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7. Tarting things up

6. Cosmetic changes

5. An opportunity to experiment?

4. Out to town

3. A new way to control the rock

2. They each sleep on it

1. You Are What You Wish

Tarting things up

on 2001-06-25 15:47:14

7549 hits, 393 views, 2 upvotes.

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She wheeled on him, evidently cross at being stared at. The girl got up from her chair, and marched angrily over to where Jon sat.

"And what are you staring at?" She demanded, glaring venomously at him. Jon went through a moment of confusion, then irritation "“ after all, he had only been looking at her. "Haven't you seen girls having breakfast before?" she continued. Jon closed his eyes to concentrate for a moment.
"Will you look at me when I'm talking to you?" demanded the oriental.

Jon's irritation flared into action. "I wish," he began, "that until you next left this building, you and your two friends would become a trio of cheap whores, just back from a night's work, and checking me out as a potential customer." The oriental just had time to look surprised, before her clothing and whole demeanour changed. Sheer tights were added to her already-shortened skirt, and carefully applied makeup appeared. Over her shoulder, Jon could see her two friends similarly transformed in appearance and posture "“ more worldweary and uncaring about their surroundings. "Like what you see?" the taller girl asked. "I don't mind showing you more, if you're looking for company "

Despite himself, Jon flushed red. "Ummm, no, thanks, I'm not really, well, " The oriental looked at him appraisingly. "Whatever." She muttered, and returned to her colleagues. Now totally flustered, Jon quickly wished that the trio would leave as quickly as possible. Immediately the three women rose and walked out; their original appearance restoring itself as soon as they went through the door. Jon just managed to will the remaining changes back before they moved out of sight.

That's frightening, he thought as his actions sunk in. I completely changed their identities with a few words.

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