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32. Consulting Karyn

31. Busted

30. In the Morning

29. One Last Test

28. Piecing it Together

27. Preparing the Ritual

26. Finding the Source

25. Athena's Affected

24. Athena Checks It Out

23. It's Magic?

22. Zoe Takes It

21. Zoe Drops In

20. Jon Stays Up

19. Returning Home

18. Learning to Share

17. It's a Tie

16. DDR

15. Karyn's Game

14. The next day

13. Not actually getting to bed

Consulting Karyn

on 2011-06-20 01:42:39

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Jon stared up from his bed, covers stopping just short of his magnificent new breasts. Zoe stood slightly leaned towards the dresser, large dildo in hand, attempting to reach the dresser. Both stared for what seemed like a very long time.

"Zoe... why do you have my penis?" Jon started.

Zoe looked dumbstruck. Looking intently at the face, she started to understand. It looked like the girl in the bed could have been her older sister, if she had one. "...Jon?"

Jon looked down and realized exactly what he was showing Zoe. "...shit," he muttered under his breath. "Yeah, Zo. It's me."

He got up from under the covers and walked over to Zoe. He held out his hand expectantly, and Zoe gave him the dildo without question. He attached it quickly and returned to his male form. Zoe fainted.

When Zoe awoke, Jon and his friend Karyn were sitting in the room with her. Jon was dressed, thank god. Jon looked over. "Hey Karyn, she's coming to."

"Hey Zoe. So... you've found out about your brother's secret, huh?"

"Uh, if that's what you're calling it. What the fuck, Jon?"

Jon looked a little sheepish, but began to tell her about it, as if rehearsed. "Karyn and I just found out that I have a unique ability- my penis is removable. We're not sure why that is, but it can come off and reattach to other people. When it's not on me I become female, which is what you saw before."

Zoe was still a little shellshocked from the announcement, but it still didn't quite sound right. She just wasn't sure how.

"Zoe, I'm sure you know that this has to stay secret. You can't let your mom know about your brother's... problem."

"Karyn, don't talk to me like I'm a kid, alright? I know this is completely jacked."

"Zoe you have to promise us you'll keep this a secret," Karyn insisted.

"God, lose the attitude Karyn, I KNOW, alright?"

Jon started to get a bit nervous. "Uh, just cool it, ok guys?"

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