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21. Zoe Drops In

20. Jon Stays Up

19. Returning Home

18. Learning to Share

17. It's a Tie

16. DDR

15. Karyn's Game

14. The next day

13. Not actually getting to bed

12. Getting to bed

11. Karyn has some fun

10. End of a busy day

9. Sausage Wars

8. Big Things come up

7. Jon can reach

6. Things are looking up for Jon

5. Jon is distracted in the showe

4. Safety Factor ??

3. The next morning...

2. They each sleep on it

Zoe Drops In

on 2010-08-12 02:57:55

1769 hits, 115 views, 1 upvotes.

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Zoe stirred in her bed. She had wanted to get her CD back from Jon earlier, but that had gone... not so well. She thought about it. Maybe she could get it back now that he's asleep- she really wanted to fall asleep to it, and Jon wouldn't care so long as she was careful not to barge in on him again.

She tip-toed across the hall and put her ear up against the door. She couldn't hear anyone moving, so she figured it was safe to enter. She opened the door gently so it wouldn't make any noise. She crept over to the dresser, and picked up her CD. "That was easy," she thought to herself.

But she noticed something else sitting on the dresser in the moonlight shining through the window. It was a penis! Rather, it was her brother's penis, now seemingly disembodied. She was shocked that he had a dildo!

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