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136. Jon focuses on his plan

135. How Karyn's spending her day

134. Third hour epiphany

133. On with the day

132. Knockout

131. Getting to class

130. The next morning

129. Meeting the new Sofia

128. Jon slips into Zoe's room

127. An unexpected encounter

126. Jon wakes up

125. Jon keeps his promise

124. Fixing the mess

123. Jon is caught

122. Six people, two bodies, one de

121. After class

120. Desperate times call for...

119. Look who's back

118. Jon's favorite class

117. Someone's plotting...

Chick for a Dick: Jon's Plan

on 2019-01-20 11:48:03
Episode last modified by Mira on 2019-01-21 16:52:36

2907 hits, 166 views, 5 upvotes.

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Lisa’s naked body was as tempting as ever. The hungry look she was giving Karyn only made the penis-girl grow harder in Jon’s hand. Karyn let out a wet groan as pre-cum surged through her length. Jon was conflicted. He had been horny for the better part of the day and now he had the chance for a quick fuck. Besides, if his plan worked this might be his last chance to use Karyn.

Jon shook his head, rejecting the idea. Karyn had been trapped between his legs for over a week. She was his best friend and he owed it to her. Besides, Lisa would still be around after.

“Not right now, Lisa. I would like some privacy for a while so could you find Nadia and just pass the time with her? Just let her know that I am not to be interrupted.”

“Of course, Master. I will leave you in peace. And I don’t need to find Nadia, she’s right here,” she said proudly as she held up the used condom. Jon stared blankly at the cum covered piece of latex before he realized dawned on him. “That...” he asked, pointing at the translucent tube “is Nadia?”

Lisa smiled broadly and gave an enthusiastic nod.

“Uh huh. I wanted to experiment with playing with a dick, but I didn’t want Nadia to be left out. Besides, this was the perfect way to make sure that I didn’t make a mess, just as you instructed. She can’t see or hear right now, but I will make sure to pass along your instructions to not be disturbed once she back to normal... or at least normal enough to understand.”

She eyed the condom in her hand with a devious leer. Clearly she still had plans for Nadia before the girl was to be returned to her normal form. The blonde happily curtsied, gave Jon a kiss on the cheek, and skipped merrily out of the room and down the hall.

“Jon,” Karyn whined as he shut the door. “What’s the big idea? You’ve been getting me turned on all day and you haven’t even let me out. Not even to pee! And then when you do let me out and there’s a fucking hot girl right there throwing herself at you, you-“

“Karyn. I think I can change you back.”

Silence filled the room. Jon looked down at Karyn. She returned his gaze, open and closing her mouth several times before a pained look settled on her face. “Jon,” she said softly, “I know you want to help me, but we need to get used to this. This is our normal now. Wishes can’t be reversed.”

“But they can be modified!” he declared, removing his pants and letting Karyn hang at his crotch.

“Modified how?”

“Remember the stick from when I first showed you the stone? I wished it blue and then made it a different shade of blue. And when you thought you were always a penis, you wished you were bigger and you were.”

“Oh, great. You could make me a big, blue dick.”

Jon rolled his eyes. “Or, we could make it so that you’re only my penis under certain conditions. We make it like a light switch, and we can turn it ‘on’ or ‘off.’” Karyn listen to him, unconvinced. “I don’t think it’d work, Jon. Your wish was pretty straight forward.” Jon let out a sigh and looked away, his eyes falling on the door to his private office. “Well, there’s one way to find out.”

Jon strode over and flung open the door. Cathy and Erica called out greetings while Vicki remained kneeling motionless on his desk. Jon said nothing but moved to the desk, whipped open the drawer, grabbed a random pen and left the room, closing the door behind him. Back in his bedroom, Jon retrieved his discarded pants and pulled the stone out of his pocket.

“Here goes nothing... I wish this pen was a brick.” Immediately, the weight in Jon’s hand increased and he nearly dropped the heavy brick that was suddenly in his hand. Karyn scoffed. “Smooth, Jon. Why a brick?”

“It was the first thing that came to mind. It doesn’t matter. Just let me think for a second.” Karyn let out a small snicker, but said nothing. She knew there was no way this would work. She just hoped that after Jon was done screwing around that he would call Lisa back. Jon, however, was not giving up. This would work. He knew it. It had to...

“Ok! Ok! I think I got it. First, I wish that my next wish will include everything I describe until I say the words ‘wish completed.’”


“Ok... I wish the pen that I changed will be a brick when I say ‘this pen is a brick.’ When I say ‘this pen is normal’ it will change back to the pen it was before I made my initial wish... Wish completed.”

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