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12. Stay with Jonnie and Karyn

11. The Phantom Wisher Changes Kar

10. Target Jon

9. A different role....

8. The mystery wisher changes tar

7. Sarah shouldn't be in the girl

6. Sarah grows

5. Confusion

4. Next Class Period

3. What do you mean?!?!

2. The next day at school

1. You Are What You Wish

New Developments for Jonnie and Karyn

on 2019-06-12 23:22:55

2137 hits, 203 views, 3 upvotes.

Age MC Unaware

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Jonnie tried to shake the strange feeling from her head as she exited the stall. She always felt a little off during her period, and maybe she had been going a little heavy with this new fad diet. That must have been it. But it was always nice when Karyn visited the school. Wait...didn't Karyn go to this school? Jonnie paused for a moment. No, what was she thinking? Karyn was four years older than her. Jonnie shook her head as she retied her long blonde hair, then quickly touched up her lipstick. She couldn't wait for art class, especially when Karyn visited.

Karyn checked the time on her phone. Shit, she couldn't wait for Jonnie any longer. Would have to just see her in class. Karyn made her way to the art room, pausing to pull her pants that were riding low on her large buttocks. That girl took so much time in the bathroom, she chuckled to herself. Good thing she was so damn cute.

Karyn entered the art room, immediately greeted by the teacher, Miss Krinski, still setting up the last drawing easels. "Karyn! Always nice to see you!" They exchanged a friendly hug and Karyn grabbed a robe from the rack in the corner, used to the old routine.

"I was thinking we'd do a kneeling position toward the end, if you're up for it."

"Sounds good, Judy. Just no more than that. Had a little pain in the knees the last week." Karyn slapped the ample flesh on her lower thigh for emphasis.

"Of course, dear. Oh and your biggest fan, Jonnie, will be in class today. That girl always does her best work when you model for us, I've noticed."

"Oh that's great," Karyn said quickly. "Always happy to be a muse to these kids." With that, she made her way to the storage room.

Karyn quickly peeled her pants down her wide hips and tree trunk thighs, then pulled her sweater up over her pale stomach rolls and huge G-cup breasts, barely contained by her cream colored bra. The school was the first high school in town to approve life drawing models, but still wouldn't allow full nudity. Just as well, she thought. Her girlfriend Jonnie probably couldn't contain herself. She knew it was a risk dating a high school student (almost 18, she kept telling herself). But she had never had a girlfriend so adoring, so sweet. She didn't mind her recent weight gain and in fact seemed to encourage it. Karyn recalled Jonnie's excitement when she saw the 300 mark on the scale. She glanced in the mirror at her second chin protruding from her thick neck, her prodigious stomach hanging over her crotch, the cellulite that trailed her large spherical ass and down her thighs. Both her work as an art model and her darling girlfriend had really allowed her to embrace her body and see its beauty. She couldn't imagine a better life, she thought as she draped the robe over her immense frame and exited the room.

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