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90. Lunch Break

89. Gym Class

88. Getting ready for gym class

87. Next Class

86. One down...

85. Lucky meeting you here

84. Math Class

83. Trish was the tip of the icebe

82. Early Riser

81. The end of a long day

80. Lilly Investigates

79. It's all coming back to her

78. The Return Home

77. Back at Home

76. Jon's Second Wish Kicks In

75. Jon Doesn't Think Things Throu

74. Heading to Emma's

73. A Pre-Ride Inspection

72. Getting Ready

71. Jon Checks His Email

Chick for a Dick: Lunch

on 2016-06-10 03:55:23

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Jon stood in line to pay for his lunch, watching another girl walk away without realizing she had talked to him. Or realizing she didn't usually walk around naked. Since Jon had entered the cafeteria, one girl right after the other had walked up to him and announced that she had been changed.

The first girl explained that her boyfriend had been going down on her and complaining due to her not shaving that day. The boyfriend had offhandedly wished she was bald, and now she was. From head to toe. Her head, eyebrows, everything was now bald.

Ironically, a second girl had approached Jon and told him her boyfriend had a similar complaint and has wished she would "trim her bush." Her pubic hair was now no longer hair at all, but instead the green needles of a coniferous bush. She did, however, have it neatly trimmed as her boyfriend had desired.

The next girl's boyfriend had wished she had bigger melons. Instead of breasts, she now had a pair of large honeydew melons hanging from her chest.

Another girl told Jon about how she was self conscious about her underdeveloped breasts when her girlfriend wished that she would "bloom." The girl explained her breasts were bigger, now C-cups, but her nipples had been replaced with the heads of blooming sunflowers. She didn't seem to mind, however, as she told him about how good it felt when bees would gather pollen from them.

The girls had continued to come up to him and Jon had heard their stories. He was glad to hear most enjoyed their changes, or were at the very least indifferent to them. Jon watched as another girl stood up in the same trance-like state he had seen today and began to walk towards him. As she approached, Jon realized something.

So many girls, he thought. Zoe's a player!

Lunch over the past week had been a new experience for Jon. Before the stone, Jon and Karyn had a usual table they would sit at together, tucked out of the way and rarely bothered by Sarah or anyone else. Since his change, however, it had been very different. Now, he was one of the most popular kids in school. Everyone asked him to join them as he walked by, and wherever he did sit there were sure to be several hot girls who would end up joining the table. The only other person who got so much attention was Zoe.

As Jon walked past the rows of tables, his attention was drawn to a blob of bright red out of the corner of his eye. Looking closer, he saw that it was a girl sitting at a table with her back to him. Her hair was a brilliantly vivid red, but that wasn't all. It looked hard and glossy. As he approached, he saw it was actually long strands of red licorice candy cascading down her back, looking like a bizarre wig. Jon circled around the table to get a better view of the girl. The sight that met Jon was one of the most unusual transformations he'd seen yet.

Her licorice hair was only the beginning of her change. Her entire body looked like it was made out of soft, moist white cake baked to a golden brown. Her eyes looked to be small green lollipops, with the eyebrows above them being made out of thin lines of multicolored sprinkles. Her lips seemed to be molded out of taffy, and the white teeth behind them were made out of rows of breath mints. Her fingernails drew his attention next. Each one had the trademark swirl of a peppermint candy. The girl seated next to the her noticed Jon hovering near their table and enthusiastically tapper her friend on the arm. The altered girl turned and looked up at him, her glossy eyes going wide.

"Oh! Hi, Jon," she said, twirling a length of licorice hair around her right index finger. He stared into her altered eyes, unsure if his ability would even work. "Honestly, what's your name?"

"Candice," she responded immediately. Jon, let out a sigh of relief. "What wish made you like this?" Candice released her "hair" and looked down at her transformed body. "I had just wrapped up having an orgy with Zoe and a few others when someone at the party wished they could eat me out. Now, I'm completely edible."

Jon's jaw dropped. "PEOPLE EAT YOU?!" he shrieked. "Doesn't that hurt?! Wouldn't it kill you?!" Candice smiled and calmly shook her head. "Nope," she said casually. "My body is made for it now. I don't feel any pain from it. Some parts are actually very pleasurable while they're being eaten. Once a body part is eaten, though, it's numb until it grows back. And it does grow back, but it takes about a day or so. But there is a way around it. I can modify my body by adding parts to it. If I baked a couple large cakes and put them to my chest, for example, I can increase the size of my boobs. But, if those are eaten, only my original sized 'cupcakes'," she squeezed her petite breasts for emphasis, "will grow back. As long as not all of me is eaten at the same time, I will be fine."

Jon blinked twice and Candice's clothing was gone, revealing that her nipples had been replaced with pink gumdrops. Jon leaned over the table and looked between her legs. He could see a thin, well managed line of sprinkles between her legs, confirming his suspicions that her fine body hair had been replaced with sprinkles. "What do you think of your change?"

"It's... weird. I mean, I'm a walking dessert plate. And I think it's totally normal for people to ask to have a piece of me to snack on. It's kind of freaky, but it feels really good. Also, I can always change how I look by going to the baked goods or candy aisle." Jon nodded, glad that she didn't seem to really mind what had happened to her. He shrugged, and said "Hey, Candice. Mind if I sit here?"

The trance broken, the three girls at the table shared shocked glances. Jon Gibson had asked to sit with them! "Sure," Candice blurted out, failing to play it cool. "Thanks," Jon said as he set down his tray. "Can I join too?" Jon looked down and to his left to the source of the voice and saw Erin standing beside him, her short body going almost unnoticed. "Sure," Jon said, the other girls visible displeased with the added competition.

Erin noticed their looks and turned to Jon. "Saturday night was fun. So was Sunday morning," she said, rubbing it in. The other girls glared at Erin. Jon only grinned as he took a bite if his sandwich. Getting fought over by a table full of girls. He could get used to this.

Jon watched as Erin slipped her sandals off and squatted down, the bag slung over where her neck and hips met now resting on the ground. With practiced motions, she dipped and rotated her head, unslinging the bag from her body. Using her nimble toes, she opened the bag and pulled out a series of plastic bags containing her lunch. Nobody batted an eye at Erin, but Jon was impressed with her ability to adapt to her new body.

"Hey, Jon," came a voice behind him. Another girl suddenly sat down in the seat to his right. Jon recognized her as the girl he had found in his basement whose head needed to be reattached to her body. Before he could ask her anything, she turned to the transformed girl across the table. "Hi, Candy."

Candice raised one of her sprinkle eyebrows and let out a sigh. Jon was able to smell her sugary breath from across the table. "Knock it off, Emily." Emily smirked, then pursed her lips in a kiss towards Candice, who then returned the gesture. "Emily, honestly, what was that about?" Emily was just about to take a bite of her pasta when she put down her fork, closed her open mouth and turned to look at him. "We were both in the orgy with Zoe on Saturday and she started calling Candice 'Candy.' We're old friends so I've been teasing her about it all weekend. It's even better now because I know she doesn't want you to find out about her being with Zoe because she wants a shot with you."

Jon smiled and looked at Candice, realizing for the first time that her plate was nothing but dessert confections. It appeared all she ate anymore was sugary foods. Jon turned back to Emily. "What is the wish that changed you?"

"Somebody wished the could 'get a piece of me.' I can now have any part of me be pulled off. Anything from my whole head, like you found me, to even orifices like my mouth or vagina. They can be peeled off like stickers and put on another surface and used like normal. I love to peel my mouth off, stick it on the palm of my hand, put my pussy on the other palm, and just eat myself out. I'll even loan parts to people so they can use them whenever. Nothing like sitting down to family dinner right when someone starts fucking you and trying not to let anyone know." She gave him a mischievous smile and bit her lover lip.

"So you like your change?"

"Absolutely! Wouldn't dare think of changing a thing."

A blur of motion and a yelp cause everyone's attention to go to Candice. Both of her hands were cupping her still bare left breast. "Dammit, Samantha! How many times do i have to tell you to ask before you take a piece of me!" She lowered her hands to reveal that the gumdrop for her nipple was gone. Jon heard a buzzing overhead and looked up to see a tiny figure hovering over them, greedily devouring Candice's candy nipple.

"Hey, Samantha," Jon called up to her. The fly-girl looked down at him with her red, compound eyes. Jon pushed back his lunch tray and gestured to his uneaten brownie. Samantha smiled so broadly that Jon could still make it out even on her tiny face before she bolted down and landed on the tray in front of him. The brownie was half as big as she was, but she started in, all four of her hands pulling off chunks and shoveling them into her mouth. "Thanks, Jon!" she said with her mouth full.

"At least she didn't go full 'Alien' on you," Emily said. "Emily!" Candice looked at Jon before starring daggers at her friend. "We don't need to bring that up!" she hissed. "Why?" Jon asked. "What's that?"

Candice continued to stare at Emily who held up her hands, indicating that she wouldn't say anything more. "Samantha once ate her way all the way from Candice's vag all the way to her chest," Erin said from Jon's left, wickedly smiling at the candy-girl. Candice's mouth hung open while Emily tried, and failed, to hide her snickering. "Then she ate her way out and came out between her boobs, like in that old 'Alien' movie."

"Hey! Shut up!" Candice cried. "Everyone knows," Erin responded. "It was weird," Candice said with a shudder. "It was delicious!" Samantha said with her mouth full. Jon laughed and looked down at the miniature girl.

"Samantha, honestly, how did you become part bug?" Samantha finished the pieces of dessert she was already holding and then licked her fingers clean. However, she followed it up with running her upper arms across her head, like a fly cleaning itself. "My dumbass brother was trying to act like a bad thug stereotype and wished that I was 'more fly.' Next instant, I'm what you see now."

"What do you think of it?"

"Flying is the biggest rush ever! It like being a living roller coaster. It does get scary at times. Every thing is so big, and I'm so small. But I'm so hyper and ready to go that I barely ever notice what's happening from moment to moment. The rush is totally worth it, but it's not all great."

"What's the problem?"

"There's two problems, actually. First is the eating. I can't help myself, I eat everything!" Jon shrugged. "Do you really think people mind that much?" Samantha shook her head. "Jon, no, I eat... everything."

Her statement sunk in and Jon stuck out his tongue in disgust. "Exactly," she said. "If the normal me realized what I have been doing and the shit I'd been eating, literally at times, I'd probably throw up. Worst part is that I'd probably then want to eat that, too," she said in a defeated voice.

"What's the other problem?" Jon asked, wanting to move on. "Guys," she responded flatly. "I had a crush on you, and I still do, but I'm too small. Before my change, I thought I might have a shot with you. And it drives me crazy that Alexis is gunning for you."


The fly-girl nodded. "She's a girl I've known for a long time. Too long. Every guy I have ever been interested in, she used to steal away from me and then kick them to the curb once she was done with them. Now that I'm a bug-girl, she instead lords over me how she can get guys. Fucking gold digging bitch. I wish that black widow was in the same situation as me!"


"Where does she sit?" Jon asked. Samantha pointed with two of her miniature arms towards a nearby window. Jon walked over and found who he assumed to be Alexis sitting on the window sill. She was now only nine inches tall, like Samantha. She had long black hair, tan skin, long legs and an hourglass body with proportionally large breasts on her shrunken body.

She also had four additional arms, giving her a total of eight limbs. Her thirty fingertips were each capped with black, claw-like fingernails. Her forehead was covered with eyes, and her mouth was now filled with long, sharp teeth. And just as Samantha had her ass replaced with a fly's abdomen, Alexis now had a spider's, complete with noticeable spinnerets and the telltale red hourglass mark of a black widow.

The femme fatale spider-girl did not pay any attention as Jon inspected her. He realized he had not released Samantha from her questioning trance, so nobody would notice him until he did. Jon watched as she reached into the web in the corner of the window, pulled out a bound insect, and eagerly bit into it, sucking out the juices before grabbing another.

Jon stuck his tongue out and returned to his seat where Samantha stood patiently next to the brownie. "One less problem, right?"

"Not really. Now I'm worried about her eating me."

Jon rolled his eyes. "Feel free to stop by and grab anything from my plate anytime," he offered, freeing her from her hypnotic trance. "Thanks, Jon!" she responded enthusiastically, returning to the dessert. Jon did make a mental note, thought: make a wish just to make sure Alexis didn't try eating Samantha.

Jon carried his trash to the waste bin. He was surprised just how much of the brownie Samantha had been able to get through. As he approached, he spotted a girl walking towards him. She did not seem to be dazed like the others, but she still had a confused look on her face. "Hi, Jon. Um, my name's Erica, and this is weird, but, I feel like I need to tell you that I'm friends with Cathy. Which is really weird because I don't know anyone named Cathy."

Jon cursed himself. He had wished that Erica would introduce herself to him, but didn't wish for her to not notice that she was doing so, as he had with the other girls. "Erica, honestly, do you now remember Cathy from before she was changed?" he asked her. "Yeah, I do now," she responded. "We were at the party together when I ended up wishing her into becoming a coffee table." Jon nodded, pleased that while in the trance Erica would remember her friend. "What do you think about it?"

"Better her than me," Erica responded bluntly. Jon's jaw dropped. "What?" he asked, not believing what he had heard. "Cathy is a nice girl, but I wouldn't go out on a huge limb for her. Especially not if I was going to end up a freak like her."

Jon was angry. Cathy didn't enjoy her change, and didn't deserve it. Several girls, like Amanda and Grace had been changed as retribution for their behavior. But Cathy had been altered into a form she not happy with without cause. Jon couldn't believe how callous Cathy's supposed "friend" was being towards her.

"Erica," he said with a stern voice, "have you made out with my sister before?" Erica smiled. "Yeah, she and I stayed after gym class and Sarah ate me out," she responded with delight. "Were you changed by a wish yet?" he continued. Erica shook her head. "Nope."

"I wish you were in a situation similar to Cathy and that you would change back once I changed her back."


Jon now stood alone by the trash bin. Nobody around him noticed anything. Jon exhaled and dumped the trash, then headed for the door.

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