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29. One Last Test

28. Piecing it Together

27. Preparing the Ritual

26. Finding the Source

25. Athena's Affected

24. Athena Checks It Out

23. It's Magic?

22. Zoe Takes It

21. Zoe Drops In

20. Jon Stays Up

19. Returning Home

18. Learning to Share

17. It's a Tie

16. DDR

15. Karyn's Game

14. The next day

13. Not actually getting to bed

12. Getting to bed

11. Karyn has some fun

10. End of a busy day

One Last Test

on 2010-10-12 08:11:31

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Zoe looked a bit incredulous at this. "You mean the jerk I caught playing around with this thing earlier is some magical mastermind? I might be freaked out if he knew how to lock a door."

"It could mean a lot of things. And I suppose there may be ways for something to be transmuted that would leave minimal effects on the object itself... Or it could simply be something that alters reality..."

"I've got a question," Zoe started, trying to get Athena's attention. "If this thing alters reality, could that mean that the malice test was wrong too?"

"Hmm... No, I don't think so. It depends on a lot of things, but I'm supposing that altering reality is the simplest."

"Can we tell how long any effects might last?"

"Let's find out."

Again she prepared and executed an arcane test, this time with the rune ending up a throbbing golden color.

"According to this it's up to the user."

"Well, in that case." Zoe pulled Athena in and kissed deeply. She couldn't figure out if this was something that the penis was doing, or if it started it or what, but she did know that it felt good.

Zoe reached out and picked up the penis, causing the rune to stop glowing and seep into the floor and out of sight. She pushed some buttons to shrink it down to a more manageable size.

Athena was ready to go- since the kiss she had pulled the tank top up over her head, letting her beautiful breasts spring free. "Thanks for that- I wouldn't want to pop my cherry on that massive thing."

Zoe then tugged at Athena's waistband and attached it to her. Athena was surprised to see that she would be getting first crack at it, but didn't argue. She looked up to see Zoe removing her shirt, leaving her in just her tiny panties. Zoe's breasts weren't on the same scale as Athena's, but they were pert and perfectly shaped. Athena couldn't believe her eyes- She couldn't imagine anyone looking as good as Zoe did right then.

Athena stood and lead Zoe to the bed. After stopping short to embrace and kiss, Zoe pulled back and pushed Athena to the bed. She moved her hands down her body, caressing every smooth contour, bringing them to rest at the waistband of her panties. She stretched, and shifted, and slowly began to lower them, being sure to give Athena an ample view of her wonderfully massive (on her tiny frame) butt. Athena kicked of her sweat pants and beckoned. Zoe slowly mounted the bed, one achingly slow crawl at a time, kissing Athena's legs, stomach, breasts and finally face as she came to meet her. At long last, they locked together, writhing in pleasure.

Jon was dreaming about being a woman at school, but everyone is ok with it. They all know it's him, but he's popular thanks to being so pretty. Despite that, he remains humble and kind.

In the middle of a lesson he begins to feel intense pleasure. He looks down beneath his desk and sees Karyn between his legs, giving him a blow job. She's enjoying it profusely as well.

Karyn just happened to be awake just after going to the bathroom and getting some water. Just after climbing back in bed she feels Jon going at it again. She resolves to yell at him tomorrow for keeping her up, but for now she decides to enjoy the ride, reaching once more into her pajama pants.

After Athena finishes Zoe takes the penis and they do it all over again. It's not particularly pleasant for either of them on the receiving end, but they both got a turn with the dick.

"Ath, I'm basking right now. I can't believe how happy I am."

"I love you, Zoe. I can't help but feel how right this is. We've been friends since like, what? The 2nd grade? And now that same sassy bitch I've loved as a friend all this time is a fucking bombshell."

"You said it. Who knew I loved tits (i.e. yours) so much? I don't care if this is because of the dick. It just feels like you're who I've wanted all this time."

At this Athena got quiet. She looked deep into Zoe's eyes. "I worry about that. What if we are just getting yanked around by a magic artifact? I mean, I never thought of you, or any girls, like this until tonight. What if I just switch back?" She was getting genuinely distressed now. "I'm so happy like this, but what if that's a lie too?"

Zoe thought on this while holding Athena's head firmly in the crook of her shoulder. "I trust that this is real." Athena wasn't convinced, but looked pleadingly into Zoe's eyes. "I'm serious. And if we wake up tomorrow and everything's different, all we can do is remember how happy we are right now." She went silent for a moment. "I love you, Athena. And I trust that that's real."

Athena buckled at hearing Zoe say this. She was reassured, if not convinced. But fuck it. She's happy.

Zoe plucked the penis off and tossed it on top of her pants on the floor. The girls intertwined and drifted into a peaceful, content sleep.

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