She was only able to return to her desk. A few minutes later, a woman dressed in an unflattering set of overalls, which covered an ugly shirt entered. Her clothes were loose enough to hardly flatter her body, and her hair was in a messy pony tail. She seemed nervous about something. It was Miss Warren...Lydia.
She was carrying a pair of glasses. "I need to see my opthamologist. It's an emergency."
"What sort of emergency?" Mikey asked, getting an extreme sense of deja vu.
"I can see without my glasses. I'm usually blind without them."
"I'll try to squeeze you in," Mikey promised. She went to call for her doctor. The bell on her desk rang, and there was Kyla. "My son is sick. I need an appointment with Doctor Kaufman."
"Doctor Kaufman is on vacation..." Mikey started, when she heard a thud. She rushed into the waiting room...and saw her...himself lying on the floor.
"He fainted," Lydia declared.