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25. Back in the classroom

24. On the loose

23. Breaking and entering

22. Rescue Mission

21. Uh-oh

20. Plushie 101

19. Josie the little pussy cat gir

18. karen loves kittys

17. Sex Kitten

16. Choice made

15. too slow

14. options

13. Awakening

12. school girls

11. Clothes and more

10. what an Outfit

9. Just lock the door!

8. Jon decides to go home...

7. Tarting things up

6. Cosmetic changes

Back in the classroom

on 2004-02-24 17:41:27

752 hits, 55 views, 0 upvotes.

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Tracy looked on in confusion as Karen tapped on every locked drawer and cabinet while calling out
"Josie; are you in there?" She finally built up enough nerve to ask "Karen! What are you doing?!"
An embarrassed Karen realized that Tracy thought that they were looking for a stuffed toy and the
way she was acting had to look totally weird. She gave Tracy a sheepish grin as she asked "do you
believe in magic?" Tracy softly replied "I guess so." She then giggled as she added "I would just
love to have a magic wand or a genie of my own. Then a couple girls we know would get theirs."
Karen winced at the feral grin on her friend's face as she said "Well; my plushie is also my.."
Karen feverishly thought of a believable story and finally blurted out "My familiar. I am able
to transform her between my pet and a plush toy and I had just returned her to being my pet."
Tracy giggled as she said "so you're telling me that you are a witch?"
Karen frowned as she snapped "what's so funny about me being a witch?!" Tracy grinned as she said
"you don't really look the type to me. That's all." Karen angrily huffed "well; I am, and I can
control some real powerful magic when I have my familiar with me." Tracy quickly said "show me!
Turn me into a doll or something." Karen snapped "How about a frog?!" Tracy shrugged as she said
"I'd rather not be a frog."
Karen sighed as she said "I wish I could show you but I need my familiar to do any magic. I guess
it's ok if you don't believe me but I am able to do magic with my familiar. If you want to still
be a doll or even a mannequin in the Victoria's secret at the mall when I get my little Josie back
I'll help you out, but until then please accept that my little Josie is no longer a plushie and
she can and will answer now." Tracy giggled as she imagined herself as a mannequin in the mall and
asked "Can you also make me a ten when you turn me into a mannequin at Victoria's secret? I'm too
plain to make a good lingerie mannequin." Karen giggled as she replied "I can make you perfect if
you want. After all; I did increase my own size as well as change my hair color." Tracy gasped "I
thought it was padding and a dye job!" Karen rapped on another cabinet as she replied "nope.
Everything is real." As they talked about the possibilities of magic, they searched the classroom
and didn't find any sign Josie. Karen sadly stated "She's not in this room."
Tracy quickly asked "are you sure that your familiar isn't still a plushie?" Karen softly answered
"the instant I wanted her to be my pet again she should have changed back. She had to have been
taken somewhere." Tracy saw how down her friend was and gave Karen a hug while saying "why don't
we try by the lockers?." A few minutes later the room was empty.

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