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17. Making a Decision

16. Theresa the Blight

15. Sweet Dreams

14. Guests

13. Room for Two

12. Rusty Axe

11. Walk to the Inn

10. Selling the Goods

9. Go Shopping

8. Nearby Town

7. Seek a cure

6. A robed figure sneaks into the

5. Take your squire with you

4. Sir Garrett Noble Paladin of t

3. jon wishes for a magical world

2. They each sleep on it

1. You Are What You Wish

The Debate

on 2015-12-08 01:54:47

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Albert pulled Lady Gwen outside so he could talk to her. There was a lot of risk in what they were about to try and Albert was worried Lady Gwen was taking too big of a chance to turn back into a man. The squire was a cautious person by nature and he was a lot more comfortable using someone they knew to help reverse the curse that was possibly dangerous.

"Theresa seems like a very nice person but, she does have the nickname of the blight," Squire Albert started his argument. "We should wait until we reach the capital before we reverse this curse. Magic can be dangerous at the best of times so, why not go with someone we know and trust."

"I wish I could wait but I can feel changes starting to affect my mind," Lady Gwen responded. "By the time we reach someone we know it maybe too late to return to myself."

"What sort of changes are you experiencing?" Squire Albert asked his mentor.

"My . . ." She paused for a moment looking for the right words. "Preferences in physical partners are changing, and I feel I am losing some of my fighting spirit and battle skill."

Albert blushed and took a deep swallow, "Can you control the urges for long enough for us to reach the capital? If something goes wrong with the casting of Theresa the Blight we are still several days travel from the capital and the home of the Order of the Silver Griffin. It could very easily accelerate your changes even faster with no means to make it to a cure in time."

"I can't hold them back if I continue traveling with you," the admission startled the paladin but she knew it to be true. "I am attracted to you and I fear another night spend alone in your company. It isn't just wanting to turn back into a man again. I am losing the urge to become a warrior of justice. All I want is to become a wife and a mother to children, and that will leave the lands defenseless against many evils."

The squire was unsure of how to respond to the feelings of his master. Albert wanted to tell him everything would be alright and she could be turned back into a man by Theresa, but Albert was worried about the consequences of using this unknown magic worker, but was that really the case or did he just want Lady Gwen to remain female for awhile longer? He had to admit having a woman near him, especially one as attractive as Lady Gwen was very appealing, and the news she felt attracted to him as well just increased his desire to have her remain as she was, but that was a selfish thought. He should try to think of her needs and if this is the right thing.

"Is this really what you want?" Albert asked, "If something goes wrong are you willing to deal with the consequences?"

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