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89. Gym Class

88. Getting ready for gym class

87. Next Class

86. One down...

85. Lucky meeting you here

84. Math Class

83. Trish was the tip of the icebe

82. Early Riser

81. The end of a long day

80. Lilly Investigates

79. It's all coming back to her

78. The Return Home

77. Back at Home

76. Jon's Second Wish Kicks In

75. Jon Doesn't Think Things Throu

74. Heading to Emma's

73. A Pre-Ride Inspection

72. Getting Ready

71. Jon Checks His Email

70. Plans for Lisa

Chick for a Dick: Third Hour

on 2016-06-08 00:42:57

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The worn gym floor creaked under Jon's feet as he stepped out of the locker room. The large room was abuzz with activity as several groups were congregating around the gym. A handful of students were already hitting a ball over the volleyball net set up in the middle of the room. No doubt today's activity, Jon thought to himself.

On the far end of the room, several students were sitting in the bleachers, obviously not too thrilled to be in the class. On the contrary, several jocks were milling about the room, clearly in their element. While some were taking shots at one of the basketball hoops attached to one end of the gym, a few more were socializing with a group of preppy girls who were in the middle of stretching. They had used to be Sarah's clique, and in the past they had tormented Karyn and him to no end.

Now, however, things were different. As they noticed Jon, each girl in the room turned and looked his way. Feeling a surge of confidence, Jon proudly walked up to the group of girls. As he approached, he recognized Ashley, Molly and Harley from the cheerleading team. What really drew his attention, though, were the horns coming out of their heads. Ashley was the cheerleader he had seen when he had first arrived at school earlier that morning, who now sported a large set of ram's horns which curled out of her temples. Molly had a single bony protrusion about 14 inches long coming out of the center of her forehead, making her look like a bizarre unicorn. The real attention getter was Harley, who had a two foot long horn coming straight out of each side if her head before the tips slightly turned up into little points. The overall span of her horns was almost five feet after including her head. Everyone around her gave her a wide birth, since her massive horns swung wildly as she turned her head to look from person to person.

"Hey, Jon," a voice next to him said. Jon turned and saw Brett, a member of the football team next to him. "Killer party, man." Brett extended his hand. As Jon did the same, Brett grasp his hand performing an overly complicated hand shake. Jon resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "Yeah, thanks, Brett. How about you?" he said turning to the group of girls, ignoring the jock. "Did you have fun?"

All of the girls responded with nods and affirmations. Jon was relieved to see that Harley was not one of the ones who nodded. He was worried she might poke someone's eye out. "Ashley, honestly, what happened to all of the cheerleaders?"

"A wish changed us." This time Jon did roll his eyes. "What wish?" his voice full of annoyance. "Some dweeb wished that all of the cheerleaders were more horny. All of us who were already at the party but hadn't been changed yet got altered. We're all horny now, just not the way the little dork wanted."

Jon looked past the trio of horned girls and saw the girls' locker room door open and Liz and Amy stepping out. Jon didn't know which surprised him more: Liz was coming out of the girls' locker room, or that she had managed to fit the massive bulge in her crotch into the spandex shorts she was wearing. "Glad you enjoyed yourselves," Jon stated as he moved towards Liz. As he approached the pair, Jon was surprised when Amy happily announced "I was changed."

Jon paused and looked at the short girl. He had seen her naked in his house when he had first discovered Liz's addition, but he had not seen anything out of the ordinary. "Amy, honestly, what was changed about you?"

"Liz made me attracted to her."

"What do you mean?" Amy sighed. "I was going through an experimental phase and Liz and I fooled around. Afterwards, I realized that I wasn't really into girls. Liz, however, is. And she was really into me. She's my best friend and had been trying to win my affection for some time, and while I liked her as a person, I was not attracted to her. Her wish made me more interested in her. My wish sealed the deal."

"Your wish?" Jon asked. Amy smiled widely and looked down at the obvious bulge in her lover's shorts. "While I was definitely more attracted to her, she was missing one thing. I wished for her to be able to fuck me like an animal. And now, she definitely does." Jon nodded to himself. He was glad that Amy was enjoying herself, but what about-

"Liz, honestly, what do you think of your horse dick?" Liz smiled broadly as she reach down and groped her bulge. "I fucking love this thing! I feel so strong and powerful with it! And when I cum, oh fuck, it's unbelievable. It's like a fire hose! I have to jack off in the shower just to keep the mess manageable. Not that I need to resort to that often. Amy can't keep her hands off of it. We fuck pretty much every chance we get. I feel great, I get to have Amy, and she loves it. It's almost perfect."

"Almost?" Liz shrugged. "Well, for one thing, I wish I could fit the whole thing into Amy." Jon braced himself, waiting for the telltale flash that a wish had been granted, but nothing came. He quickly realized that Amy had already been changed by a wish from the party, so unless someone made another wish using the stone, Amy would not change again. "Plus," Liz continued, "it's really hard packing this beast into girl's clothing. And the expression 'piss like a racehorse' is literal with me. And with the angle of my sheath, I can't just start peeing or else I'll piss all over my torso. Instead, I need to bend over, which is awkward, or I need to get a mild hard-on and then do my best to aim it once it's flopping around out of its sheath. And don't get me started if I need to go number two. I can't sit down with it out without holding onto it or else it completely falls into the bowl or having it so erect it's right in front of my face. I don't mind the fact that I can reach this cock with my mouth, but not when I'm trying to use the bathroom. Do you have any idea what it's like trying to maneuver around a bathroom stall with a stallion's prick? It isn't easy."

"Why don't you use a urinal in the men's room? Or wear guys' clothing?" Jon asked. Liz snickered. "I'm a girl with a horse cock, Jon. Not a cross dresser. And I'm not going to expose myself in front of a bunch of guys." Jon looked at her quizzically. "You don't think of yourself as a guy?" She laughed again and shook her head. "No, Jon! Boys don't have horse penises. Just because I do doesn't mean I'm a guy, silly."

Jon stared at her, the sound of sneakers squeaking against the waxed floor breaking the silence. The stone certainly had a weird way of making things seem "normal" to everyone. Jon thought about it for a moment and had a realization. "Since you're still considered a girl, does that mean that you're, you know, attracted to me?"

"Of course!" Liz responded enthusiastically. "All girls are attracted to you. Amy and I have shared with each other a mutual fantasy of having a threesome with you. Other than her powerful attraction to me, she's still in to guys. Hell, even I'd go straight for you. Imagining you on your knees in front of me as I whip out my coc-"

"Whoa!" Jon interupted. A look of confusion suddenly came to Liz and Amy's faces. "What up, Jon?" Liz asked, completely unaware of what she had just been saying. The gym doors opened and the teacher, Mr. DeWind, blew his whistle. "Sorry," Jon muttered as he joined the class. Saved by the whistle.

"Alright, everyone. Three laps around the gym, then count off by fours to get into teams for volleyball." The students all turned and started jogging in a circle around the perimeter of the gym. As Jon expected, the jocks took the lead. Jon did not expect what came next. Slowly, the cheerleaders started passing the jocks to take the lead. Shortly after that, Liz passed even them, taking place at the head of the group where she remained. Jon had been in class with everyone for some time, and knew Liz and the others had not been nearly this fast before. It was as if they had gotten more animal traits than just their obvious additions.

As the laps were completed, Jon was breathing heavily. Liz, however, did not look phased in the slightest. "Alright! Count off by fours!" the teacher shouted. The four teams were soon split up and begin a short tournament. Jon's team faced off against Liz and Amy's team, who soundly beat him. Jon sat in the bleachers and watched as Ashley faced off on a team against Molly and Harley. The results were almost comical as everyone on Harley's team was too afraid to get near her for fear of her long horns, while Ashley almost got her curled set caught in the net when she went for a spike. In the end, it was Ashley's team versus Liz's. Jon noted with amusement that Ashley's team was comprised completely of girls.

Keeping himself entertained from the sidelines, Jon began a game: every time a team scored a point, one member of the opposing team lost their clothes. The game started with a clear advantage for Liz's team, but as more and more of the opposition were becoming naked, the lesbian's attention began to waver off the game. The next play, Ashley scored, the ball wailing past Liz. Jon blinked twice, and Amy stood naked except for a pair of gym shoes. Liz looked at her lover's body and smiled. However, the momentary distraction allowed Ashley to once again score.

A moment later, a very naked Liz threw the ball back over the net to be served, her sheathe and massive balls balls exposed to the whole class. The play began and Liz rushed forward and jumped as Amy set up the shot. Ashley jumped to block it, but Liz managed to hit the ball first and slam it into the floor on the opposite side if the net, winning the game. The team cheered as Liz raised her arms in victory. As she moved towards her team, Jon saw that she was raising her knees in high, defined strides. She was prancing, like a thoroughbred in a horse show. Amy rushed forward and hugged Liz, their naked flesh pressed together.

Jon could have sworn they were about to kiss when Mr. DeWind blew his whistle and shouted for everyone to hit the showers. Jon watched the numerous naked girls heading for the locker room and smiled to himself. He'd leave them as nudists for the day and return their clothing tomorrow. Jon focused on Liz. She was surrounded by numerous naked girls, one of which was her own girlfriend. Just before she disappeared in to the locker room, Jon could see the head of her horse dick starting to poke out of its sheathe.

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