Inertia carried the body of Biff, formerly Meadows, but speed had been lost. Although the slack body continued walking towards the locker room it had been headed to, it no longer felt rushed.
In fact, before Biff had entered the boy's locker room, Mark, who had formerly been the boy's coach, had just finished removing his clothes in the girl's locker room. Had he been visible at the time, he'd have been fired on the spot. As it stood, though, he simply grabbed a pair of panties and a sports bra from a drawer in the coach's office, followed by a white T-shirt and spandex shorts. All of which was built for someone with a body half as wide as his was.
Finally lacing up a petite pair of tennis shoes, Marta Barry looked out the window to make sure the second period girls were all in the locker room. She didn't notice the lithe, athletic form of the former Felicia Barry as it walked out. But that's okay. None of the girls noticed Marta's hairy arms and legs, beard stubble, and burly physique. Aside from being flat where it counted, a fact made obvious by the spandex, Marta could have easily been mistaken for being the boy's gym coach. Particularly when placed next to Alistair.