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7. This Just Gets Better and Bett

6. Three Wishes.

5. Worse, Not Better.

4. Oblivious

3. Giving a Friend a Wish.

2. They each sleep on it

1. You Are What You Wish

John is Powerless against Joseph's Wishes!

on 2005-01-25 18:16:17

5396 hits, 298 views, 1 upvotes.

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The voice from the rock interrupted John's train of thought. The strange voice that sounded like it came from a B-movie Indian Shaman said,"Furthermore, you are forbidden from altering his wishes with the rock's wishes. This is due to the different nature of his wishes, they are now seperate entities from this rock so they will remain unchanged no matter what you wish from this rock."

John sighed and whispered,"Why did the nature of his wishes change?"

"His wish for three wishes from a genie-like figure resulted in the rock granting him three genie-like wishes, wishes that can't be reversed by any magic," replied the voice which then disappeared from John's head.

"This stupid rock! It pretty much makes up all of the details of a wish to it's choosing when you aren't specific," thought John. He looked over at his friend Joseph, a guy that liked to joke around and constantly said what's on his mind without ever stopping to think about it. Getting him to waste his wishes on worthsless material goods or some other innocuous doo-dads wasn't going to be easy. He knew that he had an incredibly tough task ahead of him.

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