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15. Back to Sarah

14. Jon Is Confused

13. Jon

12. Circle Complete

11. Jon's Room

10. Any Clothes

9. Later that Day

8. The Usual Suspect

7. The Usual

6. Locker Room

5. Clothes Make the Man...or Woma

4. The Idea

3. Leave me alone!

2. Little brother's turn

1. You Are What You Wish

Circle Complete: Back to Sarah

on 2010-03-06 20:44:17

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After School...

"Mikey? Did you want something?" Sarah asked.


"You looked like you wanted to tell me something."


Sarah shrugged. "Well, tell Mom I'll be out for a while," she said, moving past him.

"Wait. Where are you going?"

"I'm just going over to Karyn's house to hang out." She looked at Mikey strangely, wondering why her little brother was acting so inquisitive. Then she walked downstairs and out of the house.

Sarah was annoyed. Her dorky little brother was always snooping around. She'd have to teach him a little lesson. Maybe she'd make a wish for him to punish him. Something temporary, of course...he was her little brother, after all. She could do something about her Goth sister too maybe.

She remembered how Karyn had wished herself blond hair and big breasts. It wasn't like Karyn couldn't have seen improvement, but it wasn't exactly her look. She needed to be careful with her wishes. Karyn's wish proved that.

She rang Karyn's doorbell. Karyn answered the door. "Hey, Sarah-boy. what's up? I didn't catch you at the end of school."

"I guess we missed each other," Sarah said, entering. She frowned. She couldn't remember coming home from school. She must have been distracted thinking about the stone.

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