Jon's mother sighed, making a strange hissing noise as her breath passed through her fangs. "Well," she said. "I guess there's only one thing for that..." She pumped her fist emphatically into the air. "We need to go on a VAMPIRE CRUSADE!!"
Jon and Karyn looked at one another with worriedly.
"A... what?"
"It's simple, my darling boy," crooned Mother-Vampire, running her long, lifeless index finger down Jon's equally lifeless cheek. "As you have said, everyone in town is a vampire! So what choice do we have?" she intoned. "If we are to feed, everyone in town must band together as an army...stalk-out into countryside and sieze control of one of the neighbouring towns under cover of darkness! We will make a meal of the foolish mortals who reside there!" She cocked her head to the side. "The only question is... will you come with us?"
Jon and Karyn glanced and one another once more. Neither had ever heard Jon's mother talk that way; and they found it repulsive.
And yet, even though they still remembered being Human, the fact was that they were now Vampires through and through... and they were getting hungry.
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