the icebe

Chick for a Dick: Unexpected Company

on 2016-08-14 13:54:38

2374 hits, 97 views, 2 upvotes.

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Jon looked down at the tray of food in his hands. The day was half done, and he was thankful for that. Phys ed was already finished, and Jon had been grateful that today was not a gym day. He did not want to face the trial of changing in front of the other guys in the locker room with Karyn aware of her current form.

However, the class had not gone off completely without a hitch. Jon had walked into a classroom which was full of naked girls, the left over result of Jon's previous fun with the volleyball game. Looking around the room at all of the exposed, attractive girls, Jon couldn't help but get aroused. He felt Karyn tent pole in his pants and immediately set about giving all of the girls their clothes back. He must have looked ridiculous as he looked at each naked girl and blinked twice, but Jon's guilt left no room for subtlety.

The rest of the class had gone normally. Or at least as normal as it could have gone with three cheerleaders with horns and Amy passing notes to Liz. Whatever was written in the notes was enough to cause Liz's horse dick to visibly bulge under her skirt. As bizarre as it was, the scene actually provided some comfort to Jon. Amy and Liz, along with many other girls, were very happy with their changes. But Karyn...

Jon snapped back to the present, still staring at his tray of food. He didn't have an appetite, and he knew whatever he ingested Karyn was just going to be stuck peeing out. Logically, however, he knew that he hadn't eaten all day and needed to get some food. He'd just have to hold it as long as he could and figure out a way to get around it once he was home and had the stone.

Jon walked past the occupied cafeteria tables. Nobody called out to him like the had over the previous week. Jon had briefly wondered if he would be more popular due to his vast wealth, but he got the impression that most if his classmates were rather envious of his fortune and didn't care too much for him unless he was throwing a massive party or trying to get something from him. And so, Jon returned to the isolated table where he used to sit with Karyn. Only now, he was alo-

A blur of motion across the table caught Jon off guard. "Hey, Jon," Erin said. "Didn't you see me grab a table over there?" She tilted her chin in a general direction back towards the center of the cafeteria. "Um, no, sorry. I was... thinking about something," Jon stammered. Erin smiled warmly at him. "No problem. I hadn't unpacked my lunch yet, so it's all good."

Erin removed her bag from her hip-shoulder as Jon had seen her do the other day and begin to unpack its contents with her toes. Confused, Jon asked "Erin, honestly, why are you sitting with me?" Erin paused and looked at him, her head resting just above her hips peeking over the table. "Because I like you. And we're dating."

Jon's eyes went wide. "We're dating?" Erin nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah. We met at your party on Saturday. We ended up going to your room and talking for hours before I left super late. The next day, we met up w took me out for ice cream. After that, we decided we'd try dating."

Jon slumped in his seat. It was true, he had liked Erin, but he didn't know her all that well. The late night talk that they'd had in this reality had instead been sex followed by even more sex in an alcohol induced orgy in the reality he recalled. "This is getting complicated," he muttered.

Erin perked up. "What is, Jon? Is everything alright?" Jon looked back at her and realized he had released her from his questioning power. "Yeah," he said. "I, uh, got detention today."

"Oh... I'm sorry. Who with?"

"Mr. Martin." Erin scoffed and buried her face in a plastic container. She pulled out a baby carrot and quickly sucked it into mouth. "I'm not surprised. He loves to give out detention. I have him for my fifth hour and haven't seen him go a whole week without giving someone detention. Hey, want me to get detention on purpose? Misery loves company, right?"

Jon silently shook his head. He started to reach for his cup of pudding when he saw Samantha was already on his tray with her head buried into the dessert. Jon let out a small yell and recoiled, shocked by the fly-girl's unexpected arrival. Samantha didn't seem to care, only pausing to shout out "Thanks, Jon!" before sticking her head back into it, her wings fluttering on her back in delight.

Jon looked across the table at Erin, who was smiling dreamily at him. She was the first girl to look at him like that all day, and he realized how much he missed the feeling of being desired. He felt himself becoming aroused, imagining fucking her compressed form.

Suddenly, Jon felt his hardening penis rotate in his pants. Jon immediately remembered Karyn and his mood soured again. Erin seemed to notice his displeasure, but said nothing. She instead looked down and returned to eating in silence. The only sound from the table was Samantha slurping the pudding and the occasional buzz of her wings.

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