In any statistical game, every outcome is equally likely. If you flip one thousand coins, you are just as likely to observe every one landing heads as you are to observe the first half landing heads and the second half landing tails. Or every odd coin landing heads. Or every third coin. If you shuffle a deck of cards and flip the first card, each card has precisely a one in fifty-two chance of coming out on top, even if it had just been flipped. As humans, we are used to more randomness because there exist more "random" answers than "neat" answers, but the truth is that the series "king, king, king" is just as likely as the series "nine, jack, two."
So while one could expect Mikey's wish to result in a fairly straight-line string of random people searching for clothes and taking the lives of people not yet in the series, any given random string would be just as likely as something seemingly specific.
Something, for example, like...