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31. Busted

30. In the Morning

29. One Last Test

28. Piecing it Together

27. Preparing the Ritual

26. Finding the Source

25. Athena's Affected

24. Athena Checks It Out

23. It's Magic?

22. Zoe Takes It

21. Zoe Drops In

20. Jon Stays Up

19. Returning Home

18. Learning to Share

17. It's a Tie

16. DDR

15. Karyn's Game

14. The next day

13. Not actually getting to bed

12. Getting to bed


on 2011-06-17 05:18:00

1321 hits, 86 views, 2 upvotes.

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Zoe was able to slink in through her window without being heard easily enough. It was around 6:30 when her feet set down lightly on her bedroom floor. Her father had already gone to work, and her mother and brother wouldn't wake for another half hour or so.

She caught a glimpse of herself in a mirror- she looked a mess with wrinkled clothes, smeared makeup and a serious case of bed head. Good a time as any to get cleaned up, she figured.

She went straight to the bathroom. While the shower ran and warm water slowly coursed it's way up to the second floor, she stripped off her clothes. Already she had started to feel better about things; reflecting back on getting close to Athena she couldn't help but feel a little happy. Walking back gave her plenty of time to go from embarrassed and scared to nervous; to doubtful; to cautious; to blushing meekly; till finally now she felt good about it. She allowed herself to smile in the bathroom mirror slyly. She began to blush furiously and smile wider.

Earlier angst dissipating, she pulled her shirt up over her head and tossed it aside, her pert breasts bouncing slightly as she did so. She thought about how she'd have to retrieve her bra from Athena's later. In she hopped and scrubbed away.

After finishing up getting clean, she remembered the dick in her pocket. Sure enough, she could see it's tiny outline in her jeans on the floor. She leaned out of the shower to retrieve it. Quickly she attached it.

It jutted out of her crotch like an overlarge clit, given that she had made it travel sized earlier. She gently brushed it up and down. Quickly growing dissatisfied, she popped it off and decided to see how it would look at another extreme. Ratcheting the length to 2 feet, she popped it back on. It looked ridiculous, even more so in the vague outline cast in the bathroom mirror on the other side of the stall. It stood up, scraping the bottoms of her breasts.

She pushed it out straight and from where she was standing almost touched the wall without moving. Letting it go, it slapped her in her fit stomach. She pulled it off again, changed it down to about 10 inches long, and began to masturbate under the warm shower water.

Jon began to stir in his sleep. He opened his eyes slightly and saw that it was morning already. The clock claimed 6:45. A little early, but he figured he should get ready. He began to notice, however, that he could feel girlish hands on his penis, wherever it was. It felt great, but he was struck with panic. He sat up and launched off the bed, breasts bouncing furiously. Vaulting over to the dresser, he saw that his penis was missing.

He squatted and thought. "This is bad. I can't leave the room... What time is it? Mom might still be asleep, but it sounds like Zoe's in the shower. God, I hope this is a prank Karyn's playing on me..." He decided to get back under the covers and think- his current body seemed to be more vulnerable to cold, and his nipples would not let him forget it.

"Ok," he reviewed, sliding back in bed, "Karyn probably has my junk. She DOES have a spare key, and lately she's been on a bit of a sadistic streak. What do I do about it?" He began absent-mindedly massaging his breasts under the covers. "Man these things are awesome."

He decided to let the feeling from his penis wash away the apprehension. He had decided it was a prank- may as well enjoy it.

Zoe finished abruptly, thinking of Athena's writhing form from this morning. She sprayed the shower wall with a massive amount of sperm. Lifting the shower head she washed it all off, rinsed herself, and stepped out to dry off and get dressed. She saw herself again in the mirror, and liked the look of the penis bulging out of her.

Alas, she should probably put it back in her brother's room. She felt like her and Athena would be ok without it. She put on her clothes and tip-toed quietly through his door.

As she made to put it down on the dresser where she found it, she noticed stirring in the bed. Zoe just stared at a gorgeous woman laying where her brother should have been, and Jon just stared at his sister, holding his penis though increased greatly in size.

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