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6. Mia & Amber go to weight studi

5. The girls choose which classe

4. The girls explore the house &

3. Freshmen class meet the new gi

2. Camwood university

1. The Drafting Board

Camwood University

on 2018-03-03 02:58:26

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“I hope this place has a gym.” Wondered Mia as she and Amber approached the door to Weight Studies.

“Probably does,” replied Amber stopping as she turned the handle. “I mean, I would be more surprised if it didn’t have one considering how big it is.”

“True,” said Mia as she regarded Amber. Sure the rocker girl didn’t fit in with her normal friends but she was going to be living with her for 4 years so being friends would be help in that area. Though she did hope to chat with some of the other girls to see if any of them had similar interests and were looking for a workout and makeover friend. “And hey, after class would you like to stick together and explore and help me find it? I don’t always have the best sense of direction and this place is huge.”

“Sure, I guess.” answered Amber as they entered the room, hoping she could do the same with the other students.

The classroom was definitely not what either of them expected. Instead of tables were well-spaced fully-equipped cooking stations. Each had a sink, plenty of counter top, spice and utensil racks, grill, burner, deep fryer, and oven. There was a vent over each to suck away smoke, and a cushioned chair big enough that two people could fit in. And at the far end the floor had been raised, and station twice the size of the others sat that was obviously the instructor’s. There was a door on either side of the instructor’s station and a double one off to Mia and Amber’s left with a sign above it that read Pantry.

Most of the stations were already filled so Mia and Amber ended up beside one another at the front of the class. Both just had time to try out their chairs, finding them to be very comfortable, when the door on the right of the instructor’s station open and out waddled the professor.

Amber had heard big beautiful women and figured the woman in front of them ranked in as at least a super-sized one.

A glowing smile creased her chubby cheeks as warm blue eyes that held a hint of iron scanned the classroom before her. Wavy dirty blonde hair framed her light brown face and significant second chin. Melon sized breasts enveloped in a long double breasted cooking jacket rested atop a gut the size of a bean bag chair that formed an apron of flesh and poked out the bottom of the jacket just above her knees. A pair of white pants were tight over a truly titanic ass and pillar-like legs whose rolls of fat caused the strained material to creak.

It was hard not to watch the woman as Mia was finding out, as she felt disgusted by such a bloated body. Every step sent ripples through her fat covered form. And even more she moved with a speed that seemed at odds with her size.

“Welcome to Weight Studies class. I am Professor Sofia Santos, your guide to all things Weighty. Here you will learn to prepare things that are not just a feast for your stomach but other senses as well,” exclaimed the rotund professor with a good natured chuckle that brought the start of smile to everyone’s face including Mia until she realized she was. “Now as much as I want to learn each one of your names, I need to show you all what this class is about. So if you would all open your ovens you will find everything you need to make potato skins. A tasty snack but filling if you make it eight ways.”

Under Professor Santos’ direction time passed quickly as the class prepared their food.

The potatoes were clean and prepared. A small deep fried and salted snack was made out of the pieces that were cut out of the center where the toppings. Causing bellies to pooch forward hidden by their shirts as stomach got larger and growled for more.

Toppings were prepared and snacked on too, or thoroughly taste tested said their professor with a wink. This also brought the hint of softness on faces, arms, and legs.

Then came the long mouth-watering wait as the two were combined and cooked. During this Professor Santos reminded them they would have free time after class was over and of the meeting with the Ms. Alexander the Dean. Some student chose to relax in their chairs and keep an eye on their food. Others, like Mia and Amber, wandered about meeting their classmates.

“You even brought your guitar that’s awesome,” said Amber to her new best friend. Nose pierced and short dark hair styled in jagged spikes had let Amber honed in on a fellow lover of rock lover. “How come you aren’t in a music course then?”

“Couldn’t find it on the note,” replied Reilly as she lounged in her chair. “The second page was practically blank.”

“Same with others,” nodded Amber. “So are you in one of the other sororities? Or are you in the dorms?”

“I’m at Omega Sigma.”

“How are your ‘sisters’?”

“Ok so far,” shrugged Reilly. “I haven’t really talked with any of them much since arriving.”

As Amber nodded in agreement across the room Mia was shaking hers as she butted heads, metaphorically anyway.

Tall with dark mocha skin, some nice but toned curves and a pretty face enhanced by expertly applied make-up. It appeared Staci and Mia would have been fast friends. However that was before throwing personalities in the mix. Mia’s friendly but appearance focused one clashed with Staci’s belief confidence equalled beauty and general snarky-ness.

“Excuse me ladies,” Professor Santos’ voice cut through the insults and glares the two had been exchanging as they and the five other students turned towards her. “There will be no fighting in my class. If anyone tries, they find themselves staying to help clean.”

A quick look around had Mia and Staci apologizing. As they and the other girls counted just how many stations there were. The two and group around them separated with two following Mia who introduced themselves as Kenzie who had curly red-brown hair and plenty of freckles. And Anna, a slender blonde with long legs.

“Ok back to your stations class,” announced Professor Santos a few minutes later as she leaned over to check inside a student’s oven. “Your food should be in the home stretch.”

Slowly baked, grilled and deep fried potatoes skins were removed from heat sources and left to cool. They were advised there are plates under their stations and soon the groups of new friends had reformed as they ate their food and talked.

Unnoticed layers of fat enlarged with each one they finished. The start of an hourglass figure started on Amber as she ignored tightness from her bra and her panties started to ride up. A soft bump formed through Reilly’s shirt as she leaned back, the sure sign of a growing gut. Mia’s firm abs, tight buns, and pert boobs melted away as cellulite spread itself evenly across her figure. Kenzie’s slight grow took a more top heavy approach as her boobs and belly expanded out. Anna’s had her shifting her stance her thighs thickened and ass plumped. While for Staci the waist of her skirt got tighter her abdomen and hips enlarged.

All the while the professor moved about evaluating their final products and sizes, and offered tips to those hadn’t done as well before sending them on their as class finished.

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