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20. Jon Stays Up

19. Returning Home

18. Learning to Share

17. It's a Tie

16. DDR

15. Karyn's Game

14. The next day

13. Not actually getting to bed

12. Getting to bed

11. Karyn has some fun

10. End of a busy day

9. Sausage Wars

8. Big Things come up

7. Jon can reach

6. Things are looking up for Jon

5. Jon is distracted in the showe

4. Safety Factor ??

3. The next morning...

2. They each sleep on it

1. You Are What You Wish

Jon Stays Up

on 2010-08-12 01:02:52

2477 hits, 160 views, 3 upvotes.

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Jon took Karyn back to her house and kissed her good bye. From there it was a quick walk back to his place.

His mom was surprised. "Jon? Where were you last night? I got a call from the school saying you were absent today!"

Jon was quick in answering: "Oh, just stayed over at my buddy Ken's. And... well you caught me. We went to a theme park and messed around today." Karyn probably would have ok'ed any wishes to make his mom ok with his having been gone, but he was already feeling guilty about the last time he altered his mom.

"You're grounded for the rest of the week, mister. Now go to your room- I'll call when dinner's ready."

Jon trundled up the stairs and closed the door behind him once getting in his room. He wasn't sure why his mom was so convinced that keeping him in his room was so bad, but whatever. He pulled out some comics and began to read.

He came across a page where a scantily clad heroine was flying suggestively through the air- Jon's thoughts jumped to memories of his own impressive female form. He unzipped his fly and pulled out his enhanced member, slowly moving his hand around it and learning it's new shape. He began to stroke it.

Karyn had a similar experience with her parents, but her father had just gotten home to lecture her. She could feel what Jon was up to, and began blushing furiously. "Oh... Oh no..." she gasped. She tried to screw up her face and look sad, an act helped by her reddened face.

"Oh," her father began, "I can't stay mad at you. I know you were out having fun. Just remember that responsibility trumps fun sweetie. Now give me a hug."

"Ugh..." Karyn sighed, which her father took as a sign of relief on her part. She was not happy with Jon right now. Well, thinking on it, not happy with Jon's timing anyway. She gave her dad a terse hug and excused herself to bed.

Jon continued to stroke until there was a short knock on his door, followed by it being pushed open. It was Zoe, and she had only given him enough time to stop stroking but not put it away. Her eyes grew wide as she saw what he was doing.

"Oh, gross!" she shouted, and slammed the door shut.

Jon now took the opportunity to pull up his pants and put up the comics. He put a textbook on the bed in case he needed some (admittedly bad) evidence to refute claims Zoe may make to their mom. But Zoe hadn't ratted him out, which was surprisingly decent of her.

Zoe stood in the hall for a minute, surprised. "Are they all that big? Ouch..." She went back to her room and tried to forget it.

Karyn was disappointed, needless to say. She was almost there when Jon stopped. She dropped her panties and finished manually.

Jon decided to go take a shower. He got all his things, and headed to the bathroom. Feeling adventurous (and making sure the door was locked), he pulled off his dick and transformed to his gorgeous female self. He set the penis on the counter top and stepped in the shower.

He was having trouble thinking he was so turned on by his now wet body. Staring in the mirror was all he could do as he fondled himself. He washed up, taking slow, special care to reach everywhere. Eventually, he couldn't take it anymore. He reached over to the counter and grabbed the dick. Instead of attaching it, he shrank it down slightly (to a more reasonable size than Karyn would have allowed in the cabin) and started to push it into himself.

He gasped as it easily slid inside, and started to work it in and out. He could feel IT as well, and came quickly. He continued to work it in and out, and could feel another orgasm rising in himself.

Karyn had just finished her shower and was now lying in bed. She started to feel the dick again- this time penetrating something!

"Dammit Jon-whatever, I'm trying to get some sleep!"

Figuring that she should enjoy it at least, she reached inside her pajama pants and began to fondle herself.

Jon was collapsed inside the tub, shower still spraying on him. He was exhausted and ready to sleep. He turned off the water, dried off and got dressed. It was late, so he knew everyone would already be sleeping- he just grabbed everything and walked to his room in female form. He put the dick on his dresser and laid down in bed, interested to try sleeping as a woman (on purpose this time). He let out a big yawn and closed his eyes, drifting into a peaceful sleep.

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