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134. Third hour epiphany

133. On with the day

132. Knockout

131. Getting to class

130. The next morning

129. Meeting the new Sofia

128. Jon slips into Zoe's room

127. An unexpected encounter

126. Jon wakes up

125. Jon keeps his promise

124. Fixing the mess

123. Jon is caught

122. Six people, two bodies, one de

121. After class

120. Desperate times call for...

119. Look who's back

118. Jon's favorite class

117. Someone's plotting...

116. Jon helps out

115. Table for Two

Chick for a Dick: Jon's Revelation

on 2018-12-09 00:53:15
Episode last modified by Mira on 2018-12-10 22:08:40

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Jon stepped out into the bustling hallway filled with students rushing to their next classes. A smile crept to his face as he leaned against a wall next to a drinking fountain, taking in the sight before him. School was so much less stressful when you were guaranteed perfect grades and didn't need to go to class. Instead, each room now held the chance to encounter a new surprise. He had so many options he wasn't sure where to go.

Normally, third period meant he would be rushing to gym class. He had briefly entertained the idea of attending the phys ed class all day so that he could see all of the girls passing through the now coed locker room. However, seeing as today was Thursday that meant that class would be meeting in a classroom for lecture rather than in the gym for a physical activity. But that didn't mean it wouldn't be a great plan for tomorrow...

For now, Jon was content to people watch. The sea of students rushing past him was beginning to thin a bit, but there was still enough time left before the next class that people were lingering and fitting in what social time they could. As always, Jon was also keeping an eye out for transformed girls. He had spotted another pair of cheerleaders walking around, one of which he hadn't seen yet with a triple set of horns on her face. One has taken the place of her nose while the other two were coming out above her eyebrows. Jon couldn't tell if they were supposed to be from a chameleon or perhaps a triceratops. Either way, they were difficult to miss. At least for him. Everyone else believed her horns, as well as all of the horns most of the cheer leading squad now sported, were normal. Jon was beginning to wonder when the next pep rally was so that he could see all of them together.

Along with the cheerleaders, Jon had also spotted Sharon, the multicolored girl; Candice, the girl made out of cake and sweets; and Avery, the girl who now sported a copy of her boyfriend's dick. Like most girls, they noticed him as they walked by. Sharon had given him a wave, Candice had winked one of her green lollipop eyes at him, and he was rather unsettled to see the front of Avery's skirt begin to raise up as she spied him.

Jon turned around and took a sip of water from the fountain, hoping that Avery would continue on and not try hitting on him. After a few moments, he turned around and was relieved to see that she was gone. However, he started head down the hall in the opposite direction just to be sure.

As he moved down the hallway, one girl in particular caught Jon’s eye. What set her apart from the other students was that she was completely naked. While Jon had turned a few girls into nudists over the course of the week, he was perplexed when he realized that he had never seen this particular girl before. She moved down the hall with long, confidant strides that caused her breasts to bounce enticingly. The beauty of the girl was enthralling, and Jon had only realized that he has stopped in the middle of the hall and was starring when she turned to look at him and flashed a wide smile.

Jon smiled back and blinked twice to return the girl’s clothing. However, once he opened his eyes again he was slightly surprised to see that the girl was still completely naked. He double blinked again and was met by the sight of the girl remaining naked. Confused, Jon randomly looked at a different girl and blinked twice. In an instant, the second girl was naked. She seemed to pay no mind to her sudden lack of clothing and continued down the hall, disappearing into the sea of rushing students.

Jon looked back to the first naked girl that he had spotted and was pleased to see that she was now standing next to him. As he was fumbling to try to think of something witty to say, the smiling nudist spoke first.

“I was changed,” she announced happily.

Jon could not help but chuckle at the girl’s enthusiastic demeanor. She seemed unfazed by her lack of clothing, instead appearing quite content if not absolutely giddy about her nudity. Jon was trying to figure out the particulars of the girl’s alteration when she snapped out of her trance.

“Hey, Jon. I missed you at your party. And you better believe I was looking,” she said with a wink. Jon’s smile widened. Damn I love that stone, he thought. “Sorry, I was pulled away unexpectedly,” he said, trying to play nonchalant. The girl giggled. “'Pulled away,' huh? I heard you had eleven girls in your room.”

Jon may have not remembered much if that evening, but he knew he had not brought that many girls upstairs with him. Clearly the school rumor mill was in full swing, blowing the details of what happened at his party out if proportion. However, Jon could not help but revel in his new reputation. “You upset it wasn’t twelve?” he teased.

“You bet your ass I am. And next time, I better be number one. In the first five, at the very least,” she jokes back, flashing another brilliant smile. Jon pulled his gaze away from the girl’s bare body and looked into her eyes. “Honestly, what’s your name?”

“Lauren,” she responded, her smile as wide as ever.

“And what was changed about you?”

The girl smirked and gestured to her exposed body. “Jon... I’m naked.” She cocked her hips and gave him a wink. Even under the influence of his questioning trance, Lauren was feisty and flirtatious. I think I’m beginning to like her, he thought. “What was the wish that made you be naked?”

“I was in art class yesterday and Mrs. Sloan asked me to model. I got up in front of the class and struck a pose. I guess one of the guys wanted a more erotic model because one of them wished I was naked. And now I am. All the time.”

“Well, you don’t seem to mind much.”

“Mind what?” Lauren’s smile faded, replaced with a confused expression. Jon silently cursed himself. He had made a statement rather than asked a question and had released Lauren from his power. “Um... I mean... you don’t seem to mind giving me another shot?”

There was a pause and Lauren looked at him in silence, as if trying to read his mind. Jon felt exposed, as if he was the naked one instead of her. After a moment, Lauren’s smile returned and she let out a laugh. “Well, I suppose I could be persuaded to let you have one more pass at me. But you better make it a good one. And don’t make me wait until the next party.”

Jon released a breath he had not even realized he was holding and nodded enthusiastically. “You go it.” Jon looked around and realized that the hallways were again thinning out as the next period was getting ready to start. “Looks like class is about to start. Hope I didn’t make you late.”

Lauren gave a shrug. “They can’t really start without me. My next class is art and I’m the model.” She put her left hand on her left hip, her right hand on the back of her head and arched her back. Jon took in the sight and felt Karyn stiffen in his pants. Lauren also seemed to notice his growing bulge and pursed her lips while her nipples hardened.

“Care to sit in?”


Jon watched as Lauren took her place in the center of the room and struck a pose. It was not as evocative as the one she had made in the hallway, but not by much. Her legs were spread as if she was in mid step and her arms were raised above her like she were holding an invisible bowl over her head.

Jon rubbed his temples, trying to help his vertigo pass. Like the other classes Jon had joined during the day, he had experienced an entire course worth of knowledge instantaneously rushing into his brain. Also like the other classes, the teach was excited at the prospect of Jon joining the class for the period. Mrs. Sloan had immediately made room in the circle surrounding Lauren and had set up an additional easel and paints for him. The teacher was in her mid to late sixties with streaks of gray cutting through her long dark hair. She was wearing loose, colorful clothing that gave the impression she had probably been a hippie in her younger years.

Jon had been a little disappointed when he did not spot any new transformed girls in the room, but there were a few altered girls who he had previously seen. Amy was in the class, but since Liz wasn’t around for her to flirt with she was the same as any other girl. However, there was a pair Jon watched with amusement. Grace was in the class and seated directly in front of Lauren. Jon wondered if Grace had picked the seat on purpose since it gave her a clear view at the naked girl’s crotch. Lauren had just taken her position and Grace’s jaw was already going slack to make room for her stiffening penis-tongue.

Jon had also noticed Angela seated next to Grace. Angela’s alteration had left her obsessed with giving a blowjob to any penis she could get her lips around. Seeing the two next to each other, Jon wondered if her fixation would include Grace’s altered tongue. He didn’t have to wonder long because as Grace continued to steal glances at Lauren’s bare pussy, her tongue poke slightly out from between her lips. As it did, Angela began to look away more and more from her painting and focus solely on Grace’s bizarre endowment. Angela was clearly fantasizing about sucking Grace’s tongue; meanwhile Grace was imagining burying her transformed tongue into Lauren’s slit. Jon was not sure if Lauren realized the effect she was having on the class, but she clearly had not a single care in the world that she was naked and on display.

Jon shook his head one last time and finally felt the dizziness melt away. Looking at the art supplies in front of him, he could immediately recall all of their names as well as how to blend the paints to get the perfect shades he desired. Jon looked up at Lauren before him. His place in the circle was behind her and to the right. This gave him an ample view of her bare ass and the side of her right breast. As if feeling his gaze upon her, Lauren slightly wiggled her butt. Jon smiled and picked up his brush and dabbed it into the first paint.

However, as Jon put the brush to the canvas, he found he could not quite produce the image he was intending. His face contorted into a frown as he examined his work. His new knowledge of art was able to dissect and identify his mistakes, but he could not quite get his technique right. Jon tried again, but his strokes were uncoordinated and sloppy. He briefly wondered if the vertigo was still affecting him before he had a realization. He had wished for the knowledge from each class he entered, but that was not the same as the skills. Even though Jon now knew everything about art that would be taught in this class over the entire year, he had still never picked up a brush before. He suspected that if he attended a music class, he would experience the same results. He would probably be able to read the music but wouldn’t be able to play any instruments.

Jon simply shrugged to himself. So what if he wasn’t a great painter? He could think of worse ways of spending a class period than staring a hot naked girl. Besides, he could always add to his wish later. After all, wishes could always be-

Holy shit!

The entire class fell silent and all eyes turned to Jon. He had shot up out of his chair and was standing in slack-jawed silence. Of course! Why didn’t I think of it sooner?!

“Jon... are you ok?” Mrs. Sloan asked hesitantly. Jon looked at the teacher and saw the concerned look on her face. “Uh, yeah. Yeah. I just, uh, realized I have an appointment. May I be excused?”

Jon heard a girl snicker while Mrs. Sloan’s brow furrowed in confusion. “‘Excuse you?’ Jon, you are always free to go as you please.”

Jon didn’t even take the time to be amused by the teacher’s response. He was already heading for the door. There was no time to waste.

He had an idea to fix Karyn!

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