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13. Room for Two

12. Rusty Axe

11. Walk to the Inn

10. Selling the Goods

9. Go Shopping

8. Nearby Town

7. Seek a cure

6. A robed figure sneaks into the

5. Take your squire with you

4. Sir Garrett Noble Paladin of t

3. jon wishes for a magical world

2. They each sleep on it

1. You Are What You Wish

Too Close for Comfort

on 2015-10-22 15:26:03

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Lady Gwen was less than delighted with the room that stood before her. There was only one bed and not a large one but only an old cot covered in a single moth eaten blanket. She was tempted to leave the place right now and camp in the woods but the less than reputable looking individuals she had seen down stairs made her think it wouldn't be a good idea. At least this room offered only one entry way for them to come at them from.

"I guess I will take the "bed"", Lady Gwen said. She used her scabbard to remove the blanket from the bed and toss it to the floor. "Keep your blade at the ready."

The door unfortunately didn't have a lock on it only a simple latch which and any thin object could lift with ease, and it wasn't even of very sturdy construction, a strong shoulder could smash it open. Lady Gwen placed her bag and gear against the door and had her squire do you the same. It might slow or caused to stumble any intruders that might try to enter the room that night.

Removing her chain mail shirt and undershirt felt great to Lady Gwen enjoying the weight being off her body. She rubbed her shoulders to help them relax keeping her eyes closed and just enjoy the pleasure of settling down the night for sleeping. She slowly opened her eyes to see Squire Albert staring at her with his face a bright red. She looked down and realized her naked chest was swaying enticingly at her squire. It didn't take long for the young blonde woman to cover herself becoming more than a little flushed at the embarrassing situation.

"I am sorry mistress," the young man stared at the floor. "I should have looked away. I haven't seen naked woman before and that doesn't excuse the behavior. I'm sorry."

"I can understand," Lady Garrett tried to calm him down. "It is my fault as well. I sometimes forget that I am now a woman and I should be more careful in my actions around you. Let us forget what has just transpired and go to bed."

"As you wish mistress," came the reply.

It was obvious that neither of them could forget it as the silence seemed a third guest in an already tightly packed room as the finished up their preparations for bed. Squire Albert pressed tightly to the door as if be as far away from Lady Gwen as he could to try to avoid further humiliation. For her part the Gwen had taken a blanket from her pack and wrapped it tightly around herself. She prayed the young squire didn't realize she had been aroused by her protege. Turning to the wall she placed a couple fingers to vagina lips to try to ease some of the feelings that had been awakened, but it didn't help and if she hadn't pressed her teeth into her lips she was sure a moan of pleasure would have filled the already tense air.

It was going to be a long night for the paladin and her squire as they not only dealt with the possibility of attack but feelings that were becoming harder and harder to deny. Lady Gwen was becoming more certain her body wasn't the only thing that had changed, and she was no longer certain she hated the changes, she may even like them.

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