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26. Josie wanders around

25. Back in the classroom

24. On the loose

23. Breaking and entering

22. Rescue Mission

21. Uh-oh

20. Plushie 101

19. Josie the little pussy cat gir

18. karen loves kittys

17. Sex Kitten

16. Choice made

15. too slow

14. options

13. Awakening

12. school girls

11. Clothes and more

10. what an Outfit

9. Just lock the door!

8. Jon decides to go home...

7. Tarting things up

Josie wanders around

on 2004-02-25 21:53:26

736 hits, 58 views, 0 upvotes.

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"I wonder where my master is" thought Josie as she crawled through the ventilation ducts. As she
was passing a vent she heard voices and her curiosity won over her wish to find her master.
She silently crawled up to the vent and looked out into the girls locker room where she watched
as the two girls talked. The first angrily said "that Tanya McGregor is so totally artificial.
Just look at how she acts and dresses. Not to mention how she cakes on makeup."
The other girl giggled as she said "your so right. She is so artificial that she would be better
off as a barbie doll." The first girl nodded as she stated "I wish she were."
Josie's eyes glowed before she decided to continue her search for her master and moved off into
the ductwork.

Tanya was hiding in a restroom stall smoking a cigarette when a flash lit up the empty restroom.
Maintenance was called in after school when the janitorial staff tried to clean the stall. They
found it locked from the inside. The strange thing about the incident was the barbie doll that
they found. It was the first doll that they had ever seen to be smoking a tiny plastic cigarette.

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