"I wish that... Wait a minute. We don't need to do it."
"What, Karyn?"
"I had this idea of wishing that everyone just not notice any discrepancies. But we don't need to do it. Don't you get it? The stone changes reality. It doesn't leave things in an inconsistent state. If you wish to become a girl, everything else changes, like your clothes... And if you wish to become pregnant, things change too."
"I still don't get it, Karyn."
"It's not just your clothes, it's everything. If you have a baby and you wish to become pregnant, then your already existing baby becomes old enough that reality makes sense." He glanced at the baby. "Around two years old, I think. There's no timing problem. We just need to pay cash at the mall."
"The credit card computers won't know us."
"And if we run into someone we know?"
"I told you, Jon, or whatever your name changed to... nobody will recognize us. Maybe I should make a wish so that we will run into someone who knows the old us."
"Careful, Karyn," said the pregnant Jon. "We still need to agree on wishes. And what do we do after we're done? I can't go home as a girl with a child and another coming up."
"I'll think of something. Wait here...." Karyn walked into the cabin, leaving his pregnant girlfriend in the car, and came out with the stone. "There we go. I wish we're in the mall parking lot, in the car, with a stroller for your child."
"Agreed." Their surroundings blurred and their car was now parked in the mall, in an expectant mothers' space.