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137. It worked

136. Jon focuses on his plan

135. How Karyn's spending her day

134. Third hour epiphany

133. On with the day

132. Knockout

131. Getting to class

130. The next morning

129. Meeting the new Sofia

128. Jon slips into Zoe's room

127. An unexpected encounter

126. Jon wakes up

125. Jon keeps his promise

124. Fixing the mess

123. Jon is caught

122. Six people, two bodies, one de

121. After class

120. Desperate times call for...

119. Look who's back

118. Jon's favorite class

Chick for a Dick: Success

on 2019-01-30 17:33:53

3555 hits, 191 views, 11 upvotes.

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Jon’s eyes went wide as he looked back and forth from the brick in his hand and Karyn. She had the same shocked expression mirrored on her face. There had been a flash, so the stone had done something. Was it possible? Had Jon found a loophole?

Jon’s anticipation was growing to enormous heights when a wave of calmness passed over him, the result of Karyn’s previous wish that he not worry so much. If it works, it works. If not, then it’s no big deal, he thought to himself. Karyn, however, was not as blasé about the situation. Her mind was running wild. Could she really become human? It all depended on the brick in Jon’s hand...

Jon cleared is throat and gave the brick as squeeze before stating “This pen is normal.”

There was no flash. No shimmer. No sound. Just the immediate change of weight in Jon’s hand as the heavy brick was immediately replaced with the ink pen it had previously been.

“Holy shit...” Karyn muttered in shock.

Jon starred dumbfounded at the pen that had suddenly appeared in his hand. “It worked. It actually worked. Karyn... we can change you back.”

Tears welled in her eyes.


“Did we get everything?”

Jon lowered the notepad down at his crotch in front of Karyn. Trying to read Jon’s penmanship was hard enough under normal conditions, but with his excitement further skewing the legibility of his writing and the fact that the notepad was the size of a billboard from Karyn’s perspective, all she could do was stare at the giant piece of paper and shrug.

While Jon had discovered the loophole, it wasn’t foolproof. The pair had quickly decided to write out the wish in order to make sure it was perfect. Any mistake or misinterpretation could have massive consequences to both of them and there was no guarantee they would get a second chance to fix any mistakes. Jon had grabbed a notepad from his office and used the very pen he had made the test wish on to write out their plan.

“It looks like we got it all, but I suppose we won’t know until we try.”

Jon raised the notepad to give it one last review. After reading the sheet of paper several times, he let out a deep sigh and sat down on his bed. He placed the ink pen on the nightstand and picked up the stone. Jon looked at it, feeling the weight of the wish he was about to make. He felt movement between his legs and looked down to see Karyn laying flaccidly on the bed, her body rotated to look up at him. She forced a smile and gave him a silent nod, as if forgiving him in case anything went wrong.

Jon let out another deep sigh and looked at the notepad. This was it.

“I wish that my next wish will include everything I describe until I say the words ‘wish completed.’”


“So far so good. Ok... I wish that Karyn is my penis under the following conditions: When she and I say ‘Karyn wants to be Jon’s penis’ within thirty seconds of each other, she will take on her present form. Only Karyn and I will notice the change. Nobody will notice when this change happens or think it unusual that Karyn is a penis or that I have a girl for my penis. When Karyn or I say ‘Karyn is normal,’ she will return to the form she was in before she was a penis and I will have my normal anatomy back. Nobody except she and I will be aware of this change. Everyone else will treat her as if she had always been in her human form. Wish completed.”


Jon looked down at Karyn and silently put the notepad down on the nightstand and placed the stone on top of it. “Well,” he said, “care to do the honors?” Karyn gave a small nod, closed her eyes, and readied herself. “I’m normal.”

The room was still as the two sat silently looking at one another. Karyn’s eyes widened and she looked around anxiously. Nothing had changed. She was still laying on her back on Jon’s bed between his giant legs without limbs and attached to her host’s crotch. “No... please no. It didn’t work, Jon!”

“No, Karyn, you said it wrong. You can’t say ‘I’m normal,’ you need to say ‘Karyn is normal-‘“

Immediately, Jon found himself starring down at his penis. As with the brick changing back into a pen, there was no sign that a change had occurred. As soon as the words left Jon’s mouth, his normal penis had returned. A chill shot up his spine. Karyn was gone! All that remained between his legs was a normal dick. Jon was so concerned that he had just erased his best friend from existence that he didn’t realize he was not alone in the room. A shadow passed over him and Jon looked up to see a figure standing directly in front of him. Jon jolted in surprise before recognizing Karyn.

Jon blinked several times and starred slack jawed at her. She was wearing a pair of jeans that hugged her tone legs and round ass. Her top was thin and low cut, showing off the outline of her bra and displaying her cleavage generously. She seemed to be weak in the knees, wobbling slightly as she looked at her hands.

After several moments of deafening silence, she looked up, her eyes meeting with his, and she screamed. She rushed forward and tackled Jon, wrapping her arms around him as she pushed him back onto the bed. Her screams of joy became uncontrollable laughter as she hugged Jon even tighter. “You did it, Jon! You did it!”

In his shock, Jon simply wrapped his arms around her and hugged her back. As he did, Karyn’s laughter was broken by an almost unnoticeable gasp. Jon felt his penis stirring slightly as Karyn continued to lay on top of him. Feeling a poking, Karyn looked at him, gave a sheepish smile, and slid off, allowing him to sit back up.

“This is so weird, Jon. Everything looks so small! I feel like a giant! It’s so weird to have legs again. And arms! I have arms! And clothes! It feels super strange to wear a bra after a life of never wearing one. Wait, I used to wear a bra, didn’t I? I... I still have memories of an entire life where the only clothing I ever had around me was your underwear. This is really weird.”

Jon cleared his throat and pointed at her head. “Um... Karyn... we, uh, kind of forgot about your boobs and hair...” Karyn paused and reached up, grasping her long hair in between her thumb and forefinger and brought it into her field of view. It was platinum blonde, and her breasts were the massive endowments that she had accidentally given herself the first time Jon had shown her the stone. She let go of her hair and cupped her chest.

“Jon, I was almost trapped as a penis for the rest of our lives. I can handle needing needing support and enduring blonde jokes. Besides, I think they’re kind of growing on me.” Karyn was oblivious to her own pun as her gaze moved away from her cleavage and to the stiff member poking out from between Jon’s legs. “Whoa! Is that really how big I was?”

Karyn dropped to her knees and leaned in, inspecting Jon’s exposed penis. He could feel her breath on it, causing it to harden further. “Uh... not really. You were actually... ahem... a bit bigger than that,” he stammered. A smile came to Karyn’s face. “Aww, don’t worry about it, Jon. There’s nothing to be self conscious about. You’ve always been big enough for me.”

“Wait, what?!”

Karyn reach up and grasped his cock, causing him to moan. “You know what the worst part was about being stuck? You couldn’t fuck me anymore.” She leaned in and gave a broad lick to his dickhead. “You’re just as delicious as ever, Jon-boy.”

“K-Karyn! What are you doing?!”

“Making up for lost time. I’ve gone almost two whole weeks without you fucking me. That’s way too long. Besides, you absolutely deserve a reward for figuring out how to change me back,” she cooed before slurping his length back into her eager mouth.

Jon’s head was spinning. What had he done? This wasn’t the normal Karyn. How had he fucked up the wish so bad? He let out a grunt as her free hand cupped his balls while she intensified her sucking. It felt incredible, but he didn’t understand what had happened. She was acting like this was normal, that he fucked her regularly. She was acting like all of the other-

Jon snapped his left hand twice. Immediately, the flow of pleasure stopped. He opened his eyes and saw the Karyn was still kneeling before him intimately close, starring at his member. Whereas moments ago she had been enraptured with pleasuring it, she instead now only appeared curious about it. However, the previous reality was still fresh from Jon’s perspective and his achingly hard dick twitched at the memory, a bead of pre-cum bubbled on its head.

As if suddenly realizing the implications of her position, Karyn blushed deeply and stood up. She walked across the room, grabbed Jon’s discarded pants, and brought them over to him. She was trying to avert her eyes, but Jon noticed she stole a peek when he stood up and began to redress. Once Jon had covered himself, Karyn’s attention immediately returned to her own body. She examined her arms, flexing them and wiggling her fingers, before looking lower and stretching her legs. After a few moments, she looked up and realized that Jon was watching her. Her blush returned.

“Sorry. It’s just really, really weird.”

“Yeah, you said that. But it’s alright. I think I get it. What’s it like?”

Karyn shrugged. “It’s like I’m me, but not me. I was really getting used to not having arms and legs, especially because there was a while where I thought I had never even had them.” Jon winced, but Karyn quickly continued. “No, it’s ok. It wasn’t a bad thing. It was helpful. When I thought I was going to be a part of you forever, having those memories let me know I could still have a good life and let me know what to do with myself when I was tucked away. But now... now it’s really strange to be able to move on my own, to not be anchored down and to...”

“'And to' what?”

Her blush deepened. “And to not feel a pair of giant balls hanging beneath me.”

Now it was Jon’s turn to blushes. After several moments of silence and avoiding eye contact, Jon spoke. “So what now?”

“Now... I don’t know. Wow... I can go wherever I want. Do whatever I want. I’m in control,” she said in shocked amazement. “Ok, so what do you want to do?” Jon asked.

“I want to go home, see my mom, my room, really let it sink in that everything is fixed. It’s like I’m dreaming and I need to make sure that I’m not going to wake up.”

Jon nodded. “Yeah, sure, of course. Just give me a call, you know, whenever and we’ll... yeah,” he stammered.

“Yeah,” Karyn said quietly. Instead of going for the door, she hesitated, rocking on her heels. She quickly leaned in and kissed Jon on the cheek. “Thank you, Jon. Thanks for getting things back to normal.” With that, she turned and left the room.

Jon sat on his bed. His pants felt loose at the crotch and he realized he was truly alone for the first time in well over a week. He looked at the stone on his end table and thought about all it had done in the past week. “‘Normal,’ huh? Yeah, right.”

Jon wondered how the other transformed girls were getting along...

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