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18. Casting the Spell

17. Making a Decision

16. Theresa the Blight

15. Sweet Dreams

14. Guests

13. Room for Two

12. Rusty Axe

11. Walk to the Inn

10. Selling the Goods

9. Go Shopping

8. Nearby Town

7. Seek a cure

6. A robed figure sneaks into the

5. Take your squire with you

4. Sir Garrett Noble Paladin of t

3. jon wishes for a magical world

2. They each sleep on it

1. You Are What You Wish

Now you are it

on 2015-12-14 00:25:21

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"I know it is a great risk but it is one I feel I need to take," Lady Gwen explained. "I have to think about Princess Fina and the future I am supposed to have with her. If something goes wrong at least it will be settled and I can move on with my life. As things stand right now I am caught between two worlds part of neither. It is a distraction that won't allow me to complete my quest and I need fulfill my quest if I am to remain true to the code of the paladin."

Lady Gwen headed into Theresa's home with a little fear but a lot of hope. She wondered what the consequences would be if the spell failed to reverse the changes already upon her. Would she continue to become more feminine or would there be a backlash from the magic being used? She was half tempted to ask her squire to leave her to her fate in case the magic were to infect him as well but she wanted his courage beside her when the spell was cast. Albert wasn't one to abandon someone because of risk anyways, he would have made for a very poor squire if could stand up against danger.

"Have you decided?" Theresa eyes were bright and eager. It was obvious she wanted to help, and Lady Gwen hoped that the desire would translate into being able to help.

"I would like you to try to remove the enchantment placed on me," Lady Gwen responded.

"Both you and your squire remove any magical gear you may have on to prevent any energies from conflicting," Theresa began to remove herbs and items from the shelf as she set to work leaving the companions to the task she had set for them.

Lady Gwen felt the fall and shaking of her chest for perhaps the last time as they slid free from the confines of the chain mail. She resisted the urge to pleasure herself in front of the others but she was a little tempted. It was her last chance in the body of a woman to feel the pleasures of a woman's body she hoped but this was not the moment to take advantage of her situation. Overall it had not been a bad experience though it wasn't one she would want to repeat any time soon.

Stepping into the magic circle gave a slight cool feeling to caress to her body as if pressed against by the hand of a masseur. Lady Gwen stifled the moan of pleasure that was trying to rise within her body. She watched as her squire looked on with worry while Therese began her casting to remove the enchantment. She could feel the magic warm her body as it started to press into her flesh to work the changes it was called upon to do. The paladin tried to stay still but she couldn't keeper her eyes from wandering over her body looking for signs of transformation. Luckily, for the impatient warrior of the Order of the Griffin she didn't have wait for long.

Muscles began to fill her arms as her body length growing her from her tiny size. Joy filled her heart as the large breasts that covered her chest shrank back as muscled pectorals. It wasn't long before the vagina transformed into a penis allowing Sir Garrett to once again call himself a man. At last he was free of the curse and could continue his quest, but it was then that things went south.
"Oops," Theresa said.

"Oops? What does 'oops' mean?" Squire Albert said as he started towards Theresa, worried about his master, but sudden jolt of pleasure dropped him to his knees.

"What is happening to my squire?" Sir Garrett asked as he tried to exit the magical circle and found he was still locked inside of it.

"I may have missed some of the protections on the circle and instead of eliminating the magic transformation upon you it reflected it outwards at twice the strength," Theresa explained. "It appears there was an element in it to increase the libido of the afflicted person."

Sir Garrett disagreed because it was obvious the increase to the libido was quite drastic as he watched his squire desperately pleasuring his naked body. Sweat poured from Albert's body as he shrank in size into shape of a petite woman with outrageous curves. Fat was soon swelling the squire's but as his penis shrank into the fold of the lips of a newly formed vagina. The new woman form began to gain mammary glands as her breasts swell to a size threatening to make a cow jealous. Long red hair flowed from her head as her features became far less masculine.

It wasn't long for the transformation to finish for the squire into a luscious ravishing redheaded woman. Crimson hair complemented emerald eyes, but they were still focused on the pleasures of the flesh as she moaned in pleasure. The newly formed woman collapsed to the floor as she reached orgasmic release leaving the other two people in the room wondering what to do next.

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