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6. What creates a man alive?

5. The best of his knowledge...

4. NO Sorry your stuck

3. Question

2. (Out of Story Note)

1. You Are What You Wish

What creates a man alive?

on 2001-02-26 15:28:00

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This was all Irving could think as he saw the stone fly back towards Jon and Karen and land in... one of Karen's cleavages safely. Hell, they were more amused by the idea that this guy had gotten off one half-wish before losing the purloined artifact... and wondered what the result would be.

What creates a man alive?

As Irving felt his lips thicken and feet shrink out of his shoes, he began to derive some idea as to how the stone interpreted that... as his shoulders got narrower and his nipples thickened and darkened under his white shirt, he started to realize that he was right.

Here were the things that weren't changing: nail and hair length.

Breasts slowly filled out the shirt, billowing outward until there were a few inches between the bottom of his shirt and his now-soft curving tummy... and what hair was on his chest before fell out through that space in the shirt...

His calves curved, his thighs plumped...

The genital region is always the last place to change, probably because it's the most complicated metamorphosis... and as his hips widened and his pelvis cracked, he... still he for a little bit... screamed in agony.

His jeans weren't meant to house a woman's pelvis and as he changed, the pants tore into his newly forming larger hipspread...

Karen, instinctively, compassionately- "I wish he wasn't hurting so much..."

Poof, no pants. That took away a lot of the pain.

He had the testicles and penis of a 7 year old now, on his back in a tight tee-shirt and nothing else.... 5 years, 3 years... as his asscheeks plumped and his hips fully splayed... and then only two tiny holes where his penis had been...

And the lower hole expanded out, red elastic lips thickened out... his pelvic mound became a mound of Venus and resprouted finer hairs all around it...

And where there was once Bad Irving, foolishly attempting to futz with the natural form of the internet... there now lay a short haired somewhat volumptous brunette in her mid 20s, in a shirt that barely fit her and nothing else... still flailing on her back, with her legs still spread in the air, exposing her very new and fragrant, very hairy pussy...

What creates a man alive?

A very fertile woman.

Maybe Bad Irving'll make a better Irene.

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