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13. Jon

12. Circle Complete

11. Jon's Room

10. Any Clothes

9. Later that Day

8. The Usual Suspect

7. The Usual

6. Locker Room

5. Clothes Make the Man...or Woma

4. The Idea

3. Leave me alone!

2. Little brother's turn

1. You Are What You Wish

Circle Complete: Jon

on 2010-03-02 15:12:25

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Jon didn't know it, but he made for an extremely bad Sarah.

It was during lunch that he noticed something was wrong. He was sitting with his boyfriend, Biff Meadows, and his best friends, but Biff kept feeling him up. And when Jon pulled away, he looked rather disappointed.

"Something bothering you, babe?" Biff asked.

He looked at Biff. He didn't want to tell his boyfriend the reason he was pulling away was that he didnt want to be pawed. He was better than that. He was Jon McMillan, after all. "Just not in the mood right now," she said. "Rain check?"

Biff's attention drifted to his male friends, and was soon joking with them, while Jon listened to the other cheerleaders at the table talk about the usual topics.

He was feeling rather strange today. Everything was perfectly normal, the way it always was. Only he felt different.

He was drawn out of his thoughts by Biff tripping some nerd boy, and all of his friends chuckling. "Biff!" He hissed suddenly, without thinking.

"What?" He asked, mystified.

Jon frowned. Biff did this all the time. Even Jon himself wasn't exactly kind to losers. Why did it suddenly bother him that Biff was picking on an innocent(where did that thought come from?) boy? "Don't you have anything better to do?"

"Must be her time of the month," one of Biff's friends muttered.

Biff looked at him, and he could see the wheels turning in his head. First Jon pushes me away, now she's mad at me for no reason. Women.

Jon shot an icy stare at the football player who'd made the crack, and then looked back at Biff and sighed. "I'll be right back," he said, grabbing his purse and heading to the bathroom to freshen up a bit.

Melissa Smith and Tiffany Sanders followed her. They always seemed to go in packs. "What's wrong?" Melissa asked him.

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