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30. In the Morning

29. One Last Test

28. Piecing it Together

27. Preparing the Ritual

26. Finding the Source

25. Athena's Affected

24. Athena Checks It Out

23. It's Magic?

22. Zoe Takes It

21. Zoe Drops In

20. Jon Stays Up

19. Returning Home

18. Learning to Share

17. It's a Tie

16. DDR

15. Karyn's Game

14. The next day

13. Not actually getting to bed

12. Getting to bed

11. Karyn has some fun

In the Morning

on 2010-10-15 04:10:33

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Zoe, laying peacefully on Athena's bed began to stir as a column of light reached her face from the window. Slowly her eyes opened- she was lying on her side, both arms curled to hold Athena's hand. Athena, for her part was lying on her back, her massive D cups rolling lazily off either side of her chest.

Zoe suddenly felt a panic- she and Athena had sex last night, and it was the happiest moment of her life. Wha- How... Any number of questions surfaced, but she decided to focus on the one she most worried about. Was what she felt last night real? Or did she merely fall under the sway of her brother's magic sex toy?

She perched herself on an elbow, getting a better view of Athena. She was beautiful, to be sure. But Zoe still wasn't feeling anything akin to arousal. She began to panic a little. She desperately wanted to hold onto that feeling she had. She moved closer to Athena and laid on top of her, her head gently resting between her friend's breasts. The warmth felt good, but sitting still didn't flow with her current state of mind. She lifted her head and started kissing a breast. She hovered above a nipple, licking very tenderly before more heartily kissing and sucking. She worked her way downward, to Athena's hips. She still wasn't sure. This was nice, but it wasn't anything like last night. So what did that make her? Kinda sorta bi? She was angry with herself.

She kissed her way back to the nipple, grabbing the other between two fingers and gently massaging. Athena began to stir. "Mmm... don't stop. That's amazing."

Zoe's heart jumped hearing that Athena was still enjoying this. She started putting more work into it. Athena lifted her head and saw her nubile friend licking and massaging her. She let her head fall back to the bead. "Best. Wake Up Call. Ever...." At this, Zoe decided to push it. Slowly her hand moved from the breast it was massaging and slowly migrated downwards, tracing a line between breasts, around the belly button, till finally it closed in on her crotch.

She gently rubbed Athena's pubic hair. "Mmm, It's about to get better," she said, partly for turning Athena on, partly hoping it would her too.

Zoe began massaging Athena's clit while at the same time kissing her way from her breast, up the neck, to Athena's lustily parted lips. They eagerly kissed. It wasn't long before Athena began to moan louder and spasmed, holding Zoe close.

"MMmmmMmmm... That was amazing..." she said, laying there a while with Zoe in her arms. "I think it's time to return the favor..." she said, moving Zoe a bit to take in her body.

"Uhhh, it's ok Athena. I'm good right now- I need to get home before anyone realizes, anyway." she said, slightly tearing up. She dressed quickly while Athena lay on her bed not sure what to make of things.

"I love you Zoe. I can't wait to see you at school in a bit." she said, attempting to gauge a response.

"Yeah, last night was fantastic... Later, love." was what she found herself saying. She didn't quite know what she felt at the moment. She grabbed the dildo, shrank it down to fit in her pocket and climbed out Athena's window, the same way she came in.

Athena wasn't sure what to make of it, but she had felt Zoe's "excitement" with leg as Zoe played with her a minute ago. She was glad at least that both of them still had the hots for one another.

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