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24. Quickly! Turn around!

23. Exposition

22. Sarah?

21. Where's My Agent?!

20. In deeper trouble.

19. Two thumbs down

18. Disguised Once More

17. I wish that if this was like a

16. Boys really don't cry.

15. It can't be done

14. Alone

13. Suction

12. The Joy of Cola


10. Further problems....

9. Boys Don't Cry....

8. Jon decides to go home...

7. Tarting things up

6. Cosmetic changes

5. An opportunity to experiment?

We must get the rock!

on 2004-05-11 06:29:27

805 hits, 42 views, 0 upvotes.

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"Oh my GAWD! Sarah! Karyn! We've got to turn around! I've left the rock back in the trailer!"

There was a sudden break of total silence, and all three women felt their pulses race as the car made a 180 degree turn and skidded, tires squealing as they raced to return to the trailer before the set crew and Propmaster collected any unattended articles.

Meanwhile, back at the rapidly emptying set, the elderly Studio Propmaster began his slow but steady collections all around the various trailers and tents surrounding the filming location. As he meticulously made his way into Jon's/Melissa's trailer, his roaming eyes did not miss a thing...

...except for the two groupies sneaking in through the driver's side door of the trailer. One male, one female. Both of them daring junior high-schoolers from the local district who happened to be avid fans of the actress Melissa Lee. The chance to be so close to their idol and object of worship was too much for them to pass up. So they had snuck into the set and were trying to make away with some momento of their beloved Melissa. The boy, Micheal, was in the midst of a puppy-love crush on the beautiful starlet, fantasizing nightly of being Melissa's new beau. The girl, Jean, wanted to be just like Melissa and copied her every style, article of clothing, and mannerism. Each of the two wanted to be the first one to snag a trophy, and their eyes searched the trailer greedily.

So as the erstwhile Jon/Melissa, Sarah, and Karyn race to return to the trailer, three new and very unlikely compeitiors for the stone are approaching that same moment...

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