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14. Guests

13. Room for Two

12. Rusty Axe

11. Walk to the Inn

10. Selling the Goods

9. Go Shopping

8. Nearby Town

7. Seek a cure

6. A robed figure sneaks into the

5. Take your squire with you

4. Sir Garrett Noble Paladin of t

3. jon wishes for a magical world

2. They each sleep on it

1. You Are What You Wish


on 2015-10-23 16:37:51

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There was a slight scraping sound as the latch was slowly lifted from the door. Both the Lady Gwen and Squire Albert were wide awake from the earlier awkward incident in the room, but they were alert because they had been expecting this intrusion into their room as well. The truth was they welcomed the interruption to the thoughts keeping them from their slumber.

Lady Gwen decided to give the intruders a chance to back off their dark plans, "Who goes there?"

There was a pause as the potential intruders decided if they were still interested in fighting opponents who were awake. Lady Gwen thought it was likely they would continue the assault as they wouldn't calculate an attractive young woman and a young man who was likely not out of his teens would pose much of a threat. The paladin knew she shouldn't hope for an attack but this would be a great chance to test her combat skills against men who wouldn't present much of a challenge especially with her squire here to back her up in the combat.

"We are just looking for a little fun with the blond slut," a deep voice bellowed. "If you don't cause any trouble I promise to pay you for the rental of the girl."

With a small signal the squire stepped aside as the paladin stepped forward with a righteous fury in her eye. She slid the chain shirt on with a practiced ease and stepped towards the door sliding away the equipment blocking the door. Lady Gwen stood ready a few feet from the door, shield and sword in hand.

"I am all ready boys," Lady Gwen called to the men outside the door. "Why don't you come in and show me how you handle your tiny little daggers."

A roar of anger filled the air as the door was kicked open and the men charged towards the paladin. Lady Gwen knew speed was important reminded herself as she stepped forward to meet the enemy making a quick jab into the throat of the first opponent. The bandit fell slowed the approach of his companions allowing the short sword of the paladin to find a home in the chest of a second man.
Lady Gwen took a step back as the intruders paused at the realization they had lost two of their number in less than a minute. She saw at least five men left standing in the narrow hall and doorway. How many more lurked outside the room? It didn't matter because they appeared to have decided to find easier prey elsewhere. They grabbed their dead companions and dragged them out of the room.

Squire Albert walked over to the door and closed it with the end of his blade and smiled at Lady Gwen. Her combat skills hadn't vanished with the transformation to her body and she was more confident in her chance of success and she was ready to meet any challenge the world that would come at her. The squire and the paladin would try to get a little sleep because the bad guys were not likely to return and if they did they would meet the end of a blade.

Morning brought with it the chance to make a decision as what to do next. They could try the local spell casters thought that was likely to be dangerous from the description of them or they could continue on to larger location. Lady Gwen was of the mind to seek out the spell casters because if they were careful they shouldn't pose much of a threat to the two adventurers. Squire Albert thought they should move on to a larger town and safer magic user, because he was of a more cautious mind.

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