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21. Karyn Turns a Corner

20. Friends

19. What Football Team?

18. Mostly Harmless

17. Karyn and Jon

16. Sarah Unnoticed

15. Biff Changes

14. Cleaning Up

13. Jon's Wardrobe Change

12. Karyn is asked out

11. Sarah and Biff

10. A Chance Encounter

9. Mysteries

8. Biff Loses Some Muscle

7. Jon and Karyn Meet in the Hall

6. Sarah to the Side

5. Karyn's Wardrobe

4. Somethings Out of the Ordinary

3. What do you mean?!?!

2. The next day at school

Transmutation: Karyn Turns a Corner

on 2010-11-06 03:59:31
Episode last modified by The Guest on 2022-11-16 23:44:58

2899 hits, 190 views, 2 upvotes.

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Karyn turned the corner and suddenly froze. In front of her, where she was sure had been the end of the corridor was a set of escalators. Another change.

She stood there, staring at them as students took them up and down, oblivious to the fact their existence made absolutely no sense.

She spotted Kyla Leeson about to head down and stopped her. "Does anything look wrong to you about the escalator?"

"No," Kyla said. "But I hope they fix the elevators soon. This takes longer."

Karyn paused. " too," she said. It was a two story building. They didn't have elevators.

"Karyn, I've got to talk to you," she heard Jon's voice from behind her. She whirled around and froze, jaw dropping.

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