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16. Theresa the Blight

15. Sweet Dreams

14. Guests

13. Room for Two

12. Rusty Axe

11. Walk to the Inn

10. Selling the Goods

9. Go Shopping

8. Nearby Town

7. Seek a cure

6. A robed figure sneaks into the

5. Take your squire with you

4. Sir Garrett Noble Paladin of t

3. jon wishes for a magical world

2. They each sleep on it

1. You Are What You Wish

Morning Ride

on 2015-10-27 02:37:39

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Lady Gwen gently nudged her squire awake and quickly backed up from the squire still very disturbed by the dream. It wasn't something she wanted to discuss with him though she feared she should tell him. Was it simply the feelings of a heterosexual female or was it something more sinister?

"Get up and get dressed quickly we need to go," Lady Gwen said curtly.

"More bandits show up?" Squire Albert yawned.

"No, we just have to get going and get this cured."

"Certainly Mistress, whatever you want," Albert raised a brow in curiosity at the behavior of his mentor. "Did something happen last night I don't know about?"

"No, nothing" Gwen blushed. "I am just ready to be cured. We will check in with Theresa the Blight and see if she can cure the condition or at least tell the origins of it."

"Are you sure you want to use Theresa. The bartender's description of her didn't sound very promising. We should probably wait until we get back to the capital or the order's temple at Yaris."

"There is no reason to wait so long. The bartender told us she was powerful enough to help she just screws up at the more powerful stuff, so if this is just a simple enchantment she may still be able to help besides she will likely be able to point us in the direction of if we need a priest or a wizard would have the easiest time breaking this enchantment that has been placed upon me."

"As you wish but I still say if she looks at all sketchy we should move on to the next town or village."

Lady Gwen nodded slightly to end the conversation. The truth was she was more than willing to take some risk in order to be cured. She cautiously opened the door but found no one laying in wait only a blood trail leading down the stairs.

The bar was empty except for the bartender who gave them a slight nod. Most likely the bandits were off somewhere sleeping off the booze they had been drinking which would mean Lady Gwen and Squire Albert could get a good head start on them before they noticed they were gone. The good news continued as the found their horses in the stables with two dead bandits who had likely tried to steal the paladin's horse and found the intelligent animal less than cooperative with their plans.

Sunlight shone brightly making everything seem better and allowed Lady Gwen to put her worries to the back of her mind and just enjoy the ride to the spellcaster's home. A small wooden sign directed them to Theresa's home. It was a large wooden home connected to a two story greenhouse. A woman with dark brown hair cascading down her back opened the door and walked towards them with a bright smile on her face.

"Is there something I can help you with?" the lovely young woman asked.

"Are you Theresa?" Lady Gwen decided to leave off the nickname of "the blight" she couldn't imagine it was intended as a compliment.

"That's me. Mistress of magic," She cheerfully replied. "Do you need something from my vast skill set?"

"I have been turned into a woman by some unknown magic and I want the effects reversed," Lady Gwen answered. "Or at the very least the origins of the magic and where we can seek further help."

"I will do my best. Come inside and I will see what I can do for you."

They were lead into a room filled with strange containers of various different shapes and sizes. Strange aromas tickled their noses. Lady Gwen was lead into a magic circle which lit up upon her entrance with a gentle blue glow.

"I think I can help you," Theresa smiled. "It appears you have been infected by some nasty magic, but I think I can counter it. Do you want me to give it a go or do you want to seek help elsewhere because I can recommend some people other people if you are more comfortable with that."

"Let us think about it for a little bit," Squire Albert said.

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