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101. Low blow

100. Can't sit around all day

99. Tick tick tick

98. End of a long day

97. Why pick door one, two or thre

96. Passions raise, as do tempers

95. The stone picked...

94. Last class of the day...

93. Multiple classmates with multi

92. A biology lesson

91. Running into a classmate

90. Lunch Break

89. Gym Class

88. Getting ready for gym class

87. Next Class

86. One down...

85. Lucky meeting you here

84. Math Class

83. Trish was the tip of the icebe

82. Early Riser

Chick for a Dick: Kick 'em When They're Down

on 2016-08-13 00:52:27

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One hour down, Jon thought grimly. Whereas yesterday he couldn't wait to get from class to class to see the altered students, today was pure torture. He could not stop thinking about Karyn in his pants. The look of disbelief and shock on her face as she had realized her situation was burned into his mind. He had felt her shift positions a few times during the class period and felt a shiver run down his spine each time. He couldn't even focus on the lecture to take his mind off of the situation because he now knew the material too well. It was all old news.

Even the other students had provided no escape. Jon knew that the transformed students in the class either liked their changes or had done something to deserve them, but they still reminded Jon of Karyn's situation. Besides, it had been much different when they had been attracted to him and wanted attention from him.

The worst part, however, was knowing that the completed classes did not even count down to a resolution. At the end of the day, the situation would still be the same. Instead, Jon would be alone at home with Karyn and have to face her.

Jon shuddered as he looked up. He had barely even realized that he had returned to his locker. He didn't even know how long he had been standing there, but it was long enough that the halls were almost completely empty. Jon shook his head and placed his math textbook on the shelf. "Hey, Jon," a voice said behind him. Jon turned around and saw Nadia standing behind him.

"Oh, hey, Nadia. Listen, I haven't had a chance to talk to Lis-"


Jon's breath caught in his throat and the hallway began to spin as stars filled his vision. Jon looked down and saw Nadia's knee firmly planted in his crotch. Jon focused on trying to not throw up as he collapsed to the floor of the empty hallway. "You fucking asshole!" Nadia said, standing over him.

Jon looked up at her in shock. "Wha... what..." he wheezed out. "You keep my best friend in that house of yours and treat her like a glorified blow up doll! She is not your slave!" Jon's expression darkened. "I never-"

"Shut up!" Nadia said, raising her foot as if to stomp him. Jon pulled himself into a ball, but the blow never came. "I don't know why she agreed to become your... your... plaything, but you're a piece of shit that doesn't deserve her! " She gave a huff before turning and beginning to storm away.

Jon laid on the floor in a fetal position, his balls too sore to even cradle. Fury burned within him. He had only ever treated Lisa with respect, as a person. Nadia only assumed the worst and unjustly attacked him. A muffled wail from his crotch pierced Jon's thoughts. Karyn! She hurt Karyn! Jon looked down the hall at Nadia as she stomped away. Jon's expression became one of pure malice.

"Nadia! I wish that you had volunteered with Lisa for the exact same process that everyone believes she volunteered for and that you ended up with the person you despise the most as your master!"


Jon's eyes went wide in surprise. Jon was lying on the floor in the now empty hallway. Nadia was gone. Jon immediately patted his pockets and confirmed he didn't have the stone. It was back in the safe at home. Then how-

"The party wish," he whispered. It was still in effect! All of the girls who were susceptible to being changed could still be altered by a wish.

Jon stood up and looked down the hall at where he had last seen Nadia. He didn't really mean to send her to a lifetime of servitude. He had just been so angry that she had hurt Karyn. He sighed with a frown on his face. He hoped that her new master didn't treat her poorly.

Jon closed the stall door and unzipped his pants. Light flooded in and Jon saw Karyn squint her eyes. As they adjusted, she looked around saw where they were. A look of resignation crossed her face and she looked towards the bowl and opened her mouth.

"No, that's not why we're here," Jon said. Karyn closed her mouth and looked up at him, but said nothing. "Are you ok?" Karyn's mouth dropped in disbelief at his question. "Jon," she scoffed, "I'm your cock."

"No," Jon said, shaking his head. "I mean the kick."

"What kick?" Karyn asked.

"The kick that-" Jon paused. He suddenly noticed his balls didn't hurt. He had been so focused on Karyn and Nadia he hadn't thought about it. He realized that he had wished that Nadia had volunteered for her transformation procedure the same time Lisa supposedly had. She couldn't have been in the hallway to kick him. The encounter never happened.

"Nothing," Jon said. He didn't want to let Karyn know what had happened, how badly she'd been hurt. She looked unconvinced, but didn't say anything. "Is there... I don't know, anything I can do?"

"You actually went to school? Why? Where's the stone?"

"The stone is locked up back home. I made a wish last night that I wouldn't be late for school and my body went on it's own and brought me here."

"Oh... I remember, now. That was right before Lisa-" She stopped, her mouth hanging open. Jon felt her throb once, then close her mouth. "'Before Lisa' what?" Jon asked. "Nothing," Karyn said, looking away from him.

Silence filled the bathroom as Jon stood with his pants down and his best-friend-turned-dick in his hand. "You should probably go to class," Karyn said quietly. "We can't stand here all day."

"Yeah," Jon said. He gently pulled open the waistband of his underwear and started trying to gently tuck Karyn's naked body into them. Finally, Karyn groaned and snapped "Jon! You treated me like a penis for a week! Just shove me in and zip it up!"

Jon paused briefly before wrapping his hand around Karyn's body and firmly shoving her into place. "I'm so sorry," he whispered with tears in his eyes as he released the waistband, closing her in, before zipping up his pants as well.

Jon entered the second hour class. Mr. Martin paused and stared down Jon. "Mr. Gibson... what is the meaning of coming into my class when the period is a third over?" Jon looked down. "I'm sorry Mr. Martin. I didn't feel well and had to use the bathroom." The teacher continued to stare at him. "Do you feel alright now?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good. Then you are healthy enough to attend detention today after school. Take your seat."

Jon shuffled towards his seat, feeling totally defeated. As he passed Aubrey, she gave him a sympathetic look. Jon sat down at his desk and sighed. Only four more to go after this... he thought sarcastically.

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