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33. Zoe Punished

32. Consulting Karyn

31. Busted

30. In the Morning

29. One Last Test

28. Piecing it Together

27. Preparing the Ritual

26. Finding the Source

25. Athena's Affected

24. Athena Checks It Out

23. It's Magic?

22. Zoe Takes It

21. Zoe Drops In

20. Jon Stays Up

19. Returning Home

18. Learning to Share

17. It's a Tie

16. DDR

15. Karyn's Game

14. The next day

Zoe Punished

on 2011-06-22 04:33:32

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Karyn looked angry. She cocked an eyebrow and studied Zoe.

Zoe for her part was still offended that Karyn was treating her like such a kid. A look of defiance was set on her face.

"I know a way to make sure you won't tell, Zoe."

"Oh, and what's that?" Zoe couldn't help but push her.

Karyn reached in Jon's pants and pulled off his penis. He nearly burst out of his clothes transforming into his female self. Karyn ratcheted the size to a foot long and lunged to the bed, pulling down Zoe's pants and planting the dick firmly on her crotch.

Zoe wasn't sure what to make of this. Looking down the penis stood tall and proud, almost impossible to avoid when looking at her.

"I figure a few days stuck that way ought to fix you up," Karyn said, brushing her hair back with her hand. "School might be trouble, but you'll figure something out."

Zoe looked at her in disbelief. "Wait, what?"

"Yeah Karyn, what are you doing?" Jon added in his now feminine voice. He was at first oddly disinterested given the regularity with which he'd been transforming for the past few days, but the 'days' part caught him.

"If we want her to relate to you having to hide a tough secret, we'll have her know how it feels to have to hide something."

"But..." Zoe said, suddenly starting to worry a bit. "But what about him?"

"I'll fix him up just fine. I have my ways." Karyn was trying to sound ominous, but wasn't sure where to take it from here.

"You're... a witch, aren't you?" Zoe replied.

Karyn tried to betray her surprise and amusement. "Yeah Zoe. So if you know what's good for you, you'll take your lumps gracefully."

Zoe nodded and started to pack her penis into her pants. It had started to soften a bit, but it was still an ordeal. "Ok Karyn. Let's just keep calm... I'll serve out this sentence and we'll all be cool."

She slowly got up and walked towards the door, looking nervously back toward Karyn. She left and closed the door behind her.

Jon looked at Karyn, who now couldn't repress a laugh. "What the fuck was that all about?"

"Oh, c'mon Jon-girl. She's in that snooty teen phase and I couldn't help myself. I wanted to mess with her head. That witch thing was all her, though."

"So what are you gonna do about me? I don't exactly want to go to school like this either."

"Oh, don't sweat it." She stepped in front of Jon, who now was a few inches shorter than her. "Tell me, do you like this body, at least?" She put a hand on his shoulder and drew slight circles on his flesh with a playfully extended finger.

"...well, I do, actually. It's pretty different from normal me, and I have to admit that..." he paused, embarrassed. "It's nice being hot for once."

Karyn smiled. "Don't sell yourself short Jon-girl. You aren't bad looking as a dude. Little lanky, but still." She stepped in to hug him. "Though you are quite the sight this way." She leaned in and kissed him deeply. "What say we figure out what to do with you over here?" she purred, pulling him over to the bed and pushing him backwards onto his back, following him with a look of lust in her eyes. Jon was ok with that.

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