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16. Mystery

15. Back to Sarah

14. Jon Is Confused

13. Jon

12. Circle Complete

11. Jon's Room

10. Any Clothes

9. Later that Day

8. The Usual Suspect

7. The Usual

6. Locker Room

5. Clothes Make the Man...or Woma

4. The Idea

3. Leave me alone!

2. Little brother's turn

1. You Are What You Wish

Circle Complete: Mystery

on 2010-04-26 20:16:15

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She rang Karyn's doorbell. Karyn answered the door. "Hey, Sarah-boy. what's up? I didn't catch you at the end of school."

"I guess we missed each other," Sarah said, entering. She frowned. She couldn't remember coming home from school. She must have been distracted thinking about the stone. "Karyn...I was in school today, right?"

"Yeah," Karyn said, thinking about it. "I'm sure you were."

"I'm sure I was too...but it's kind of a blur. I.." Sarah frowned, then suddenly, a shocking thought hit her. "The wishing stone...I haven't seen it since yesterday!"

"You think someone has it?" Karyn said, alarmed.

Sarah looked angry. "Well, that explains everything," she said. "The last time I remember seeing the stone was yesterday morning, but I haven't even thought of looking for it till now...Someone must have made a wish I wouldn't notice it was gone."

"Then how are you noticing?"

"I don't remember school today. My guess is that sometime today, someone got the stone, and I saw who it was, so they must have wished I forgot it. But..." she turned on Karyn with suspicion. "You're the only one who knew about it..."

"Well, I didn't steal it," Karyn said. "I can't believe you'd even suggest it," she said, mildly offended.

"Well, if you didn' did someone find out...?"

"Have you even searched your room?"

"No," Sarah said.

"Well, then...All you have is suspicion."

Sarah was still angry, but she admitted grudgingly she had no person she could positively connect to the crime to be furious at. What if they'd made other wishes that had changed things?

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