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12. Rusty Axe

11. Walk to the Inn

10. Selling the Goods

9. Go Shopping

8. Nearby Town

7. Seek a cure

6. A robed figure sneaks into the

5. Take your squire with you

4. Sir Garrett Noble Paladin of t

3. jon wishes for a magical world

2. They each sleep on it

1. You Are What You Wish


on 2015-10-21 17:39:12

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"I am afraid calling it a hotel or event inn is pushing it," Squire Albert said. "Squalid, and drafty home for human refuse is a better description."

"I am sure it isn't that bad," Lady Gwen smiled.

It was then the odor of sweaty unwashed people struck her nose causing her to wince. The Rusty Axe looked as if it had seen better years about three generations ago. The sign was tilted from one of the chains holding it in place having broken leaving it swaying in the wind. The paint was chipped and faded from years of wear and tear.

As hard as it was to imagine the smell was much worse on the inside of the inn. The people stopped their drinking to observe the intruders to the inn. Lady Gwen would have liked to say they were farmers in from a day of work but it was very obvious they were bandits. They wore patchy leather armor and carried many weapons of various shapes and sizes. Nasty looking grins filled their dirty and scarred faces as they took in all of the curves of Lady Gwen.

"Welcome," The bartender spoke in a growl. "What can I do for you?"

"I know what the slut can do for me," one of the bandits said drawing laughter from the crowd.

"Why, you . . . !" Squire Albert started towards the large man, but Lady Gwen put up her hand to prevent his further action.

"We don't want to start a fight we can avoid," Lady Gwen whispered into

Albert's ear. "If words become actions we do something but as yet we don't know these men are criminals even if they look, and smell like them."

Lady Gwen turned to the bartender a half orc with one broken tusk, "We want meals, rooms for the night and possibly some information."

The dark green skinned being shrugged at her request, "I can provide the first to with ease but the third depends on what you want to know and all of them cost money."

Squire Albert slid some coins towards the large being who quickly snatched them up into his large clawed hands eyeing them closely. He waved a small weasel like man into action at getting them food, "You can have the large room at the top of the stairs, the first door on the left. Now, what does the young couple desire to know?"

"We want to know if there are any magic users in the area especially those who specialize in healing or curse breaking," Squire kept his voice low to prevent the other bar patrons from hearing.

The bartender seemed to take no mind of the young man's desire for quiet and loudly replied, "I don't care much for magical healing myself but I think Mad Marvin or Theresa the Blight are about the only magic users in the area with any real power."

"Mad Marvin, Theresa the Blight?" Squire Albert looked inquisitively at the bartender who responded by tapping the bar for more money and with a sigh Albert placed more money on the bar.

A toothy grin formed the half-orc's face, "Marin has a habit of combining humans and animals together, and the magic of Theresa always seemed to go wrong. If you have desires for more information I would be happy to help."

"Thanks," Albert said half heartedly.

Lady Gwen and Squire Albert sat down to eat their meals of hearty stew and a roll of bread. They tried to ignore the leering looks of the other customers of the inn, but found it difficult with more than the occasion lewd comment. It didn't take long for them to decide to head to the room after they finished the meal they found to be surprisingly good to eat.

"You want some company?" one of the crowd called out a parting shot as they headed up the stairs.

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